The China Threat

The Dissident Right has a fixation on Jews.  Recognizing that there is certainly a lot of justified criticism regarding one of the primary sources of our current dilapidated state, the Jews are not the only enemy of White Christian society.  There are plenty of other ethnic and racial groups that are fighting for hegemony and are salivating at that which they rightfully see as the final collapse of Western civilization.  The broader Muslim world is watching as the United States effectively imploded last year.  The Department of Justice and the various levers of power in Washington, D.C., did more to destroy the United States in one year than twenty-five “9/11”s could have ever achieved.  But when the American flag is finally ripped down from every building in the country and Northern Virginia elites are sold into slavery, it will not be at the hands of the Boomer Waffen’s favorite turbaned bad guys.  Neither the Iranians, Palestinians, Iraqis, nor Afghans have the power to conquer the U.S., even in its obvious weakened state.  It will be the communist Chinese.

The Chinese are the greatest threat to our people.

For those who wish to remain focused on the Judeo-Bolshevik threat, that is fine.  But they ignore at their own peril the fact that a very real and powerful enemy, with more than one billion people and a culture that is older than the recorded Bible, still harbors significant resentment at its humiliation at the hands of Western colonizers.  To the Chinese, who were carved up by Western peoples they deem inferior, they feel as though they are on the precipice of total power, and they are right.  For the past twenty years, the communist Chinese have carefully exploited weaknesses in the American system to destabilize the country from within.  All we need now is a tiny push.

Today I would like to ask the general workers and experts present, what is America afraid of? I don’t think we have seriously thought about and studied this problem… I remember Mao Zedong famously saying: ‘Imperialism is a paper tiger.’ What are the characteristics of paper tigers? External strength in dry, intra-color… Now that the U.S. has 11 aircraft carriers, do we have to develop 12 aircraft carriers to compete with the U.S.? I think this is the wrong idea, we can’t engage in an arms race. Historical experience tells us that America is most afraid of death. We now have Dongfeng 21D, Dongfeng 26 missiles, this is the carrier killer, we sank it an aircraft carrier, let it casualties 5,000 people, sink two ships, casualties 10,000 people, you see the United States afraid? [Yes]…”  Chinese Major General (Rear Admiral) of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) Luo Yuan, 25 December 2018.

The Communist Chinese military is not wrong when they say we fear death.  The United States military is terrified of political consequences related to war fighting.  They do everything possible to limit casualties – which is appreciated by your average grunt (including me), but it makes for the foundation of a weak and ineffective military strategy.  The fact is, the Chinese have built a society upon winning – achievement as the highest order – and as such, losing ten thousand troops in order to ascend to their “divine right” to rule the world is a small price to pay.  The United States is now a decadent, feminized mass of spoiled brats and pathetic weaklings who do not even know which bathroom to use.

So, how did we get to this point?  There are several factors at play.  A key factor has been an alliance between far-left Jewish elites and the communist Chinese who exploited core New England Anglo vulnerabilities. 

First, since the end of the War Between the States, the United States has been run by profit driven militant egalitarians out of (primarily) New England and New York.  The rest of the country has its fair share of wealthy and powerful people, but those who run the country hail from the halls of Harvard and Yale.  In the previous one hundred years, the United States was led by someone who attended one of those two schools.  In the past thirty-three years, twenty-eight were led by a president who attended Yale, Harvard, or both (the exceptions being Trump and Biden, and everyone knows Biden is not in charge).  Having attended classes at Harvard myself, the social change dynamic was very strong almost twenty years ago.  But there was also an elitist element that is hard to square.  Essentially, the schools promote the notion that everyone should enjoy equality, but equality does not necessarily mean a seat at the decision-making table.  The other element of the New England ethos is profit generation and legacy.

Profit may not necessarily come in the form of money – but it certainly helps.  Yankee elites are very cognizant of their financial status and despite periodic attempts to downplay their commitment to capital accumulation, it is ingrained in them from birth.  In other areas of the country, such as the Southeast, understanding the value of money, how to earn more of it, and how or whom is best left managing money, is not a typical Sunday conversation.  It is almost a requirement in certain parts of New England and New York.

