
Who are you in your heart?  Who do you love?  What do you love?  For me, those answers have been born and tested.  I am a Nationalist.  I believe in the fundamental right of all distinct peoples to determine their own future without molestation.  I love my people.  I love my Ireland and my South.  I love my wife and children, within whom Irish blood pumps through their hearts, born and grown on Southern soil.  To this, I am committed.  Are you committed?  Do you know the meaning of commitment?

Commitment is a total emotional, physical, and mental state of determination toward a goal.  The man without commitment is not a man.  He is a cog in a wheel, devoid of purpose.  He is nothing.

Commitment is the young boy on Parris Island running another step further through his painful exhaustion to earn the title of “Marine.”  Commitment is marching through snow without shoes to fight a superior British Army, because you hope to create a country of your own.  Commitment is charging the Yankee lines one more time through unrelenting fire because they have invaded your homeland.  Commitment is jumping off a landing ship at Okinawa, because your family back home is imperiled by an enemy who has proven he will strike them down if you do not kill them there.

Commitment is waking up early to read your Bible because God’s Word means Salvation to you.  Commitment is working long hard hours because you want your wife and children to be fed.  Commitment is scraping, saving, fighting, and beating the odds so that you can build an enduring business that will ultimately lay a pathway for the future of your family and your people.   

Commitment is spending every waking moment knowing failure is not an option.

Commitment is making one more deadlift because you know your bodies must be hardened for the future that awaits.  Commitment is one more squat because you may have to carry your spouse on your back as the enemy comes to kill her.  Commitment is enduring one more fast because your body must be prepared for the privation your enemies will impose upon you.

Commitment is continuing to work toward the betterment and independence of your people even though you have lost your job, your livelihood, and your associates.  Commitment is continuing to fight against the overwhelming odds that surround your cause because your people mean more to you than the pain you will surely endure.  Commitment is standing in the face of your enemies and letting them know you will not bow down no matter what they do – and after they strike – telling them again. 

Commitment is hard.  Commitment is not comfortable.  It would have been easier for me to accept the modern narrative and live the easy life of a well-educated, white collar professional.  It would have been easier to put blinders on to the murder and rape of my people by savages – cheered on by their elite masters.  It would have been easier for me to ignore the kneeling protests and enjoyed football games, while I got fatter on my couch.  But I chose the harder path.  I became committed to something more than me.  I became committed to my people. 

I am committed to you, my Holy God.  I am committed to you, my wife and children. I am committed to you, my Nation. 

To what are you committed, Southern Man?  Your Nation?  Prove it.


  1. Just had this very conversation, a few nights ago, with a young man (of Southron extraction) who worked up courage and manned up enough to look me square in the eye and ask my blessing in pursuit of our daughter for future matrimony. This whole theme of ‘this is what lifelong commitment means to me; what does it mean to you?’ occupied the great majority of our two hours-long man-to-man conversation concerning the matter. By my own design, of course.

    Good post.

  2. Years ago , I was larping at how committed I was in the coming storm, and I dear friend asked me to to prove how prepared was I. He was very prepared, and could prove it. I was not prepared, I was playing.

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