There’s no accommodation to be reached with hateful people who seek to desecrate everything you have of value and view your existence as a problem to be eliminated. Any concession made serves as a down payment on the next until you have nothing left, not even your dignity. Zionism, and the malevolent insanity unleashed in furtherance of its satanic agenda, isn’t satisfied with part of anything. Its ambitions are comprehensive and global in their scope.
It’s advanced as far as it has because the average man thinks that if he goes along to get along, he’ll keep his job and thus feed his children and put a roof over their heads. He can’t grasp why someone leading a productive life without ill intentions would be considered a problem. What he also doesn’t understand is that he’ll be paying rent on that roof to BlackRock, and his children will be LGBTQ+. He’ll condemn anyone who tries to point this out as a Nazi.
I doubt we’ll ever get normal guys thinking systemically about these issues, even as the slope they’re tumbling down grows more obvious. Still, I think it’s feasible to make some practical points to sink in. Here’s one: You lose the moment you accept the underlying premise of the aggression.
Institutions spend lots of money creating committees and hiring law firms to create diversity plans and conduct inquiries into white supremacy, with the notion that they can remain functional after the process of gutting themselves. I’m sure Oxford has done plenty of that already, but now even the queen’s portrait must come down. The monarchy itself will come down as well, it’s just a matter of time.
Closer to home, the Virginia Military Institute is undergoing the final desecration of everything that defined it and its dedicated alumni hold sacred. All traces of its Confederate past are being purged, and fallen heroes are being disinterred.
Alumni have formed a political action committee to prove they’re not white supremacists and try to preserve something that made the school worth attending, as if these traditions and standards emerged from a deracinated ether. I recently spoke with an attendee of one of their meetings, and he summed it up as “they’ve already lost.”
VMI is small, but few institutions have made greater per capita contributions to Zionist warfare. However, the utility of the place offers no inhibition to their desire to pervert and destroy it. A school that served as a bastion of Southern, white Christian masculinity and played a key role in resisting parasitic aggression was never going to be allowed to survive in a nation hoodwinked by Zionists. There’s no “you do this for us, so we’ll let you keep that for yourself” equation in their minds. If I showed up to a meeting and tried to point this out, I’m confident my reception would be highly unpleasant.
Since they can’t make sense out of these contradictions, the only point I’d try to make to disgruntled alumni is that you cannot “confront your past” by surrendering your future. You must refuse to even begin the process and reject their right to vilify your forebears as a pretense for getting rid of you. Even if you end up losing, you’ll still have your dignity. That’s something that can never be taken. You’ve got to hand it to them yourself.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
(((Ian Shapira)))… every f*cking time.
Great article. You will find that people will go to great lengths to preserve their coping mechanisms. Just take the Q grift for example, all of that time, energy and effort just to believe that someone, somewhere was going to make it all ok. The same for a lot of Christians, who instead of actually doing what God commands, will tell each other to not do anything, that God is going to do it all, just pray and do nothing.
“Cope Harder” should be the title of a book that we use to teach our children, so they may not fall into these traps or waste time on people who do. Yesterday, in two separate groups of Southerners who still all use Facebook, despite how much they get abused by them, despite me telling them all about GAB, they posted pictures of that clownish Q flag alongside of our flag, in one of which he draped that abomination over the tombstone of his ancestor. How embarrassing, not just for him, but us as well. I imagine that level of cope is what you are facing up at VMI with people who are literally gearing up to kill them, again. They WANT to believe, so they do, and you will never fix that. They want it to matter, so you will never dissuade them by showing them it doesn’t, not ever.
Just like I advise with the Boomers, Judeo Cope Christians and Qtards, just walk away from them and do not waste a second of your time on it anymore. We don’t have time, they are a millstone around our necks and unless you offer them something that allows them to cope even harder than they already are, they will refuse to hear it.
Remember the Pareto distribution, find those people, our heart and our fighters, those that do not cope and pour everything into them, spare none for those who want to believe it will be ok, give it all to those who know better and most importantly, are willing to act.
The point at which VMI needed to do something to save itself was 25 years ago, when the federal government forced women on them by threatening to cut off financial aid programs if they refused. The answer should have been: “Take your dirty money and go”. Instead, they caved and found out that if you take the king’s penny, you play the king’s tune – forever. A quarter century later, they have a crumbling institution that’s a shadow of what it once was, and alumni left struggling with crippling debt from all that financial aid.
It’s probably too late for them, but we should learn a lesson from this.