The Best They’ve Got

American politics are a theater put on to provide the illusion of choice for a system directed by a transnational plutocracy. Citizens only have a say to the extent that their outrage constrains the direct pursuit of certain objectives.

For example, the plutocrats would find it expedient to revoke the 1st and 2nd Amendments, but that’s not feasible. So, they’re being subverted through a combination of private initiatives and abuses of public authority until they become meaningless.

As sycophantic and disgusting as our politicians might be, they also impose constraints on the agenda because it requires a special charisma to sell policies that harm the average citizen. There isn’t a central casting department that picks the perfect actors for various roles. As this sad spectacle unfolds, it’s clear that the system finds itself stuck dealing with whoever shows up to the game.

They hit the jackpot when Obama came along. His rapid rise from obscurity to the White House was because they threw their support behind him. He was able to sell the looting of America by financial parasites, the destruction of the middle class, and an escalation of perpetual Zionist warfare to half of the electorate.

If one believes the plutocrats to be competent at managing public perception, wouldn’t they have spent his two terms in office finding the next Obama and setting him up for a run? Perhaps, it’s because they just couldn’t find anyone.

They need someone relatively young, tall, articulate, and not ugly. This guy must be able to operate free of guilt and guiding moral principles, and possess a charisma to the credulous. That’s quite a tough role to fill. Add the caveat that he must be brown, and good luck. Add the caveat that she must be brown, and you’re really shooting for the stars.

If you contemplate the amount of money and power behind the plutocratic apparatus, the fact that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the best it could muster is rather heartening. You’d think there would’ve been a casting procedure where some footage of her cackling got rolled and it was concluded they needed to find someone else.

What we do know is that her screening process for politics was conducted by the mayor of San Francisco, an old and married man to whom she served as a concubine. She never even won a petty popularity contest, seeing as Democrats win in CA by default. It’s a dead giveaway that she’s a sociopath with no principles whatsoever.

In the narrative, white men are now terrorists, while women of color are stepping forward and taking charge. This is a significant problem, because kicking Kamala to the curb is what needs to happen, but how does the establishment do that to a trailblazing woman of color? For most of these women, the only thing to celebrate is the shade of their skin and “She is the first at________”.

Kamala is already in the White House. She’s the first VP of her kind, which gives her the premier claim to “It’s her turn.” How do they say no? The key to a fake democracy is not putting the fake part on display for the masses. I’m not really sure how they’ll reconcile this stuff.

One comment

  1. Why would they need to find anyone better if they are planning to steal the election? I think they intentionally chose a dementia patient and a slut, precisely to throw it in our faces:

    “We are going to install these mediocre hacks in the White House and there’s nothing you can do about it. Just so you know who owns this country now.”

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