Sir John Bagot Glubb wrote that an average empire lasts only 250 years; it may limp along, but it will inevitably fall. January 6th, 2021 was simply a preview to the collapse following a long year of riots, protests, and cities reduced to nothing. This, however, was different. This wasn’t a protest for the death of an individual or individuals; this was a protest for the death of an idea. The participants likely viewed this as a final stand for America, as signified by the Gadsden flags, praying that they might still recognize their beloved homeland when 2024 approaches. While this is the first blood spilled by the new administration, it will not be the last. This is not written as a threat, but more of a sobering realization; American citizens will not let their country be stolen from them. The sound of revolution is growing louder and, as we saw on national television, there are those that are willing to answer the call, just as their fathers had done before them.
For an entire year, to their credit, every conservative news organization heavily criticized the looting and destruction of property and cities for political gain while Democratic officials turned a blind eye or referred to the riots as “peaceful protests”, whatever that means. The Left excused their party throwing tantrums in the street because they knew their constituents were angry and desired to appear empathetic to their grievances, the same cannot be said for the Republican Party. In a stunning display of bipartisanship not often seen, every mainstream media outlet, Left and Right, condemned the actions of the Stop the Steal protestors. “Go home, this is not how we fight for America. You’re disgraceful!” Each correspondent, expert, and politician repeated these words as if it was their one and only job. The party that is supposed to embody the spirit of 1776 told their constituents that there would be no revolution today and to wait for further instruction. That thin veil that remained over the eyes of the “normie” Republicans had been violently ripped off; the politicians that they had trusted shut the door and left them out in the cold. ”These are deranged Trump supporters that don’t share OUR values,” they reiterated, and then they turned on Trump. Out of 74 million votes, how many of them no longer share the views of the Republican Party?
The Dissident Right has seen this all before. Unite the Right did exactly the opposite of its intended purpose and the Republican Party was quick to disavow. Rallies don’t typically end well for the Right; the liberal media simply gets more ammunition for their next campaign. The Stop the Steal rally is a goldmine of footage with which the perfect narrative could be strung to further restrict freedoms during the Biden administration. The conservative media has done nothing to help legitimize the positions of the protestors and instead are berating them. Conservative, Inc. doesn’t even have enough spine to speak of the woman who lost her life in the Capitol Building.
Ashli Babitt was a U.S. Air Force veteran who died not on foreign soil, gunned down by a hostile enemy, but in her own country in a United States building. A resident of California, she attended the rally because she believed that the country and freedoms she risked her life for were now being stolen by her own country. There will not be any vindication for her in the media because she’s a “rioter.” Instead, outlets like Fox News will continue to label these people as “deranged Trump supporters” and ensure that no one forgets about the existence of the 25th Amendment. That should pacify the Left until they can hide in the shadows of the new administration.
Again, rallies don’t typically end well for the Right and this is the perfect example. However, to write this off as simply another protest following an incredibly violent year, as Fox News insists, is a horrible mistake. The base of the Republican Party is angry and the Stop the Steal rally is all the evidence needed. These people aren’t just being ignored, they’re being shunned and it’s starting to become obvious. It’s unfortunate that no profound speech was planned once storming the Capitol Building was completed because these protestors had a global stage to voice their grievances; instead, they will only be remembered as a “dark stain on American democracy.” No one is asking why these individuals were angry enough to storm the Capitol Building, in fact, many conservative politicians and media outlets are insisting that it’s un-American to do so. Has the Republican Party really forgotten what tyranny looks like? They’ll pacify the Left, invoke the 25th Amendment, and then…what?
The House, Senate, and Presidency will soon be in perfect harmony, and the Right will be forever demonized for the Stop the Steal rally. Soon, more of the 74 million Trump voters will begin to realize that, to their representatives, they are children who should be seen and not heard. And, God forbid, if they are heard their lives will forever be a living hell.
-By Dixie Anon

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
A message to White Christian Americans:
Ashli Babitt came to the realization that the threat to freedom in America comes not from Iraqis, or Afghans, or Libyans, or Iranians, or Syrians, but from those putrid occupiers of senate and congressional seats, with their $174,000 annual salaries. And then she was executed in broad daylight.
Great point about foreign governments not being a threat, Anthony Powell! Look at who is our enemy! Our government, and, dare I say, our neighbor? As someone pointed out in the comments section of the Zblog, how long before the MAGA hat is no different than a swastika?
Us 74 million, are now living in enemy territory, we are a hated minority. Violence is moral when you are in war with a existential enemy.