The Next Inquisition

National strategy documents are similar to Executive Orders (EO) in that they are not (supposed to be) royal decrees.  Theoretically, they do not create new laws, regulations or give new authorities to government agencies.  Executive Orders were originally designed for presidents to give orders to various limbs of the executive branch.  For instance, telling the FBI to focus on illegal gambling.  A national strategy document would lay out how that EO was to be done.  Neither were meant to make illegal gambling legal or so the executive could effectively nullify a law by telling law enforcement to ignore it.  

The White House recently released a National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism.  In a country run by sane people, it would be totally reasonable to assume this strategy document would give broad guidance to law enforcement agencies on coordinating and maybe some kind of information sharing initiative to make sure a bad guy on one agency’s radar is on every agency’s radar.  Of course, we do not live in a country run by sane people.

The introduction of this national strategy consists mainly of a ham fisted narrative that seems designed to scare the reader into thinking White domestic terrorists are around every corner and have been on a campaign of daily acts of violence for years.  Muslims are specifically listed as a targeted group by these domestic violent extremists, but no acts of mass murder committed by Muslims is mentioned in the examples.  Reconstruction is brought up in victorious, prideful tones, which should be of immense concern to anyone who knows what actually happened during the First Reconstruction.  The reader is also supposed to infer White supremacy is the cause of the recent spike in anti-Asian violence.  The fact that the vast perpetrators have been black is to be ignored.    

The reader is reminded that terrorism is violence or the threat of violence used in an attempt to force political change.  Mysteriously absent from the list of examples was the slew of “mostly peaceful” protests, harassment and intimidation of random restaurant patrons, and public threats made against cities and suburbs alike unless demands were met.  Of course, Charlottesville was mentioned, as was the death of the “peaceful protester” that was part of a mob of people peacefully beating a man’s car with sticks and cinder blocks while he was trying to escape their peacefully murderous intentions. The fact that it was counter-protestors who instigated violence with the acquiesce of local law enforcement seems to have escaped whatever staffer actually wrote it.

The reader is assured that civil liberties are of the highest concern and that this document was designed to protect the rights of all Americans.  The curious mind might then inquire why there are protestors from the January 6th event in “pre-trial confinement” with no charges filed against them and why they’re being held if they pose no immediate threat to the public.  One might be lead to wonder if the civil liberties valued are only for those that decided America was no longer a republic.

The actual strategy itself is divided into four pillars, each with subsections.  In order to spare the reader from the eye bleeding pain of reading a government produced document, we will not go into the proverbial weeds regarding each one.  A brief overview of each pillar and their implications for normal, God fearing Christians who dare not clap hard enough should be sufficient.  The reader is, of course, welcome to read the document on their own and draw their own conclusions.

The first pillar is “Understand and Share Domestic Terrorism-Related Information.” This one can be boiled down to two important efforts – getting information to state and local law enforcement, and working with foreign governments to create linkages to foreign groups.  The first one sounds obvious, the second sounds odd but is actually the more important of the two.  The Patriot Act gives the government the ability to freeze assets that belong to foreign terror organizations, as well as, assets that are linked to foreign terror organizations.  This means they can freeze a person’s bank account if they “suspect” foreign terror money has gone into it.  This also opens these domestic violent extremists to FISA warrant surveillance and other violations of the civil liberties the Biden Administration holds so dear.

The second is “Prevent Domestic Terrorism Recruitment and Mobilization to Violence.”  This is a big one that covers a lot of territory.  It hints at everything from internet censorship by ensuring “recruitment materials” are not widely available online to “reducing access to assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.”  This is all while safeguarding civil rights, of course. There is no mention of who’s civil rights, but it would be reasonable to assume it won’t be anyone potentially designated a domestic terrorist.  The regime’s penchant for conducting witch hunts of military members who voted incorrectly, the treatment of political protestors with the wrong opinions, the verifiably false yet constant dogma of “White supremacist terrorism” and the flying of anti-White terror group flags on U.S. embassies would lead one to suspect that these efforts will all have a particular political bent to them.

There is some pabulum about public-health focused violence prevention, which has had no measurable affect anywhere it’s been tried.  The promise of money and training for “those well placed to recognize and address possible domestic terrorism recruitment” is an obvious bribery and graft scheme for the friends and families of those who hold the purse strings.  Examples of “violence prevention” programs of one stripe or another being completely ineffective and/or a scheme to steal from the tax payers are easy to find, numerous, and so formulaic that anyone who ever supports such ideas should be immediately investigated for corruption.

