I Run Y’all Budget, Bro

I’m a fan of authentic black politicians because they conduct themselves with more self-esteem than their white colleagues. The spectacle is sad, but that doesn’t require one to perform acts of self-abasement. Dignity is in such short supply at this point in our political process that it counts for quite a bit.

While whites get the likes of Ted Cruz who’ll walk out if he hears criticism of Israel and would rather die than recognize them as a legitimate constituency, blacks often enjoy the representation of politicians who engage in shameless criminality and partisanship.

That doesn’t mean all of them have what it takes. For instance, last year I covered the pathetic Andrew Gillum, who lost the Florida governorship by just 1% in 2018. After he was revealed to be a Down Low Brother following a lurid incident, he basically gave up on politics. By contrast, Marion Barry got busted by the FBI for crack and picked up his DC mayoral career again after he was released from prison. He’s the gold standard.

“The bitch set me up!”-Never let the Feds steal your smile.

Michigan has a new rising star: Rep. Jewell Jones made history as the youngest member of the Michigan House when he was elected in 2016 at the age of 21. While a cursory examination of his background leaves substantial doubt as to whether or not he’s capable of comprehending the legislation, that hasn’t stopped him from making headlines.

History sure does repeat itself.

You’re not gonna believe what happened next:

His license plate? “Elected”

It’s tough for the media to put a good spin on him swerving drunkenly across the highway with a Glock bouncing around in the cup holder. Also, he’s already a member of the legislature so the usual “turning his life around, about to enroll in community college, considering attending church” routine is void in this case.

The part where he fights the cops is problematic as well, considering the narrative about saints getting shot for no reason. It appears that the story is being deliberately ignored at the national level, but MI outlets are obliged to give it coverage.

The real challenge isn’t for the presstitutes, but what has fallen into the lap of Rep. Jewell. Will he just give up or does he have the guts to fight the man? So far, it looks like he’s going to stick it out. Good for him. It should be fun to watch how his attorney tries to explain this incident away.

Here’s another characteristic of black politicians that I begrudgingly respect: They won’t leave office until they’re removed. White politicians will sigh: “ghee, I’m screwed” and resign as soon as it becomes clear the situation is untenable.

Blacks, on the other hand, will collect every check possible until the gears of government finally get them gone. It’s happened a few times in my hometown. One of them even demanded to be paid for the remainder of his term while serving time in federal prison. It would be premature to count Jones out.

Each one of us is better than the worst thing we’ve done.


  1. There is something very important to be gleaned from this incident.

    There are many, MANY cases of white politicians abusing their position of power to threaten police who have pulled them over for DWI. The almost universal difference here is that they seldom resist arrest or fail to cooperate with the process. A white politician would have been pulling out his ID, registration, and proof of insurance while at the same time (subtly) “name dropping” his political connections and hinting around that there could be consequences for the officers. A more intelligent, less impulsive white politician would have played the cards in his hand without “fight or flight” kicking in.

    What’s the worst that would have happened to him if he had complied? He calls the State Police or local mayor on Monday morning and gets it “cleared up”? (This happens all the time without incident or press coverage and we all know it).

    A white politician would have kept it cool, made the requisite phone calls when he sobered up, and moved on with his life. That has nothing to do with “white privilege”, because a clear minded black politician could use all the same corrupt mechanisms to expunge himself of the charges. Politicians are a class unto themselves and protect their own.

    This was purely a case of the young, impulsive black man retreating to his natural state.

  2. It can’t just be me that thinks Jewell Jones looks like he’s about 15, the image of him in the courtroom is hilarious he looks like a teenage kid.

  3. Blacks do not know how to use power in a subtle fashion, especially when it us given to them and no earned through any true merit. It goes to their head and they turn into village cheiftains. That is why it is so easy to arrest many of them on corruption charges in sting operations.

  4. I’m a fan of authentic black politicians because they conduct themselves with more self-esteem than their white colleagues.

    Funny. I cannot think of a single example.

  5. Hell yes brother. I admire them too, they recognize that this is not a system they built or is designed to work for them so they treat it like a cheap whore, exactly as I do, because that’s what it is. I have never voted and never will, because nobody has offered me enough money for my vote. The most embarrassing thing I can think of for Southerners is not doing the same blacks have done. This is not our government by any means or country, why do we care so much about it functioning? Let. It. Burn.

    Growing up I learned to hate the block headed (literally due to their bad haircuts and worse suits) typical white Southern politician that did nothing but spew yankee Republican talking points about balancing the budget while I watched our enemies loot the Treasury while becoming wealthy and powerful doing it or in between breaths pf convincing us to die for Israel, our greatest ally and Gods chosen people who live on high above us, blessing us with their presence in our banks, that we should also take time to work as hard and long for Yankee companies as we possibly could until we dropped dead from exhaustion and old age, never having lived a life that did not revolve around hitting a time clock at a Yankee business, never forgetting to use our civic duty to vote for the people who murder us and are occupying our home. How could we turn our back on good ole’ Abe and his Party?

