If you are like me, or any other father out there, you have had discussions with your wife about your children’s education. My wife and I have had arguments about this in the past. See, her parents paid for her college education at a four-year private school (very expensive). My parents could not afford to send me to college. And, let’s be honest, with my grades and attitude at the time, I could have cared less about any additional education. When I did mature and decided that I needed additional education, I had to find a job and pay for it myself. My wife was lucky that she had parents able to pay for such an expensive education and luckier still that this education did not brainwash her and try to indoctrinate her into some crazy, man-hatin’ feminist.
Now, this brings me to the point of this article. Why would a parent, who has had years teaching their children in the ways of this world (the good and the bad), send them away to be inculcated by rabid Cultural Marxists?
Our people try to raise their children and teach them good, old-fashioned, Southern values and, most importantly, to be a Christian. In turn, they send their children to a four-year college in order to get a quality education and, hopefully, find a good paying job. The holidays start rolling around and these same children return home and their Southern parents naturally ask them about what they’ve learned in their classes. Like clockwork, the kids start spewing liberal talking points and state that they were raised “wrong” and that the parents need to change to the “right way of thinking.”
Even if the family were able to overcome this ideological transformation and accept their children’s new found moral code, they would have to be mindful of their speech and even their own beliefs. If at any point the children are offended, or they come to suspect the parents are “evil racists,” they could threaten or refuse to let them visit or even see their own grandchildren. After a quick search on Twitter, I was able to find several examples where grown adults have threatened their own parents against voting for Trump, or any Republican, least they never see their grandchildren again.

Why we would send our children and even pay for this indoctrination that takes place, only to lose them in the end. What are they even learning in these colleges of “higher learning” that could benefit them later in life?
Let me give you an alternative.
Let’s talk about trade schools. First, these schools are considerably less expensive than any of the four-year colleges out there. In addition, factor the immense debt that college graduates carry many years after they’ve left school (many don’t even leave with a diploma, but still carry thousands in debt). Also, with a trade skill one can jump directly into the workforce, and quickly start making a good living. The world actually needs electricians and plumbers, not so much an art or social worker degree.
Trade skills bring a feeling of self-worth and accomplishment due to working with your hands; you’ll recognize that accomplishment when you repair a leaky faucet or water line, install a well or hand pump for water, and wire a cabin or home. These things can never be taken away from you. I stated in my last article that I was a law enforcement officer for over 18 years. In just a few moments, everything I was had been taken from me. With that career path, I couldn’t just start my own police agency and start anew; however, with a trade skill, I could have found a new job quickly or even started my own business. I have learned from the mistakes of my youth, and at 44 years of age I am on the path to obtain my plumber’s license.
The purpose of this article is to get us to think more about our children’s options. We, as parents, want what is best for our children, but sending them to a four-year college that will brainwash them into hating their parents and people is simply not advisable. Instead, let’s raise our children to be the best Southerners that they can be. Let’s raise them with Southern morals and values. Let’s teach them the satisfaction of a hard day’s work.
We must provide our children with the tools they’ll need to succeed in life – to create ways to provide for their families, no matter what this society throws their way.
Until next time my friends,
Deo Vindice!
-By The Confederate Rebel

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
Ha! I’ll send the link to this article to my grown and married kids and ask them to come here and write a short explanation of how I would react should they try to pull Leo’s bullshit on their father for any reason whatever. And by “Leo’s bullshit,” I mean two specific things:
(1) using his kids, or attempting to use his kids, as a bludgeon against their paternal grandfather; and (2) making a public spectacle of the issue (whatever the issue might be), thereby disgracing the family and the family name, broadcasting it all over social media like a silly teenage girl.
I’ll give you a hint as to my reaction – it would be swift, and the punishment severe. But that is why the Leo’s of the world do these sorts of things; their fathers are weak, and they know they are weak; it isn’t the colleges and universities turning the Leo’s of the world into, well, the Leo’s of the world, I’ll guarantee you that. They aren’t helping matters any, but they aren’t the efficient causes of this sort of thing either.
Good article, you’re just mixing cause and effect up a bit best I can tell.
Just like internet comment sections – women ruin every single profession they infiltrate, bitching and moaning about “women’s issues.”
“I demand to have sex with every black and haji on planet earth and practice Wicca!”
“Yeah, that’s great lady, I just need your signature for this package.”
If you have anything of value to teach your son, you’re probably better off teaching it yourself. I had an EMT program that taught me about the exquisite importance of feelings as much as stopping fatal blood loss and airway occlusion.
Great article! I hope to push my children towards trade schools, as well. I know too many even of my own generation who have been irreparably damaged by four year degrees.
Good article.
Spirhern women don’t abide cucks who worship a man as God almighty, especially a foreign lunatic jeo man …
Southern women don’t abide cucks who worship a man as God almighty, especially a foreign lunatic jeo man …
I spoke with Joe Biden, if you vote for him you’ll get a free hit of Fentanyl and a blowjob from a tranny – whether he wins or not.
Cheer up!
I was a highly skilled, highly trained professional with 20+ years experience in my field when BLM/ANTIFA found a facebook post of mine about the monuments that was admittedly juicy. They created a brochure of my photo, my address, my email, my telephone number, and my posts about the problems with “diversity” and my solutions. They posted it on a local facebook group and twitter and all my customers saw it, and angrily left. I lost 35K in sales.
I’m going to drive a truck now, screw the professional world.
Families should be looking into homesteading and acquiring those skills and passing them down to their children. Time is running short.
First, this just showcases the need for us to teach our own children, especially history, which is the thing that defines us as a people and how that identity is passed on. You should already know that the only reason you can even homeschool your kids now is Southerners fighting for it for all of these years, but most people don’t because we are too stupid and lazy to write our own history down and educate our own children, there is no Southern curriculum, just random book recommendations. Most of our history post civil war has not even been written, so book recommendations are worthless largely for the purposes of writing our history, from our standpoint and transferring that collective knowledge into a teachable curriculum for our children, written by us, for us. We need historians, laywers, writers, journalists, doctors, sociologists etc., not more mechanics and welders, we are overflowing with those already and its a life harder than you imagine, not just from a labor standpoint either.
Secondly, trades for a future is bad advice for several reasons, one being you will not be able to find work there any more than anywhere else, its simply like the people on the Titanic all running to the bow of the ship as its sinking, it won’t save you and the trades are already full thanks to Republicans importing Mexicans and Yankee carpetbaggers moving here in droves. I work the trades and its not getting better, its getting worse, my friend just trained two Yankees to work and I promise you they won’t be hiring Southerners in the future. Not only that if you think the trades are immune to all of the laws and such that you are running from in corporate America then you are a fool, same diversity laws and everything else still applies.
The only thing you are accomplishing by sending your children into the trades now is ensuring that they will be poor, work so many hours that they never see their family and have no time to help our people or even keep track of what is going on. The reality of the trades as of now is no-life turn arounds for not much money and no time for yourself or your family.
The main reason not to go into the trades is because we don’t need tradesmen, we are ceding ground that we cannot afford to cede to the enemy. They transform our collages and push us out for very good reasons, its simply the best way to keep us ignorant and helpless, to turn us into mindless slave labor. Its bad advice and not only will it not save our people, it will not save your kids either.
All of this has already been determined and talked about, but because we don’t write it down, teach our kids or have any leadership or organization whatsoever you don’t know that, you think the Trades are good advice and that you are saying something new, you are not. Its bad advice, getting worse by the day.
We just keep rehashing the same things over and over, learning things the hard way again and again. We don’t need more plumbers, hiding in the woods and learning trades won’t save you and it will certainly doom our people. We need leadership and organization, you won’t learn that in trade school.