A Boy Dies in the South

This past weekend, I attended a funeral for an in-law in Alabama.  He was nineteen years old and committed suicide by overdose on fentanyl. For years, this young man struggled with opioid addictions. It was hard for his family to watch. Yet, the story seems to fit a pattern throughout the South, in which young boys are being sacrificed on the altar of modernity. 

A feminized world is leading boys to tragic deaths at an early age. 

In the case of this young lad, his mother divorced shortly after he was born.  The boy split time between his parents, but the mother was the dominant care provider. Over time, devoid of a strong male influence, the boy did what boys do best when they lack a strong and consistent male role model – they gravitate toward hanging out with other boys who seem to fit their adolescent definition of masculinity. Shortly thereafter comes poor behavior and minor criminality. 

In this young man’s early life, his mother turned to the state for help – instead of God and family. The state recommended a number of progressive remedies, including psychotropics designed to subdue this lad’s testosterone induced rambunctious behavior. Eventually, those legally prescribed drugs were not enough, and he found similar packs of boys who found stronger drugs on the market. The book was finished before it was closed. 

But, how often have we seen or heard this same story? Boys – who are by genetic nature prone to be more physically active than their female counterparts – find themselves in female dominated situations (home, school, modern churches) and these females do not know how to handle them. Rather than letting some of that physicality to play out (They’re only wrastlin’…) or in more dangerous situations, pulling out a much needed belt (You did what?!), females turn to big pharma to suppress boys from being boys. 

This dynamic is probably why so many narcissistic, sociopathic mothers encourage their young boys to defy nature and God through the promotion of disgusting transgenderism. Unable to handle masculine virtues and incapable of understanding their genetic origin points, women chose dresses and dolls for their boys as alternatives to ADHD medications until hormone repressive therapies are issued. Soy makes a more complacent male child over time. Dresses and make-up make him a repulsive freak, but the mother can now brag among her female colleagues that she has a “trans daughter” and is supportive… enter applause from other women.  In a more just world, a father would correct that boy for wearing a dress and his friends would laugh him into conformity.  But I digress.

Going back to the mass medication of young boys that I believe leads to acts of either drug addiction, long term social instability, psychological problems, and/or cases of mass violence, we now see a problem with modernity itself. The state has become the ally of women because they vote and engage in community groups more consistently than men. These female collectives change society for their immediate benefit without regard for the long-term costs of moral hazards introduced by the very policies they promote. The hyper feminization of churches and society writ large has led to a society by which a bunch of spoiled brats who have no real concept of communism are burning cities down in the name (and at the direction) of the Communist Chinese Party.  It is also the cause of disrupting order – better known lately as the “Patriarchy.”

The fact is, the Patriarchy is a good thing. It is the conquest of emotion by logic. It is the suppression of the immediate fulfillment for the long-term good. It is the establishment of order over chaos. 

The “Matriarchy” is failing everywhere. That is not because the Patriarchy suppresses the Matriarchy. Rather, it is because the Patriarchy has not done enough to crush the Matriarchy. Men need to reclaim their natural role as leaders, one community, business, and family unit at a time.  

Of course, that male leadership tendency occurs in our young age. We – men – learn how to interact through bullying, fighting, teaming, and engaging. Our masculine physical, mental, and emotional toughness is forged in the fires of pre-pubescent social interaction. Those fires elevate alphas over betas and betas over whatever those emo kids are called. These are all things that women are simply incapable of understanding, let alone cultivating. Consequently, they make a stink about a bloody nose, go to PTA meetings to cry about the amount of meat that is served at lunch, dope up their active boys through medicines big pharma cannot wait to issue, and encourage their effeminate mutant children to chemically castrate themselves at an early age so as to make living, breathing female dolls for the benefit of their social bona fides.   

And in such a society, more young boys will die – physically and/or spiritually – because they do not know how to be men, and women do not know how to make men. 


  1. I was prescribed Adderall in high school. Luckily I started having intense hallucinations and threw it all in the trash and let that horse kick itself out.

    The world of men begins the second you’re born. Only the strong and cunning survive this place. Drugs, porn, Communism, and xenoestrogens are the agoge of our generation.

  2. Jeezabell syndrome is in Federal positions, Nancy P. a wonderful
    example, as Ayn Rynd mentioned, reality has a way of asserting itself, and the check is now due.
    My condolences, may his soul Rest In Peace

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