What Lives Matter?

A constant refrain from the apologists for the BLM movement is that their slogan “Black Lives Matter” does not imply that other lives don’t.  They act as if the outrage over saying “All Lives Matter” isn’t because it’s an untrue mantra, but rather it takes away from the emphasis of the BLM movement.  To put it more plainly, they assert that BLM is shedding a spotlight on a specific instance of suffering and that it would be equally inappropriate to try to disparage a breast cancer march by saying, “Why just breast cancer? All cancers matter.”

Of course, we know this isn’t what BLM is.  BLM is a loose black-identitarian movement with an explicit Marxist bent; however, its ideology is better summed up as “white people bad” and “black people should not be held accountable for their actions.”  One is reminded of how a few years back, during the massive number of terror attacks by Muslims, BLM leaders complained that the concern over the suffering of the people of Nice was stealing their limelight.  Would a breast cancer charity complain about a lung cancer charity getting more attention for a while?  Probably not, so the parallel they try to enact already falls apart.

Recently, a BLM leader has gotten some bad press for buying a mansion in a fancy neighborhood.  She is also purported to have said she felt it was fine for her to do this because she viewed it as her family’s money.  There are claims that she embezzled the money, like other BLM leaders, but that is unproven.

However, I’m not concerned about BLM for their hypocrisy or potential embezzlement.  I expect hypocrisy from any leftist organization and, frankly, any money embezzled on personal luxuries is money not going towards their terrorist activities.  No, I’m more concerned about the reaction to BLM.  You’ll have normal folks acting as if there’s nothing wrong with the movement due to a combination of apathy, fear of being labeled a racist, and not knowing the truth about BLM (people often deny BLM is explicitly Marxist despite their home page stating they want to disrupt the Western nuclear family.  Interestingly, that page has since been deleted but has thankfully been archived).  It’s almost as if they don’t want people to know what they really believe.

Normal people having indifference and fear is nothing new.  The average person is not and has never been truly political.  You would think the ever-growing Satanism of our society, between propagandizing of transgenderism to children, mass abortion, and other such ills, the average person would begin to become political as it’s becoming more of a theological and spiritual battle.  Still, normalcy bias is strong, and this too can be explained away.

It is getting more difficult to pretend things are normal or everything is fine.  Recently, a white guy was killed by the police.  This is nothing new.  It’s more likely for a white guy to be killed by cops than for it to happen to a black guy (regardless of what leftists say). No, the concerning thing is that a tweet alerting folks that it was a white guy had to be issued in order to keep blacks from rioting.

It’s strange, isn’t it?  A black man who murders a baby is introduced in the article as someone trying to “better himself,” whereas a white kid who shoots a pedophile in self-defense is an “ accused murderer” that is so evil that if you donate to his legal defense fund, you’ll be  reassigned from your post and risk losing your job. The white officer who shot Daunte Wright is being charged with 2nd degree manslaughter, whereas the black cop who shot Ashli Babbitt isn’t being charged. Additionally, the cop who shot Babbitt wasn’t even named.  Instead, people online had to do a deep dive to determine his identity. Likewise, every time a white person does violence against a black person there’s a massive backlash (even if it’s justified). Who remembers the 2017 story about the four blacks who kidnapped and terrorized a mentally challenged white guy, or the name of the black man who almost killed a 5 year old boy in the Mall of America for seemingly no other reason than he was white, or the vile creature who shot and killed Cannon Hinnant, a small white boy whose only crime was being white?

Why does this happen?  Why are these the reactions? It’s because we live in a country where the lives of white people are valued less than those of brown people, if they’re valued at all.  You’ll have leftists pretend the opposite is true, but push them on it.  If it were true that our country valued the lives of white people more than browns and blacks, why would we make excuses and allow riots over the shootings of black criminals?  Why would the media demonize white victims of police brutality (like accusing Babbitt of all matter of nasty things) and constantly use old photos of black victims to make it look as if the cops were shooting an innocent child, rather than a drug user?  

Do not take the knee for BLM.  Don’t buy into their propaganda.  Don’t pretend like we live in a “white supremacist” country.  In fact, take a page from the BLM playbook and use it yourself.  Be outraged over the violence against white people in this country.  Be outraged over the fact that despite making up 14% of the population, blacks make up over half the homicide rate in this country.  Be outraged that blacks are more likely to harm whites than vice versa.  Be outraged at the propaganda and violence white people face from all sides in this country. 

Be proud to say White Lives Matter.  Maybe, even better, be proud to say Southern Lives Matter.  You can be sure the BLM folks don’t value them.