There are people in this world with quiet reservation and possess more mental ability in an instant than you will display in your entire life. There are also those of us that know our place, and are satisfied with it. Finally, there are the midwits. These mental manlets™ believe themselves smart (and rather smug). Coddled throughout their lives by an education system designed to cater to the basest creatures of “humanity,” midwits often score well in public school. Like goldfish that have spent their lives in a well-kept fish bowl, they think themselves king of the aquatic castle, lording over the filthy janitorial suckerfish below. It is only when you drop the goldfish into their natural environment (the pond), that it realizes it’s just another part of the ecosystem.
The midwits know how powerless they actually are, but unlike the lower IQ people of our race, they are not content with their station in life. There is no amount of chastisement, or righteous intellectual debate, that will encourage the midwit to see the error in their ways. Midwits cannot engage in any sort of self-reflection. They are smart, they have the right to show others the “truest and most progressive” path, and damn anyone dumb enough to stand in their way.
The midwits have always been the target of communist propaganda. These people so easily fall for the scraps of intellectualism veiling this soulless ethos because other midwits taught them that this was the way, and those midwits were in turn “enlightened” by other midwits farther and farther back in time. Communism is a numbers game, and the number of midwits grows each day. Everything from your fast-food gluten laden diet, to the mindless picture box that does everything from tell you what real news is or what a superhero actually looks like, is melting and reforming your brain. The subtle psychological trickery and subversion vomited forth from the approved media draws us in, piece by piece, until the entire being of your mind is a trademarked product of a soulless media company.
The female midwit is an even more dangerous variation than the male counterpart. Often, they are below average in intelligence, but since they receive far more coddling in our present day, they are most likely to react poorly when you challenge their worldview. Since the female IQ curve is less spread out from the mean, the female midwits completely dominate the femoid sphere of thought. “[Insert: Snopes/News/E-celeb/My friend] said that you’re wrong,” is a typical rebuttal from the female midwit. There is no follow-up to this because the matter is closed in their vacuous mind. Like an untested boxer who thinks they’re undefeated, female midwits rarely, if ever, face challenges to their “reality.” You are wrong to challenge them, because how could they be wrong when no one has ever “bested” them in an argument. They are not dumb, you are.
Male midwits are more likely to get intellectually or physically pummeled for their impropriety. Low and high IQ men are more likely to engage the petty thoughts of a smug, male midwit and strike them down. The midwits, therefore, have developed a survival strategy to keep their betters in check. Relying on the strength of their NPC midwit legions for back-up, they chastise others with statements like “Of course you’d believe [Insert: Statistic], you’re white!” or “How dare you [Insert: Factual Statement], you bigot!” The midwits, dumb as they are, know that they can rely on the civility and safety of our modern era to prohibit you from knocking their teeth out, or from calling them [Insert: Locker Room Slur] because your job or girlfriend doesn’t like that word and you’ll be alone and penniless.
You cannot reason with the midwit. Their intelligence is just enough to scale the walls of the pit, but not enough to see the light above. Because of this, they are robbed of both the higher state and the foundational truths that the low IQs can feel in their genetics. “Alcohol is a disinfectant and I drink plenty of it, so why would I need some vaccine against a beer virus? My immune system works just fine” says the low IQ hayseed Chad. The midwit reacts violently to this statement because the midwit doctors on television said you have to get it, just trust the science, bro. Those higher IQ chaps, who dive into the science behind it, reach much the same conclusion (as their low IQ cousins) after their research on the dubious nature of mRNA vaccines and the overblown statistics on COVID danger. The midwit’s propensity to be led by other midwits, whom they see as authority figures, gilds the lily of their thoughts. This reinforcement only adds more blinders to their minds, directing what they should think or feel. The higher IQs understand the futility associated with convincing the midwits, and often avoid wrestling it out in the mud. The midwits, though they dominate more and more of the overall conversation, miss the forest for the trees.
Of course, there are those with higher IQs among the upper echelons pulling the strings of the midwit horde. These sociopathic, or psychopathic, puppeteers are aware of the grift and throw their resources behind it because they understand the value in doing so. By controlling the horde now, they can reign as kings on earth, damn the consequences, after all, there is no afterlife where one might burn for eternity for their sins.
In times like this, with abundant trials and tribulations for low and high IQ men to face, we must rely more and more on thinking or feeling out what is good and what is evil, while the midwits are told that everything is grey and that there are no absolutes.
“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad; you are not like us.’”
St Anthony the Great

We are witnessing, not the natural end of a great human civilization, but the birth of an inhuman civilization that could never have come into being without a vast, an immense, a universal sterilization of life’s highest values
Here is a similar essay from Reckoning: