A Life’s Mission Coming to Fruition

Humanist” is a non-threatening word with unclear connotations. It’s exactly the sort of vocabulary used in the titles of organizations that exist for exclusively nefarious purposes. The intent is to mollify the naïve into shrugging “Oh, humanists, only a misanthrope would be anti-human,” and then going on about their business.

When the uninformed come across a term like “anti-defamation,” they’re supposed to assume that not wanting to be defamed is a reasonable aspiration instead of investigating why they’re considered soulless disposable cattle. In modern sophistry, vague vocabulary is a facile tactic but also a foundational concept.

Anyways, here’s an excerpt from a recent press release by the American Humanist Association:

Regrettably, Richard Dawkins has over the past several years accumulated a history of making statements that use the guise of scientific discourse to demean marginalized groups, an approach antithetical to humanist values. His latest statement implies that the identities of transgender individuals are fraudulent, while also simultaneously attacking Black identity as one that can be assumed when convenient. His subsequent attempts at clarification are inadequate and convey neither sensitivity nor sincerity.

Consequently, the AHA Board has concluded that Richard Dawkins is no longer deserving of being honored by the AHA, and has voted to withdraw, effective immediately, the 1996 Humanist of the Year award.

I came across this one on Steve Sailor’s blog and laughed aloud. So, they’re basically saying that you can’t claim to be black if you aren’t black, but this principle doesn’t apply to your genitals. Makes sense in the context of the current miasma.

It also denounces the outspoken atheist as a peddler of pseudoscience. This brings to mind another definitive principle of our times, that science only explains things about race for which there is no evidence.

For those of you unfamiliar with Richard Dawkins, he’s the Richard Attenborough of dickheads. Attenborough is an old British guy who has made great nature documentaries. Dawkins has tried to do the same, but with pretentious lectures about atheism.

Dawkins has spent decades advocating that atheism is the only spiritual outlook compatible with reason, and so atheism is the path to human progress. The irony is richly hilarious. Church membership is at an all-time low, and Mr. Atheist gets canceled for pointing out the obvious. I wonder if he ever takes a look around and gets alarmed at how badly he got that one wrong.

If this is an unpleasant shock, he may have more ahead.

One comment

  1. God is Truth, without Him mankind will corrupt everything. Man is paradoxical, from faith comes reason. In 1984 The Party is ever changing, it’s final ambition is to become immortal… it will do this by destroying the concept of truth and freedom. Dawkins is a member of the party, and for awhile his brand of boomer atheist SCIENCE cultism was useful… but the party is ever changing. He learned that lesson the hard way, even SCIENCE must step aside for postmodernism. You see this in many aspects of our dysfunctional irrational society. Power is Truth

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