Enter the Jewish-Chinese Communist Nexus.

Jews are excellent with money.  They were brought into England by William the Conqueror in 1070 due to Christian prohibitions against usury (lending money for the sake of interest-bearing profit).  Whereas the sin of usury originates in the Old Testament, the Jewish approach to this sinful dilemma was a legalistic loophole, whereby interpretations of Exodus 22:25 and Leviticus 25:35-37 were narrowly defined as prohibitions against usury among fellow Jews.  It was okay to engage in usury, they theorized, because Goyim (non-Jews) are not the people of God (and multiple passages in the Talmud encourage outright exploitation of Goyim).  This foundation is where the Jewish community was able to gain a strong business foothold in that which would become the most dominant empire in the post-Roman Era.

The Jews were expelled from England in 1290 by Edward I, as allegations of sexual depravity and ritualistic murder dovetailed with the exploitation of easily manipulated coinage (clipping and shaving coins to keep the excess precious metals) and outrageous interest rates.  However, by 1656, the newly empowered Puritan Parliament – which had just executed Charles I a few years earlier – invited the Jews to return to England at the urging of Oliver Cromwell.  For his part, Cromwell sought greater finances for the expansion of the emerging British Empire.  This is where the North-South Anglo Nations of the United States diverge. 

Comfortable with Jewish money managers, Anglo-Saxon settlers in the Northeast – where maritime trade and modern banking practices dominated commercial activity – also outsourced wealth management to Jewish businessmen.  Whereas, the South also had a Jewish presence, the agrarian South was more a victim of predatory banking behavior from the Northeast (see Thomas Jefferson’s tragic financial situation at the time of his death).  The result was a difference of money managerial styles and aristocracy.  But the foundation for the New England Anglo (aristocrat) and Jewish (manager) seems to have been formed in the United Kingdom. 

The South was formed by Cavalier exiles (many were second sons of British nobility) and a healthy dose of Scottish, Irish, and Scots-Irish Jacobites.  These demographics began to arrive to the Southern colonies before the entrenchment of Jewish managers in Cromwellian-led England.  High Church elites coupled with Presbyterian Covenantalists held no sympathies toward Jews – or parliamentarianism. Meanwhile, the Puritans and their various religious offshoots held different views as to the sanctity and alleged “chosen” disposition of Jews (including Cromwell, himself).  The combination of a distinctly Yankee belief in shared Judeo-Christian values (a foreign concept to the Antebellum South) and a comfort with Jewish money managers empowered Jews within elite New England society.  Once entrenched, they created a beachhead of sorts within the American economy for future Jewish immigrants.

Fast forward into the 20th Century and two key dynamics play out.  First, large waves of Jewish immigrants settled in the Northeast and over time, were educated and employed by the previous generations of Jews who, until the turn of the century, had been infinitesimal in numbers and influence.  Second, most of the Jews who came to the United States in the late-19th/early-20th Century were leftist in orientation – many outright Bolsheviks.  Whereas we have no idea what the political proclivities of the Jewish money managers of New England were in the 19th Century, we know that most of them were antagonistic to the South despite Benjamin Judah.  (That is a subject for a larger study on Yankee banking practices that contributed to the desire of many Southerners to seek secession.)  We do know, however, that a solid number of Jews who arrived during the 1920s and 30s were primarily communist agitators who were expelled by Germany and elsewhere.

The dangerous combination of far-left sympathies, positions of economic elevation as business managers, and historical antagonisms toward Christians and Christianity, laid the groundwork for a slow, but steady march through American business institutions.  At the end of the 1980s, there were certainly a great number of Jews in Hollywood and on Wall Street in relation to their total numbers, but they were not nearly as dominant as the would become.  By 2000, nearly half of the managers of major media outlets were Jewish.  By 2020, those numbers were closer to ninety-percent.  Meanwhile, the Chinese had their own bone to pick.

Sensing that Hollywood was eager to get into the one-billion person Chinese consumer market, outreach between Jewish media moguls like Harvey Weinstein began in earnest.  Cross-cultural films began to emerge in the late 1990s, with the release of movies like Disney’s Mulan in 1998 and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in 2000.  The trade-off for movies to enter the Chinese marketplace was simple: American media content must meet the conditions set forth by the Communist Chinese Party.  Since Jewish media moguls had zero allegiance to the Christian United States, that was an easily accepted bargain. 