The third pillar is “Disrupt and Deter Domestic Terrorism Activity.”  This pillar discusses providing additional funding and “flexibility” for the FBI.  Given the FBI’s long, sordid history of conduct regarding politically charged investigations, one can safely assume this will result in more extensive extortion and entrapment operations.  There is also mention of providing additional funds to local and state agencies, which the cynical reader might interpret as bribe money for these agencies to help the DOJ, FBI and DHS identify badthinkers, conduct red flag raids, and assist in other activities that in a sane country would be illegal.

No strategy document would be complete without the brief mention of new authorities and legislation.  Americans can rest easy in knowing these considerations will be carefully studied and fact driven, just like the entire COVID response and everything this regime has done regarding the mostly fictional threat of White supremacist terrorism.  Additionally, the “improvement” of watchlist systems is a top priority. It would be reasonable, in light of Lauren Witzke’s placement on the no-fly list, that political dissidents are considered a danger to others.  

This “improvement” extends to prospective and current federal employees, as well as, uniformed military personnel, expanding the definition of prohibited activities.  Anyone who does not think this lays the groundwork for purging people who dare not clap hard enough is naïve in the extreme.  While some may see this as a good thing, those with the misfortune of getting caught holding the wrong opinion will not simply be dismissed, they will be punished to the maximum extent possible on their way out.

The fourth and final pillar is “Confront Long-Term Contributors To Domestic Terrorism.”  It begins with reminding the reader once again that domestic terrorism can come from a wide range of violent ideologies, but White supremacy is far and away the most dangerous and is responsible for a “substantial portion” of today’s domestic terror.  This laughably false nonsense is the foundation of the real goal – “tackling racism in America.”  

After some apologetic babbling about how racist America is, the document notes that the government must not only root out racism, but it must also advance equity for under-served communities.  Based on the rest of the document and the prevailing attitudes of the ruling class, one can guess this does not mean rural Ohio, Appalachia, or anywhere else the United Negro College Fund struggles to find applicants.  The strategy document then ironically crows about how millions of dollars have already been distributed to Americans in need, while at the same time engaging in the finger wagging smuggery of reminding everyone that law enforcement at every level must operate without any kind of bias at all.  The fact that White male farmers were explicitly denied aid in one of these recent relief packages seems to have escaped the notice of the people who care so very much about equity and equality.

Finally, the strategy document ends with a “way ahead.”  Like the introduction, it begins with some dishonest referencing of “massacres,” a list of groups who have for decades been given every advantage at the cost of any hope a White male ever had of getting a fair chance, and some other weepy and meaningless claptrap.  The punchline at the very end is worth quoting in its entirety due to the self unaware hilarity of it coming at the end of a document that is the foundation of the next great Inquisition.

“Together, we will reaffirm our country’s core commitment to the peaceful expression and exchange of ideas, to equal justice under the rule of law, and to equality for all.”

Once the laughing at the hypocrisy and irony had finished, this quickly becomes a rather dark look at America’s future.  Hunting down actual domestic terrorists is a good thing.  Nobody wants daycares blown up or mass shootings to happen for any reason.  The problem is that this strategy lays out the groundwork to label Americans, who may not ever have violent designs or support illegal activity of any kind, as pre-criminals who’s rights then become privileges that can be taken away without warning or justification.  

Some people have compared this to the Patriot Act, only worse.  While it is bad, it is substantially more limited and less powerful than the Patriot Act.  It allows for the suggesting of new legislation, but is not legislation itself.  It lays the groundwork for future infringements on our freedoms, but it also only lays the groundwork.  We can still engage our elected representatives to fight those laws on every level.  The startling and uplifting trend of States standing up to the federals will also throw sand into the gears of this strategy, provided we provide support and positive feedback for state level officials doing it.

It is impossible for the following to be repeated enough – Identity Dixie readers know criminality, violence and terrorism are not the answer.  They must now keep this in mind on every social media and messaging platform, for even venting frustration in a non-serious but realistic way can lead to trouble.  Correct those who call for illegal acts.  Those who do so repeatedly are likely federal agents looking to entrap someone dumb enough to agree with them.

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