    What about all the liberals just giving away all of those greenbacks away they print to each other? Well what about them? Where is mine is what I want to know? I know it does not nor will it ever work, I know they are genociding us and stealing our home, why are you not looting for me instead of pretending like I should care about the profit margins of people who hate me? My labor does not benefit my people, who will be moving again as soon as all of the laws on the books have made sure whatever we will build will be stolen in short order anyway, so why waste all of our time building things just to have them stolen? Why are we saving fiat money in to be stored in Yankee banks so they can invent even more of it for the Yankee stock market which they use to fund our murder? Why?

    As if any of it was legitimate or was ever going to amount to us being free. I always admired the Black people who did not care at all about the budget of a system they wish would burn down, because I thought the same thing, “Why the hell are we trying to save this?”

    We should learn from them, they are winning after all. Never convict a white Southerner of anything, riot if they are convicted by the yankee occuapional govenment, we are inherently innocent due to systemic oppression of a system designed to kill us, never balance the budget, I want them to buy my support with money too, I want grants, I want handouts, I want it all too, all the way up until the rotting Yankee mess implodes, making sure most of the slop lands in the North, that should have always been our goal. They need us, we don’t need them and that is exactly how we should have always conducted ourselves.

    We are what has held it all together these long years, how did that work out for us? Are you glad you have family members dead in graves with Yankee flags waving over them? Are you glad we left towns in such great shape for our replacements to slither into? Are you happy that you spent all of your time supporting Republicans? Good thing we passed all of those tax measures so that John McCain could keep his jet fueled up. Good thing we kept the economy rolling, that sure did pay off. 🙄

    We need to be marching next to black people, its not like the government and police they hate so much are our doing, its not like they dont kick in oir door and execute us as well, its time we pointed them at the real slave masters, its time we rioted against the white devil that moved South and lives in the North hording all of the money and mansions to themselves. Its long pass time that we march in solidarity with our black neighbors against the government and people we both hate and that are oppressing them, us and half the world, Yankees.

  6. Our own worst enemies are other “Whites”, and not the average minority you come into contact with. That being said the majority of “Whites” don’t identify as “White” and is not a common identifier. Likewise this is why I think a movement or organization that identifies as “White identity” is a nonstarter and will not get anywhere IMO. It’s time to move past “Whiteness” and quit identifying according to skin color.

    1. I absolutely agree and have told all of the White Nationalists the same for a very long time. The problem, as always, is Yankees. They don’t have an identity or culture to fall back on beyond White. They are truly culturalless, basically just someone opened the sewer valve of Europe and pointed it at our cannons, that in itself precludes them from having a basis for cohesiveness, they want to bury and lie about their history, not untie around it as a collective people, which they are not. Its why they can’t really argue against magic dirt, then they would have to admit what we already know, they themselves are not Americans. In fact they did away with the Constitution and everything else to do with our government, they just kept the name and started lying.

      Its been said here many times, I am not fighting just so that a bunch of Yankees and carpetbagging garbage can resume the occupation of our home. I am not uniting with them in any fashion until they remove themselves along with all of these people they have dumped here to replace us with puppets that they control in on our own home and give up their pretended right to rule us. That comes first for me, as far as I am concerned what is happening to them now was inevitable and well deserved, Southerners being the only thing that enabled it to last this long. What they have been doing for the last 200 years is exactly who they are, that is their “Identity Yankee”, nothing has changed now except the fear level of them finally starting to see the consequences of their actions, that’s it, they are still the same.

      We tried to teach them how to be free and they just doubled down on their oppression. The same can be said about their allies who have aided them in our occupation.

      I can untie as whites with Poland and a few others as White, but it will be more than that that unites us and those are the bonds that have the potential to grow strong and those places and peoples are where us as Southerners should be developing our ties with, not Yankees. Reclaim everything right? Yankees will never let that happen if we don’t begin to take active measures to do away with them once and for all. I for one, believe that all of the Mexicans, Cubans, Negros etc. they have dumped in our home would make better neighbors, we should give them the North, let them demonstrate what they have been preaching to everyone else at gunpoint, make them put their money where their mouth is. All we have to do is let them know the other kind of Yankee in New York not to trust anymore than the regular Yankee and they have a shot.

      In conclusion, White is too broad as you pointed out and, if you can’t tell, the majority of people I don’t like are white. We sir, agree, lets explore other relationships, Yankees certainly have not made many friends, we just need to make sure people know the difference between us and them, lets see if we can’t drum up some allies.

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