Look Out Below!

If consensus was a building, diversity wouldn’t be the concrete poured into the foundation. That’s why 666 White Terrorism Street isn’t going to be a structure that ever gets successfully erected despite the sincerest efforts of tribal foremen.

They clearly believe that dishonesty can be piled into a skyscraper. Perhaps it’s because their architectural ambitions are subconsciously inspired by Satan himself. Anyways, I delight in watching the dismay at a failing project.

A recent PBS poll shows that it’s fraught with problems. Keep in mind that anyone who’d engage with PBS to the extent they’d answer a poll falls within the malleable demographic.

It’s easy to instill a vague, non-personal sense of racial guilt in these people, so they’ll concur that some nebulous reforms need to take place. Here’s where that comes to a screeching halt:

On April 28, when Biden gave his first address to a joint session of Congress, he vowed to pay attention to intelligence reports warning of a growing white supremacist threat in the U.S. “White supremacy is terrorism,” he said. “We’re not going to ignore that either.”

A couple impediments come to mind. First, they’ve made sure that nobody is sure what “white supremacy” is except that they need to be scared of getting their lives destroyed for doing it. Second, 9/11 is the gold standard for terrorism and that’s never going to apply to a MAGA rally.

White supremacy is expecting the trains to run on time, which is the same as setting off a nail bomb. Therefore, our constitutional rights must be abolished. However, naïve Americans have been convinced that this document is what defines our proposition nation.

Most people aren’t deranged leftists. They’re gullible, but they need to be taught how to think in a line of logic. The destruction of Heritage America happened under the premise that this was a process of making things more fair in order to improve the place.

They could buy into that sophistry. Surveying the smoldering ruins of 2020, the current phase doesn’t make any sense:

But not all Americans agree that white supremacy is the “most lethal terrorist threat to the homeland today,” as Biden said. Nearly half — 48 percent — of U.S. adults disagree with that statement, including 88 percent of Republicans and 55 percent of independents.

As much as we get bombarded with this terrorism narrative, it’s a complete non-starter.

One comment

  1. Nothing is a non-starter when you own the one and only military there is. They craft their pretenses, deploy them and then deploy the troops. Notice nowhere in their do they build a consensus, that is for Democracies, which they are not. Think of it like this, China holds elections, somehow the Communist Party always wins.

    You can’t vote your way out of this, something the marxist Yankees made sure of and are still keenly aware of. Building the White Supremeacy smoke screen is all that is required, not a consensus.

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