Vote and Pray for Peace

Today is a major event in American history. The past several months have been marked with widespread looting, rioting and destruction of major (and minor) American cities. Surely, the Chinese and Russians understand, just as well as rightwing dissidents, that the U.S. has severe domestic problems. Presently, U.S. domestic law enforcement has been largely unable to quell or effectively prosecute the thousands of rioters that tore through the county over the summer, and which are still occurring in places like Portland. The normie stands dumbfounded how this was allowed to occur.

With tonight’s presidential election results (or whenever the votes are finally counted), it is quite possible that the nation will descend into wholesale chaos and madness. Over the past several days, major American cities have been bracing for further domestic disturbances, events that will likely be much more vindictive and visceral than the rioting from the summer. If antifa rioters and BLM looters were allowed (with practically limitless impunity) to topple statues of long dead Confederates, as well as the Founding Fathers, what is to stop them from burning down homes with Trump signs in the front lawn? Or, simply murdering a man with a MAGA hat? Failing to police bad behavior doesn’t deter bad behavior, it only encourages it.

Hopefully, and we pray to the Almighty for His blessing and protection, nothing comes to pass with the end of this election cycle. Misguided accelerationists have always been wrong about promoting “the happening.” Those aren’t reasonable family men that care about their wives, children or their neighbors. No man of character wants to see their cities burned by lawless antifa goons or priceless heritage artifacts obliterated in order to “wake up the normies.” It doesn’t work that way. Instead, you have destruction and death, neither of which serves to help your people or bring about a brighter future for your posterity.

We know full well where this violence will originate from. And, contrary to the blatant propaganda coming from the mainstream media, it is not “white supremacists” or anyone to the right of Mitt Romney. Everyone knows the threat of violence is from the Radical Left. Everyone remembers this summer and the carnage inflicted on our cities and history. It was antifa. In fact, the name is a household word in Heritage America. That is where the fear is coming from and the main question on everyone’s mind is this: what will antifa do if Trump is elected to another term?

Will they be allowed to maim, murder and demolish the country? Will, finally, law enforcement impose law and order and bring the anarcho-tyranny to an end? And, will the leftwing hostility be inevitably blamed on mythical white supremacists and/or the Proud Boys?

We won’t know until the dust settles and things are moved into motion. If the Left reacts with political violence due to a Trump victory, they must be unequivocally (and legally) smashed by the Department of Justice, along with federal and local law enforcement. If they do not do their duty and allow widespread leftwing violence, a newly re-elected Trump must completely and immediately purge the Department of Justice, federalize the National Guard, and move swiftly to protect the American people, as well as, public and private property. The summer riots should have been a major lesson for Trump; he cannot sit back and blame blue-state politicians for a nation under siege.

Ultimately, we pray for peace and the protection of our people.

Remember to vote and be safe.

Deo Vindice


  1. If the Left reacts with political violence due to a Trump victory,…

    You mean when the left reacts with political violence, etc. But anyway.

  2. “If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it.” ~ Mark Twain
    … the “peacefully” sleepwalking into the final phase:
    “They are bring this beast called America down on purpose to destroy the citizens that they have no respect for, to reset their fraudulent central banking system, , that has come to the end of its functional lifespan, and to hide their numerous and horrendous crimes against humanity… and then offer their solution. A one-world government, a one-world central bank, and a one-world digital, trackable fiat currency.” ~Berwick, Jeff. The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire

  3. The DOJ doing after Antifa? Why would the Jews who control the US crush their own violent street agents and co-ethnics?

    Simply not going to happen

  4. Whexit and Moral Revolution ( … Dixie came close but she was stomped down by external and internal forces, and as for the “moral revolution” ever occurring in the America’s? I don’t see it in our future…

    Why? The deep subconscious false dichotomy built into the so called left/right paradigm:

    democrats: associating identitarianism with degeneracy equating “identity” as being immoral

    republicans: associating racial multiculturalist “civic nationalist meritocracy” with “social conservatism” equating “social conservatism” with immoral political economy (ie. oligarchical usury communism).

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