Community Interventions

A July 21, 2020 press release from the DC Attorney General’s Office:

As a Program Supervisor with OAG’s Cure the Streets, Cotey Wynn leads a team of six violence interrupters and outreach workers. When observing Cotey at work, you see a respected professional, a loving father, a devoted friend, and a pillar of the community.

A WTOP news headline from December 8th:

Man who worked to make DC safer returns to prison after murder charge

In the wake of Trump’s fraudulent electoral defeat, all the wacky stuff the Democrats felt had to be done in order to energize their fringes and make him look bad is probably going to be discreetly jettisoned. It clearly backfired and helped get him massive vote increases.

That was the second time they failed to learn the lesson after employing the same tactic during Obama’s last term. If they’re going to get it, the third time will be the charm. There’s already evidence that the process of clamping down has begun.

Soon after the fix was in, Grand Master Jay of the “Not Fucking Around Coalition” was hit with federal and state charges from an event that happened three months earlier on September 4th. The incident where he pointed his AR at the Secret Service was caught on camera.

The last thing Biden needs to happen again.

It’s no stretch to conclude that it took so long to charge him because his militia would’ve been valuable on the streets had Trump managed to pull off a victory. However, the last thing the Biden Administration would want to deal with is the NFAC marching around having regular accidental discharges or worse. It was best shut down quietly before he takes office.

The process might be longer for these farcical community intervention programs because all they do is generate hilarious headlines. The first one I covered was a former pimp convicted of underage sex trafficking being paid a 6-figure salary by the city of Seattle to be their “Street Czar.” The second was about another “counselor” in Philly who ventilated a male prostitute in broad daylight.

Violent crime is climbing, and the debts are never going to be paid down. So, part of me hopes they’ll keep these idiotic programs just for the laughs. Without them, it all turns into Orwell.

Murders through the roof, car-jackings up 536%. Solid plan.


  1. The hilarity of the entire canard played by the Left with violence and bizarre characters elevated to positions of influence was the strategy itself. First, the NFAC was partially designed to scare normie cons into accepting more gun control because the Left sincerely believes gun ownership is an extension of racism. They wholeheartedly believed that the sight of black people walking around with guns LARPing as militiamen would scare Whites into embracing gun control. It had the exact opposite effect. Instead, guys like pink polo supremacy, Mark Mcloskey, who probably never went to a rifle range in his life, ran our to buy AR-15s.

    Second, all of the protests were designed to portray a country in chaos. Instead, it portrayed leftist sh**holes in chaos and the rest of the country said, “No way do I want CHAZ, CHOP, Defund Movement/BLM, or a Pimp running my city!” It scared suburban housewives and even Hispanics into the arms of the Republican Party.

    The best part of all this – the far Left is a beast they cannot contain, even with selective indictments. This will get worse. They are now going to try herding cats.

    Anyway, great piece as always. Happy Christmas, Lad.

    1. What do you call a black man with a gun?
      … A community organizer you racist bastard, what else would you call him.

      The really funny thing is that the Washington D.C. Attorney General is from Haiti. Papa Doc didn’t even have voodoo magic that powerful!

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