If you are wondering why they do not make movies like Top Gun and Rambo anymore, this is the reason.  But there was more happening behind the scenes…

Wall Street was in the middle of a “Dot Com” led surge in high value stocks.  Suddenly, technology driven billionaires were emerging, some with very little to offer (e.g., while others had tangible offerings, like Apple’s Steve Jobs.  To maximize profitability, businesses were encouraged to outsource production to communist China.  One of the lead architects for this drive to China was Goldman-Sachs. 

Goldman was established by one of those Jewish wealth managers I described earlier in this article.  Marcus Goldman was a Jewish immigrant who founded his investment banking company in 1869.  His Jewish son-in-law, Samuel Sachs, joined the firm about a decade later, creating “Goldman-Sachs.”  By 1898, Goldman-Sachs was listed on the New York Stock Exchange.  Despite being accused of wrong doing crisis-after-crisis, including manipulation of Southern investors who bought into a closed end fund that contributed to the Stock Market Crash of 1929 (and left many thousands of formerly wealthy Southerners deprived of their property), Goldman-Sachs always wiggled out of consequences.  By 2008, Goldman-Sachs was the largest private equity and investment banking firm in the world – and it bet heavily on communist China.

Although other banks existed, Goldman-Sachs had only one true competitor in the wealth management, investment banking sector: Lehman Brothers. 

Lehman Brothers was ironically begun by two Southern Jews – former slave traders – who held pro-Confederate sympathies throughout the war, before divesting of their previous practice and opening up a bank predicated on commodities trading in New York.  Lehman Brothers, like Goldman-Sachs, was a vestige of the Yankee Anglo practice of entrusting their wealth into the hands of Jewish money managers.  However, unlike Goldman-Sachs, Lehman Brothers advocated greater American investment, especially in the unfortunate mortgage-backed securities sector of American real estate.  The first company to get hit by the global collateralized debt default, Lehman was closed almost overnight – wiping out billions of dollars of Yankee Anglo wealth.  The U.S. Government would eventually intervene during the financial crisis, lending money to companies that promoted greater outsourcing to communist China.

After 2008, the acceleration of the communist Chinese economy was profound, as trillions of American investment dollars poured out of the United States and into China, through the hands of Jewish bankers entrusted by Yankee elites – like those of George H. Bush.  Meanwhile, films and movies, now a decade removed from the patriotic content that seemed to suddenly end in the early-1990s, were promoting two key messages: (1) the inevitability of an ascendant and dominant China and (2) lascivious content designed to promote Culturally Marxist social transformation.  The former was played throughout China; the latter, movies like Brokeback Mountain, (directed by Taiwanese director with communist Chinese sympathies, Ang Lee) were forbidden, despite the fact that a Chinese director won the Academy Award for Best Director.  

The nexus of Jewish and communist Chinese interaction does not merely end with business, but politics and academia as well.

Politically, the most aggressive pro-communist Chinese office holders have been Jewish.  Most recently, New York Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democrat Senate Majority Leader, was said to be frustrating his own members when he shut down a Senate panel in late May 2021 on a bipartisan bill to increase American competitiveness with communist China.  California Democrat Senator, Diane Feinstein, employed a communist Chinese spy – and it was never investigated.  Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal complained of Trump’s aggressive negotiating tactics with China (that ultimately worked to redirect supply chains elsewhere).  But it is not just Jewish politicians, and that is something that should worry anyone on the Dissident Right.

Democrat Representative Eric Swalwell had a Chinese communist spy as a girlfriend.  The communist Chinese contributed millions to both the Clinton reelection campaign of 1996 and the Clinton Foundation.  In recent years, Glenn Duffie Shriver, a CIA recruit, was working for the communist Chinese… Gregg Bergersen, a weapons analyst for the U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency, passed along top secret weapons information… James Reece Roth, an electrical engineering professor at the University of Tennessee, handed over fifteen controlled defense articles… Candace Marie Claiborne, a State Department official, shared diplomatic information including the location of various American intelligence assets… Dr. Charles Lieber, a Harvard Professor of chemistry and nanotechnology, was most recently accused of passing Defense Department information onto the communist Chinese. 

The two presidential candidates of 2012, Republican Mitt Romney and Democrat Incumbent Barack Obama, neither of whom are Jewish, both rhetorically supported tougher policies against China and yet, China grew stronger because of the policies of both men. 

The breadth of the communist Chinese infiltration of media, business, and politics, is astounding.  It is all geared toward building the power of China at the detriment of the United States – and it does not end there.   The communist Chinese are deeply influencing education. 

What if you could convince a country that math is not objective, but subjective?  What if you can convince boys that being masculine is wrong and femininity is the ideal?  What if you could convince children that their history is evil – especially if they are White?  If you could do that, you have already defeated your enemy.  You have set up their children for an inability to compete with anything related to hard sciences – as they use common core math to process linear equations necessary for advanced missile technology.  You have set up future generations to stop producing children.  You have set a foundation upon which everything is viewed through a right-and-wrong racial lens, whereby the oppressor is White and therefore, the country established by Whites (especially White men) is also evil. 

Academia is pushing these Marxist messages and although it is true that academia is heavily Jewish, the race to the bottom began when China introduced Confucius Institutes. 

Ostensibly founded as cultural exchange centers in 2004 for college campuses, the second ever established was on the University of Maryland campus – less than an hour away from the White House.  By 2014, hundreds were established, providing grants and ideological lessons to students on the joys of Marxism, Maoism, political reform, and communist Chinese perspectives on racial differences in the United States.  In 2018 and 2019, only two states closed their Confucius Institutes on all campuses: Texas (forced by their Congressional delegation against the wishes of the governor) and Florida (one of Governor DeSantis’ first orders as governor after his predecessor, fellow Republican Rick Scott, punted).  Meanwhile, the largest concentration of Confucius Institutes in any state is leftist New York – which also hosts K-12 Confucius Classrooms in New York City.  American Federation of Teachers Union President, Randi Weingarten, made that possible.

In 2004, the communist Chinese introduced Confucius Institutes.  In 2008, Randi Weingarten became President of the American Federation of Teachers.  In 2010, Common Core Math was introduced.  Coincidence?  Unlikely.

The totality of communist Chinese influence is emblematic of a collapsed United States.  Incapable of maintaining any sense of a National Identity – because no such identity ever existed.  The mechanisms of power are doing Beijing’s bidding.  You can see communist Chinese fingerprints everywhere you look.

The Department of Justice is targeting nationalistic, patriotic Americans for marginalization and, in some cases, imprisonment.  The Department of Defense is purging the military of masculine patriots and actively courting female gay activists.  The State Department is flying “Black Lives Matter” banners – despite the fact that BLM is a Marxist organization hostile to the United States and the continuation of the nuclear family – supported by the communist Chinese government.  Politicians claiming to represent American interests are literally dating Chinese spies.  Businesses continue to outsource production to China, despite tariffs (which are replete with loopholes).  Academics are peddling Chinese propaganda as facts while simultaneously eroding the competitive ability of American children in schools.  Media companies are concurrently encouraging degenerate sexual behavior to minors while taking editorial advice from communist Chinese film commissioners. 

The communist Chinese are winning everywhere.  While there is certainly Jewish complicity in the communist Chinese global ascendancy and the death of the White Christian world, the communist Chinese seem to have done a pretty good job on their own.  They have no love for us.

Consider this parting thought: the Chinese have been a known nation-state for more than five thousand years with largely the same territorial integrity; there have been invaders and ethnic changes of leadership dominance over the centuries, but the Chinese remain “Chinese.”  Unlike Western societies that surrendered their management to those who hate them, China never conceded to Jewish authorities. 

China adopted a Jewish ideology (Marxism) but made it their own (Maoism). They now appear to be working closely together.  In fact, Israel – America’s “Greatest Ally” – has hosted the communist Chinese Navy since 2019.  But the Chinese will not surrender to subversion like the Americans or Europeans – they will not allow Jewish influencers to come into Beijing and make their police kneel to Uyghurs any time soon.  The Chinese will make Whites do that to the blacks whom they will empower as your overseers after they complete their domination. 

Prepare accordingly.


  1. No National Identity is right, the idiocy of Yankees is rivaled only by their blind arrogance. They truly believed that they, along with their bootlicking crown loyalist friends in Canada and England, could somehow rule us and it would all work out, that we would be as they are, servile and complacent, projection I believe is the word for it. They betrayed everything all for a handful of wooden skeckels, we are not the same and slapping the word Union onto their occupation changes nothing.

    I am somewhat torn, the first time in school I was forced to read their ridiculous account of the “Civil War” my first thought was “how could anyone believe this nonsense” followed immediately by the realization that they didn’t believe it either and really were just that disgusting. I flipped the book cover over and saw that it was printed in New York and things began to fall like dominions in my mind. The madness that I lived in started to make a lot more sense. That is when it dawned on me that they had lost, not just the war, but everything. How could they possibly think throwing themselves into subjugation would ever work out for them? Why didn’t they care? These thoughts were instantly followed by the realization that they would come here, like rats on a sinking ship running to the highest part and that we would need to form pickets to keep them out. That is why from then until now I could never understand how they thought they “won”. It was so blindingly obvious that they were done for, that they had cut their own throats, that even a litteral child deduced it in under a minute. Now here we are.

    That is why I am torn, I hope the Chinese do turn the Northeast into glass, as they have publicly stated they would anytime the Yankee grovelers tried to posture in their ridiculous, unearned arrogance towards China. The Chinese say leadership when threating the U.S., but we all know they ain’t talking about Baton Rouge. I know of no other solution to the axis of evil that is Canada, England and Yankees, the betrayers of Western Civilization. The inevitable and well deserved result of their own inherent groveling and scheming nature. They were born to kneel and are no doubt right now positioning not to resist their enslavement, but to ensure they are the primary grovelers, their new master’s number one house boy. Its so embarrassing.

    The thing that bothers me most is that there are no “picket lines”, there are no anything. We are scattered to the wind, no narrative, no education, no leadership, no money, no organization, no nothing. They and everyone else just move here in hordes and then proclaim how great it is to be free of the places they left, as if it were the dirt that convened it, without a thought for us at all. All the while congratulating themselves, as if they were welcomed or had any part of creating our home, such as it is after being oppressed for so long. It makes me sick.

    You are right, China is a large and looming threat in some ways, we all know that. What you may be underestimating is the amount me and others care, which is zero. I hope they do invade, I wish they would hurry up and get it on with while we still have some of our home left to us, while there is still the core of our identity intact, while I may still be here to see them receive their justice.

    There is so much to do and so little time, it is as if this was the first day after the invasion so little has been done to prepare for this inevitability. We need to be maneuvering as a people right now, that takes cohesion and organization, the right kind, not the boomer kind. I lose sleep over it every night and wake up thinking about it everyday. Now is the time.

    I believe that people focus on Jews and Yankees above China for the same reason I do, of the three the Chinese are vastly preferable. Yankees have been trying to genocide us and our culture and steal our home for their entire scheming existence. Jews of course make no secret of their plans to do the same. China may invade and occupy, but genocide just for the sake of it, probably not, they are pragmatic if nothing else.

    No National Identity indeed.

    Thanks for another stellar article and I pray we at least have one day of the unity we require before the end, one last defence of our homeland and blood.

