An Incoherent Plot

At this late stage, what’s amusing is the inability of the establishment to generate good headlines. Instead of going to the moon, it’s basically “Here’s why diversity/paraphilic mental disorders are critical to doing this thing that we can’t accomplish anymore, but we used to do when we allowed none of it.” In other words, they have a rhetorical formula but the results the formula are supposed to produce prove the formula wrong.

At least when something goes wrong on a NASA mission, they don’t have to worry about limping away from the crash.

I haven’t seen a good comedy in years, so the disparity between the narrative and reality is the best thing I’ve got. Trouble is, the scenes are better suited for a series of horror movies that feature the same plot again and again. It makes me feel like a male version of Cassandra, cursed to spout prophecies but never have anyone believe him.

If I was a character in The Hills Have Eyes, I’d be in a quick scene at the start of the movie. I’d spit out my chewing tobacco and exclaim “Ain’t safe out der in dat der desert,” to the family as I sat in my rocking chair. They’d just go on and it wouldn’t change a damn thing that happened to them.

I could warn people that facilitating the mass gathering of blacks for any reason as mundane as the state fair is going to end badly. A back-to-school rap concert? Expect enrollment to shrink a bit. The carnage would just roll along, and all I’d get is fired for the effort. Case in point, Chicago booked Juneteeth on Puerto Rican day. The inevitable ensued:  

A sodomy celebration was held down in Florida, leading to a truck plowing into a gay men’s chorus. My advice to them would’ve been to pray or get some electroshock therapy. Anything but celebrating their sickening and disgraceful perversions in front of children would’ve been better in my playbook. But what would that matter?

Probably less horrific that what they do to each other in the dark.

They immediately assumed that truck had struck pay dirt, the genuine white supremacist terror attack that’s never before happened. It turned out to be a drunk homosexual, so that soured pretty quick. It’s tough to catch a break when nothing you’re peddling is true. I’m not really sure where I’m going with this rant, just trying to weave a coherent theme out of the insanity.