Back when I was still on social media, before I was “unpersoned,” I recall a very popular image that floated around in rightwing groups that holds very true upon reflection on our current time. It was a simple metric: hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.
“History does not repeat itself, it rhymes.”
Mark Twain

Right now, we are truly in the stage of hard times created by weak men, and it shows. The vast majority of those in leadership and elected positions, both in private and public, are completely incapable of handling the current crisis we are in, be it actual or artificial. Thus, because of their weakness in values and character, there is no way they can possibly have stopped what has come and what is coming.
I was brought up on timeless advice – a man does not compromise his values. Doing so, opens him up to weakness and the lesson still sticks today. It is why we must hold true and continue to hold true to our cause, our way of life, and our civilization; without us, and people like us, everything will be torn asunder and cast into the wind.
The thing that differentiates strong men from weak men has nothing to do with how much you can bench press, how much money you have in the bank, the things you own, or how many women you have bedded (despite what society tries to tell us). Strong men, ultimately, have something deep inside that exists without those things and that is the key point which separates them. It is something that can be learned and cultivated like a crop, but it requires real genuine effort, mentorship, and time.
If internal strength was something that came naturally there would be no need to develop it, it would be like breathing- natural and automatic. One of the core problems with our society at large is we have stopped cultivating this internal strength, this hardened mindset. This is due largely in part by hyper-feminists who seized control over women (and weak men) and herd them like a flock of angry cats, attacking any and all things masculine. In turn, masculinity is considered bad or antiquated, abusive, oppressive, or even more extreme – barbaric.
There are some key components that come into play when talking about this foundation of what makes a man. Firstly, a core inner strength comes with a connection to God. The Lord is above the reproach of man and his limited philosophies, systems, and faults. Faith is literally the strongest measure of a man, his faith in God. A godly man cannot be broken by the world, no matter how much it tempts him to be weak and sinful. Strong men understand this, they wear their devotion to God like a suit of armor.
The second component includes strong father figures to hand down discipline, ethics, morality, tradition, and experiences. This is another facet which has been relentlessly attacked to destabilized men in Western society. It also explains, to a degree, all the degenerates running around in the streets destroying civilization. These are weak men, like other weak men who think growing a beard and wearing flannel shirts make them “a man.” There is a measurable bar one must pass in life to be a man, lighting trashcans on fire and drinking craft beer ain’t it.
Lastly, the third component is mentorship. It is highly important that one is mentored by other men. Specifically, men of great character. Without mentorship, one cannot become wise, cannot become a leader, and simply will not have the knowledge necessary to succeed in life. Mentors will help you avoid mistakes, encourage you to fix mistakes or move forward on goals, and they will be there for you when you fall. Male mentorship is critical for developing strong men capable of saving or creating prosperous societies and healthy families.

In short, this model can be broken down into three fundamental areas: God, father, and other strong men. These components are necessary for the building blocks of great men. Without them, the foundation of what builds a man’s character is questionable. Strong men seek to improve themselves in some facet continuously. It’s impossible to do everything at once; however, those who desire to become these “strong men” need to achieve goals they set out for themselves to make themselves more capable, wise, and efficient.
The main objective is to constantly raise the bar just out of reach, so you are always attempting to grab it. You never settle or compromise, you are relentless and, if need be, ruthless in your quest for self-betterment because the weak will attempt to hold you back or get you to stop. A sheep is always scared of a lion and a lion does not care for the opinions of sheep.
At times, this development is painful, be it physically or mentally, but we were not put on this earth by the Creator to live comfortable lives. We are men, it is high time we started acting like it again. This means a sense of class and sophistication, ruggedness, maturity, discipline, and integrity.
Weak men cannot run society, as history and our present has shown. And, once again it is our time, as strong men, to rise up and restore order, righteousness, and justice. So long as miscreants are allowed to run amok unchallenged, the weak will huddle in fear waiting for those who can rise up and protect them – not everyone has developed the internal strength to do what is right.
We must be hard as steel against the twisted immorality of our enemies. This means we will be hated. Unlike the weak, we can take it because we are strong men. And, we are back.
God bless you and God bless Dixie.

I have seen three emperors in their nakedness, and the sight was not inspiring.
Be strong ; start by refusing to wear the occultic counterproductive dehumanising face masks!
Yes, neither the wife nor I have worn a mask, nor will we.
Thank you for your blessings, Dear Bismark.
I agree, a man ought not compromise his values, though, he should relentlessly shift his tactics to succeed at implementing them in the world around him.
Be well!
Change, “God” to “Gods,” and you’d be 100 % correct.
“The thing that differentiates strong men from weak men has nothing to do with how much you can bench press…”
Internal strength is important and primary, but physical strength is important as well.
In reference to cultivating personal courage, refusing the masks is good practice.