  2. The last two thousand years has been a war fought between ‘Jews’ (Talmud satanists) and Gods Chosen people… the Christians. In their vengeful hatred of god (casting them out of Israel for rejecting the Christs covenant) and mankind they have marched many golems upon us, Islam (Arabs and other browns larping as the Jewish ‘Nazareen’ messiah cult, which you can read here: and Communism being the two mightiest. This is where we get islamo-communism, the jews mixing it up with their two greatest hits. The Chinese would not be a concern if not for our usual enemies who want to condemn mankind to hell as vengeance against god.
    The Chinese are not Communists… that is a hangover. Their behavior is intensely fascistic if anything, aggressively promoting the racial self interest of the han chinese. That ain’t communism. If they were commies they would be like us aka deranged, however the jews do want them to replace America as their satanic herald. George Soros stated as such back in 2009, recently he has stated that the CCP is an enemy to the (((open society))) aka the Chinese told him to ‘fuck off’ so good for them. You state that the chinese think we are inferior, but this is a cope which the muhammad cultists also use… they can’t deal with how gods chosen conquered the world and remade it. Butts will hurt I suppose… Chinese culture was overwhelmed by Europe and executed by Communism, their ancient civilization is history. Maybe they can rediscover it I dunno… Why do you think the Chinese will invade America? Historically they have been a mercantile race who had little interest in others who they deemed inferior, are you sure that they are the same blood crazed warmongers as the washington empire? China is vast enough as is, it’s not like they have land hunger or anything. America might be a smoking wreck before the chinese ever turn up, the invaders are much more likely to be the UN…

  3. The enemy within is always more dangerous than the enemy without.

    But it is true that China doesn’t need to be ignored or treated as a non-entity.

  4. I work with the yellow man 4 -10 hours a day. They are assessed with western culture. They are envious of us, and I have not been impressed by them

    Their women are worse than Karen’s. Their women are aggressive and bossy.

    I’m not worried about the chink

    1. You should be worried about anyone with billions of foot soldiers, untied under an ideology crafted to obtain world domntaion and better than you in every metric. You say you are not worried about them because of the ones you know being such and such, the fact that they stand in your homebas your equal, actually in the eyes of the law your superior and you are currently subjugated by litteral homosexual pedophiles should let you know how wrong you are. They could throw their dog population at us and win, that is how out gunned you are. Also, I want them to win, at least they are not gay ass Yankees.

  5. I agree with the author that China is a very serious threat, but experience has taught me a hard hard lesson in life: the worst threat is the one you didn’t see coming. We should think in terms of non predictive strategies, that is strategies that work whether your predictions come true or not.

    1. Ie, White women. Giving women a say in anything has brought every ill upon our people, including women.

  6. Lets not forget who helped Mao rise to power. Its was the jews. Its the jews today and it will be the jews tomorrow.

  7. China is exactly zero real threat to us now.

    Every true threat to us is entirely from within. Anything else is a distraction.

  8. Those who get subverted by the Chinese goverment are just fools. The Chinese are so obvious about their intentions only idiots or the willingly complicit fall for it.

    I recall Japan managing to rise to an economic powerhouse without destroying the west. Half of the Chinese landmass isn’t even populated, so I wouldn’t start conjuring up images of the hoards of yellow invaders just yet.

    While we can write ‘Communist China’ in endless repetition trying to conjure up a new red scare. Though It’s clear to nearly everyone that while the USSR may have at least tried to defend marxist principles on the global stage. China just uses it as a facade or hardly cares about ideology beyond being Chinese and having power.

  9. The more I think about it, the more it seems to me that this column is a desperate attempt to hold onto the past – to find a foreign enemy that can unite us so that maybe we have one last chance at staying the “sole superpower” in the world for a while longer and putting off the American Empire’s impending appointment with the dustbin of history.

    For 30 years now, ever since the Soviet Union punked out on us, I’ve seen one attempt after another by Cold War nostalgists to replace them. They seem to alternate between attempts to cast China, Islam, and post-Soviet Russia in the role, with maybe an oddball like Venezuela or MS-13 thrown in there every so often to see what sticks. So far, nothing really has, and with good reason.

    A few years ago, there was a reboot of Dallas that ran for a few seasons on cable until Larry Hagman died, at which point it quietly went off the air because without J. R. Ewing as its bad guy, there’s really not much point to Dallas. Sometimes a story just can’t survive the loss of its villain. You can try to replace or recast him, but it’s never the same. Eventually, with its core reason for existing gone, the show drifts toward its end.

    With the Soviet Union gone, the American Empire has turned on itself and is in the process of tearing itself to pieces. Trying to recast the villain in a Cold War reboot so that maybe we can recapture the magic of the original will do no good. Nobody’s buying it, and with internal conflict leading toward critical mass, we all have more immediate things to worry about.

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