Perhaps now, the symbol of a lone magnolia flower in full bloom has become the premier symbol of Southern Nationalism and Dixian ethnic identity. Its large, white petals represent purity, rebirth, virtue, and strength. Rising tall above our Southern homeland it opens its petals toward heaven and acts as a natural, God-given banner to the Dixian.
Its beaming Whiteness calls to mind the natural fair skin of the Anglo-Celtic Dixian. Its wide, robust petals reminds us of the strength and nobility given to our race. The beauty and grace of Southern White womanhood is reflected in its essence, and when worn on the breast of a true Knight of Dixie, should be a reminder of his everlasting duty, given to him by God, to be a provider and protector of his family.
Dixie is neither fanatically puritan, nor idolatrous. We rather recognize that the beauty that exists in this world is an example of Christ’s work in creation. In this sense, we can see the magnolia flower as a Christian symbol, but one that is unique to a way Dixians practice their faith. Its Whiteness represents the Whiteness of our souls after being washed clean by the blood of our King Jesus Christ. Its tilt toward heaven reminds us of our proper perspective here on Earth. Its beautiful bloom after the chill of winter is a representation of the future glory that awaits us in the life to come.
The most popular current use of the magnolia flower is in the current state flag of Mississippi. This is not without some controversy, as the magnolia flower was used to replace the image of the Confederate Battle Flag. There is no doubt that the move to replace the CBF image on the Mississippi state flag with a magnolia flower was a cynical one meant to appease Marxist. The cowardly Republicans either bought the narrative, or believed that enough of the public bought the narrative, that the image of the CBF is a meme of hate and racism and thus replaced it with some harmless flower that grows off the sides of the interstate in Mississippi. This author thinks that if their goal was to appease an aggressive, ethnic foe, at the expense of their co-ethnic constituents, in order to retain their current political status, the choice of the magnolia flower will come back to haunt them.
Of course, the cowardly politicians who chose to remove the Confederate Battle Flag as the state emblem in Mississippi did so because they bought into a narrative that the flag stands for hate. But, let me ask them this, if the CBF is a symbol for hate, what is the magnolia flower a symbol for? Blackness? Wokeness? Diversity? Sodomy? Globalism? Of course not. The magnolia flower is essentially symbolism for Southern Whiteness.
What our adversaries hate more than anything is the very nature of the Dixian. This is what they slander as “Whiteness.” Their fear is not aimed at immigrants from the Mediterranean or Eastern Europe, who came here in the late 19th century. Although we may share a similar skin tone, we have very different natures. They created the 1619 project, not the 1916 project. This was aimed directly at the Dixian.
So, we see now that it is really Southern Whiteness that scares them. Our Christian faith, fair skin, fair hair, nobility, virtue, etc. all make up the Whiteness that they hate so much. These characteristics can be all be represented in the symbol of the magnolia flower, and it is for that reason it makes for the best symbol of Southern Nationalism, at this moment in time.
When used by Southern Nationalist, the magnolia flower is not an emblem used to memorialize the past, like our beloved CBF, but rather it is a symbol of an ethnic group moving forward. We, Southern Nationalists, will have to accept the fact that “you can never go back home.” We will never again have an agrarian economy based on cotton and tobacco production. We will never again have live-in mammies who help raise our babies. We are an ethnic nation living in times of ethnic strife, as the American Empire, who once ruled over many ethnic nations, begins to break apart.
What are the current and possible uses for the magnolia flower for Southern Nationalists today? The symbol is used currently by the online publication Identity Dixie, and appears as a black saltire on a white field with a magnolia flower superimposed on top. The magnolia flower can also be used as a stand alone image on a white or grey field, if used as a banner. It also can be used in jewelry as a ring, pin, or medallion. Also, the flower is to be used to venerate the memory of a fallen brother on his grave site.
-By Dixie Anon

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
Beautifully written, thank you.
What do mean we can never go back? The point of all of this is to reclaim our home, all of it. That flower will never mean the same to anyone but us, this is our home and you are damn right we are going back. If I can watch 1.5% of the population control the entire country like puppets and have all of these clowns fly around the world and bulid them an ethno-state in the desrert and pay for it too, then we can certainly manage a few things ourselves, once the dead weight is gone. The time of the Boomer is over, no more cuckservitism, no more tolerance for people who are genociding us, no more abandoning our people for selfish self indulgence and empty virtue signaling with their children’s birthright and absolutely no more thinking the future somehow means letting go of our history, our identity is timeless, the past and the future are the same. One last thing, our flag is going back up in Mississippi and everywhere else too.
I like this. The CBF has always been a problem for me. I don’t think the saltire is as pretty as the St George and those 13 stars are inherently political. The SN flag as well is introduced as political. The magnolia is a symbol of ethnic identity and need not make any calls for secession or anything else political. Just ethnic identity, pride and solidarity. Period.
I enjoyed the article as a very much needed positive spin on the Mississippi flag debacle, thank you.
Ethnic identity is a call for secession in and of its self. The only reason you even exist to have your bad opinion about the CBF is because of the men who died under it and those who have thrown their lives away preserving it and the people it represents every since. You don’t like the CBF because your masters programed you not to, they will do the same to the Magnolia or even a flag with a old boot on it. Its all the same to them, if its ours, its evil, the same goes for anything else that has anything to do with us, until we are erased from the earth.
By the way you speak of secession as if its a debate, it already happened, its a done deal, we did secede and are a separate nation. The illegal occupational government squatting here has never been legitimate and never will. I advise not letting people who hate us define the meaning of anything or running your feelings on it pass them to placate their feelings or meet with their approval.
What if New Dixie ends up with 14 states? Then suppose we add a few more, and a few more. And why must we cling to the saltire over st George? It is only there because a Jew pulled a “my fellow Southerner” and requested a symbol less ostensibly Christian.