The past month has been a pretty brutal one for Southern Nationalists and those that maintain their histories. The total break down of law and order in our semi-civic society has been most easily observed in the form of the howling mobs of BLM and ANTIFA who are desecrating and ripping down statues and monuments to Confederate heroes and Southern figures. Even the men who served the Union, who had ties to the South, are being sacked on the orders of swamp rats in DC.
For the first few weeks, most American Nationalists and Civic Nationalists were content to watch Dixie suffer, going so far as to even taunt them with memes and social media campaigns orbiting the idea of destroying Southern heritage and erasing the memory of our Confederate dead. Within the last week or so, however, we have seen the lawless urban vagabonds turn their gaze to those figures that the Unionists and AmNats hold so dear: Washington, Jefferson, Grant, Roosevelt, and even Lincoln, their demigod, have been laid low. Things are bleak, to be sure; Unionist and Confederate alike are feeling the burn from the mob of errant progress. There are, however, places to go from here that do not necessitate defeatism.
It has been a black year so far, there is no question of that. I have always loved the South and her people, but recent events have shaken my faith in them. Since the BLM protests and riots have reached fever pitch, I have seen nothing but blackpills and defeatist rhetoric from Southern men. Men who I have spent years listening to their vaunted virtues and powerful rhetoric about their homeland, about not quitting, about no cause being lost. And yet, when some statues come down, when the going gets tough…the word on the majority’s lips is “flee”?
What happened to honoring the cause of those Southern men who died for the soil they stood upon? You can’t wave their flag anymore if you’re going to quit and speculate about what corner of the globe would make a safe haven? Russia, Idaho, Wyoming, Latin America; these are the places I see brought up frequently as places to hide. As someone who has already lived through the sack of their homeland, I am left wondering what the hell happened to the sons of Dixie to render them so impotent at this moment. This is not a call for some DO SOMETHING goon activism, quite the contrary.
This is a call to reexamine ourselves and just what in the hell we are doing; rhetoric without teeth is just wind, words that die upon leaving the tongue. I have watched the Marxists and foreigners conquer my home; I have watched them turn most of my family and friends into their puppets, spewing their rhetoric; I have had my nose rubbed in these things, but I refuse to give in because I view things as an Aeneid would. Troy may have burned, Aeneas and his men may have been scattered, but they would go on to found Rome, and Roman legions conquered the land Troy once rested upon. So long as the world turns and we persevere, there is always hope.
What Southerners need to do in this moment is decide just who they want to be and where they want to go. Their fate is not in the hands of BLM, ANTIFA, or the Federal government. No matter how hopeless and powerless you feel, there is always reason to hold firm. The men at Thermopylae or Sailor’s Creek did not die so that you could be a spineless pussy now, content to hand over civilization because your pessimism has triumphed over your hope. Accept it now, there is no running. There is no redoubt, not in the bitter fringes of the Northern Rockies or the steamy jungles of Latin America; the powers you fear will find you here, there, anywhere.
The only move to make, in truth, is to dig in. This is a long culture war, the Spanish Reconquista took half of a millenia. Folks in the Dissident Right and Southern Nationalists claim to love history and tradition; my advice then would be to actually learn from it, instead of just regurgitating the same debates and anaylsis over and over, to the benefit of none and the detriment of all. For those who feel hope is lost, what investment have you put in locally? What work do you do for your Church, for your community, that is so unrewarded and unsusccessful that it’s time to throw in the towel? None, if I had to guess, because I sincerely doubt the pessimistic blackpillers are overly involved with anything other than their own little bubble of existence in their personal pocket of the community they reside in, atomized, apathetic, and altogether not someone who should lament the decline of community they cannot be bothered to participate in.
So, what can be done? Well, the environment certainly isn’t being healed or restored through leftist ascendancy or rightwing capitulation. The forests of the South require maintaining, especially since our replacements do not care about such things. The Gulf Coast is very ill and requires healing. Dixie’s rivers are often stagnant and polluted, her communities have plenty of run down locations that require rennovation. No one can force you to care, but if you geninely do, and feel hope in any kind of political or social solution is lost, then why not revert to the most basic principles and conserve the lands allegedly held so dear?
Conservationism and green living is ripe for a take over from the Left, since it genuinely doesn’t correspond to their worldview of “progress” at all. It might not be your cup of tea, but it is something positive to focus energy and effort with palpable benefits, rather than the useless despondency currently afflicting dissidents. Churches and charities abound, cry as you like about the power of Uncle Sam, he’s not holding you in cuffs preventing you from participating in your community and alongside your kith and kin.
Flight to Russia or Latin America, Idaho or Wyoming, none of these should sit well within the breast of any genuine Southern Nationalist. “In Dixie’s land I’ll take my stand, to live and die in Dixie.” These are words that have meaning, that have power. Look to yourselves, Southern men; decide if these are your words, your anthem, or if its just “whistlin’ Dixie.”

Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle ‘Dixie’?
“It has been a black year so far, there is no question of that. I have always loved the South and her people, but recent events have shaken my faith in them.”
This has been extraordinarily painful for this Tarheel, just taking these blows without any honourable way to fight back.
As to our people, I can only report what I hear and see in Northeastern North Carolina – people here are disturbed and alarmed.
That said, they still are not daring to think about taking any concerted organized moves to ensure our well-being and survival.
As a people we have long been in a deep coma, and, for that reason, my wife and I have been studying Hungarian, just in case we have to go into exile.
To be clear, we will not be running out on a fight, for if our fellow Southerners want to make a fight, my wife and I will be in the thick of that.
However, if my fellow Southerners continue to snooze, we will not stay here and live under an intolerable tyranny.
It’s reaching that point where these Southerners, I a Tarheel and my wife a Yellowhammer, are feeling very uncomfortable in our own country.
We will not stay and suffer with a people who have no sense of pride in themselves – it’s against our grain.
I was fixin on heading back home to my roots down south, but things happened to me outside of my control, I am pretty much stuck out west for awhile.
I believe, if there’s any bikers out there, maybe you could form a club, and have rides out to various projects like you mentioned.
You could call yourselves “whistlin’ Dixie” for sure!
Inspiring article. Good energy well spent, is health to our bones and will cause much Blessing in our lives.
God Heal the Southland!
Ivan come to WNC we should gather here and plan for the future.