Over the last two months since the 2020 presidential election was blatantly stolen by the Democrats, I have been exposed to a variety of explanations, conspiracy theories, as well as, general speculation as to what Trump and his allies are planning in order to undue the fraud and prosecute those responsible for it. In every single conservative circle there is talk about Sydney Powell’s “Kraken,” Trump finally enacting the Insurrection Act, and even ridiculous and bizarre claims regarding the Space Force.
The primary source for most of this is Q-anon, which is supposedly an insider leaking classified information. Of course, reality has proven otherwise. The situation is this: the Radical Left, backed by the Deep State, successfully, though very sloppily, rigged the presidential election and brought an end to the constitutional republic in the process. And, because the Republican Party never truly represented you or stood behind Donald Trump, there is absolutely nothing Trump or his attorneys can do. I, like all of you reading this, wanted Trump to be re-elected on November 3rd. If we were not a banana republic, he would have been. Like you, dear reader, I anxiously hoped that Trump’s legal team would be successful in combating the unprecedented amount of election fraud and that the Supreme Court, now with a conservative majority, would take up Trump’s case and vote in his favor. But, when the courts refused, I immediately knew that it was over.
The American Empire does not serve us, it serves the globalists and it will always do their bidding. This is something you must realize, although difficult, but contrary to what Q-anon or Lin Wood has told you. Nobody in the U.S. government is going to stop Joe Biden. In fact, outside a few Trump staffers, the make-up of the U.S. government’s bureaucracy is almost entirely staffed by neoliberals. There hasn’t been a “conservative” administration since the 1980s. The U.S. military doesn’t even mirror what it was a decade ago. There is no rightwing, American Franco ready to lead a counter-revolution against the Red Dems. The military senior leadership was (mostly) already purged of patriots during the Obama administration.
I have heard countless and absurd theories, all which are not plausible nor logical. I have had people tell me that Mike Pence didn’t actually betray Trump, but instead is in on a sting operation to entrap Biden and his accomplices; even more frustrating and disturbing was the claim that Ashli Babbitt, the veteran who took part in the MAGA rally on January 6th and was murdered for merely wanting to have her voice heard, didn’t really die and was a paid actor for a “false flag operation.” While I certainly believe there were bad actors among the crowd to incite violence, and there is evidence that the Capitol police invited the protestors in, the majority of people who did go into the Capitol were real MAGA supporters and are now being hunted like dogs, and Babbitt was unjustifiably murdered, to deny this is insanity. To continue to follow Q and other “sources,” such as Lin Wood, in order to cope is detrimental. It is better to come to terms with what has occurred in reality.
We cannot continue “trusting the plan.” There is no plan. There was never a plan. The faster we realize this, the quicker we can work to devise an actual plan for our well being and the independence of our people from the tyrannical American Empire. We must move forward at ensuring that our home, Dixie, is preserved for our posterity and that she endures the assaults to come in the dark times ahead of us.
God bless Dixie.
-By Narciso Lopez

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
Oh there was a plan alright. The plan was to make gullible people waste as much of their time as possible, to lull them into complacency and inaction, to give them false hope instead of a sense of urgency, to have us waste our time trying to wake them up from their stupidity instead of attacking leftist and to have a list of morons that could be easily manipulated in the future and make us all look like utter fools to anyone, an embarrassment to be avoided and the entire right be labeled as conspiracy theorists clowns, all they had to do was pull up a Q page and even I would vote for Biden after reading that nonsense for five minutes. That was “the plan” all along. The real Great Awakening will come when they are yanked out of their caves to be sent to the gulag.
No sir. Wont be going to a Gulag. Armed gubment officials might take me down on my front porch. But i wont be goin to the Yankee Empire gulag . Much too old for that.
And yes. My real name is below.
Anthony Powell: good sir, you are already in the gulag.