Walking to Freedom

Today might be the most difficult, or the easiest, time to begin your journey to freedom. It’s difficult because it seems as though everything and everyone is out to get you. From an overreaching government to Big Tech spying, it seems the oligarchy is around every corner, hindering the average man from achieving real tangible freedom. However, with the proliferation of alternative social media and cryptocurrency, now might be the easiest time to gain your freedom. From agorism to building virtual nations, the possibilities to go unnoticed and live the life you want are seemingly endless. As with anything, starting small is the genesis. If you move an inch towards freedom everyday, that’s significantly better than standing still.

Food is a great place to start. Everyone must eat, and food is how the oligarchs have controlled the masses since the rise of industrial agriculture. Growing your own food is the greatest act of peaceful rebellion. If we have the ability to provide a significant portion of our own caloric intake, we are far less controllable than the person who doesn’t. Start a garden, get some chickens. Perhaps you live in an apartment and have limited space, grow a vertical garden or do indoor aquaponics. The possibilities are dependent on you. Maybe there is a community garden that allows members to plant their own food. Even if it’s just one tomato plant, that is an inch towards freedom.

Networking is also a huge step. Look for local farmers markets. Most tend to be within a county (or two) of you – which means a better chance at networking. Most small scale farmers are very much like minded in this walk to freedom, it’s a long walk and better with companions. Here is the perfect opportunity to practice agorism (agora literally just means market). Find out if any local vendors accept crypto currencies. Using crypto to buy produce might not be a major hit to the system, but it’s (again) one inch closer to freedom and independence.

Join a community. As stated earlier, it is a long walk to freedom and companions are necessary. I tend to suggest finding this community in a local church, but not every church has like minded people who are seeking to live independent of the system. That said, I’m still going to use churches as an example. Seek to do business only with people of your local church (and try not to ask for a discount). Keep the wealth and currency within your localized community and enrich your own people. This is the first step to colony building.

Lastly, become debt free. Sounds simple enough. After all, Dave Ramsey has been preaching this for years. But really, get out of debt – the borrower really is slave to the lender. Most of being free is keeping the fruits of your labor, stop giving your hard earned capital to institutions who print money out of thin air and screw over our posterity. I was inspired to write this because I saw a comment in a chat that said no one offers advice on best practices. This is just a start, there is much more to cover but hopefully this gets the wheels turning and we can all walk this path to freedom together.

-By Confederate Kornbred


  1. With a couple-three dozen other workkampers, we operate a small organic teaching farm near the outskirts of Eugene Oregon.
    Everybody we know is heeled with a concealed you-know-what.

    Although every individual in Oregon is often painted with the broad brush of ‘goofball’, nobody we know voted for Glorious Leader china joe biden or Oregon unelected governess kate ‘moonbeam’ brown.

    Just as the ‘nuke inner-cities’ crowd fails to differentiate between good working folks and useless low-IQ eaters, I think avoiding anybody ‘different’ is doomed.

    I think this is a good time to recruit.

    1. I see your comment. I say that the first thing that we need to do as a people is have all Southerners RETURN HOME!!!! No more living North of the Mason Dixon line. Lets not just have talk. we need to put action to words. There is no need to have Southerners living up north or trying to change a Yankee state values when they are needed most back home. Lord knows North Carolina could use more Southerners back in Raleigh to help push the yankees out. That I think in the front line to this new war that we are fighting.

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