Invincible: Season 1 Review

I’m sure many of you have seen some of the memes of the mustachioed super-hero recently.  My first thought was it was some Spiderman spinoff, where J Jonah Jameson gets powers since the character is voiced by the guy who played him in the Tobey Maguire Spiderman films and looks like him but, no.  It’s a weird, anti-racist (or more anti-racist) Superman type story.  Anyway, I got the opportunity to watch it for free so I poured some stiff drinks and “consoomed” it so you don’t have to. 

I’ll start with a summary and work from there.  Basically, the story focuses around the half-Asian son of a Superman-type hero (he is actually called Omni-Man).  The show even has a Justice League and Teen Titans equivalent.  The show starts with the 17-year-old getting super-powers, training with his dad, fighting crime, and falling in love with an annoying black girl (a later episode will have her talk about a university’s great “social justice program”).

It’s a coming-of-age superhero story like Spiderman and also has the similar time-management issues we’ve seen before. Struggles to balance relationships, school, work, etc.  Likewise, the character that logically would be pursued by the main character is a pretty redhead with special powers (whose parents are fat Midwestern types, with a chauvinist dad to boot) but he decides to go for the uppity black girl without superpowers.

Overall, it is a competently paced, decently complex show which has a great deal of moral grayness, particularly when demonstrating to what lengths the U.S. military will go to ensure the safety of the planet. The question is, is it good?  No. 

The whole point of the show (and the comic book it’s based on) is basically to push a bunch of antiracist nonsense.  For example, the third episode advocates Ta-Nehisi Coates, Naomi Klein, Margaret Atwood, and “fourth wave feminism” to impress the black girl for a date.  Additionally, the show often has mixed messages: they have to protect Mount Rushmore as it’s a “national treasure.” However, the script had people calling Mt. Rushmore “oppressors, racists, slave owners” (this is even weirder when considering that one of the good superheroes in the show was actually Abraham Lincoln).

The show also has weird editing.  Each episode waits to show the title screen with the word “Invincible” until the word first comes up in script.  This can be 3 minutes or 15 minutes into an episode.  Most episodes also have an after-credits scene (like the Marvel movies) but are more relevant to the plot than the random Easter eggs of Marvel.  Likewise, some plot points don’t really make sense and the dialogue is quite hit or miss, sometimes bordering on absurdity.  For instance, the main character switches to his costume to save his friends and then switches back.  His black girlfriend calls him a coward for it and goes to a party to spite him because of it.  However, in the next episode she reveals she knew he’d been a hero for months, so why she called him a coward makes no sense.

In the last episode, Omni-Man reveals that his race (which oddly includes a bunch of black people) are racial supremacists who created an empire and feel it’s their duty to uplift the rest of the universe.  It’s basically an Übermensch telling his half-Asian son about the white man’s burden.  The way he says it, it arguably makes sense.  He even points out the long lifespan of their race means he shouldn’t get too attached to individual humans.  However, when his son refuses to help him, he goes absolutely psycho in murdering random people and going so far as to say “I will burn this planet down before I spend another minute living among these animals.”

The quotes by racist Superman sometimes are funny, like “I do love your mother, but she’s more like a pet to me,” or in some cases well-written like, “it’s right to pity them, it’s wrong to value them over your own kind,” but hardly are enough to make it a show worth watching. 

The pushing of race mixing, homosexuality (including the fact that one homosexual is an “alpha-male” with a German flag), and emphasis of racial supremacy leading to bad outcomes makes it clear why the show got greenlit when it did.  Doing a little digging, the comic seems to progress in an even worse way.  This is definitely something to avoid.


  1. This begs the question, what would Yankees write about if not their social justice garbage? There is nothing under the veneer, take it away and what’s left? Nothing. What would this comic be about if not their propaganda?

    What would Captain Yankee be up to and why? Carpetbombing women and children in their homes? His side kick, Total War, could be burning down hospitals and blaming them for it in a spin off comic I guess.

    What are these people without their lies and twisted propaganda? They don’t have a culture or collective soul anymore than a swarm of locusts do. Take away their schemes and agendas, along with their ability to steal from and feed upon other cultures and they cease to exist.

    Maybe that is the answer to them, just make them live with each other and nobody else for a generation or two. Have it where only they are forced to read their God awful books and comics or listen to their soulless ripoff music. What does a parasite write about when the host cuts them loose? God willing, we will one day soon find out.

    For now, here is a comic you can let your kids read in the meantime.

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