The Southern Belle

It is important to cast light on the multitude of attacks on both the South and Western civilization laid forth by degenerative idealogues with a disgusting sense of morality; yet in these bleak times, we must remember the good and true things we retain within Southern culture. A few days ago, I read Padraig’s love letter to the Southern Belle, and since then my love and appreciation for the Southern woman has been reignited once again by the reminder of just how special they really are.

For all the single men like me, remember that Southern Belles are still out there; good Christian women need good Christian men. Despite everything going on these days, we have what the rest of America and the world doesn’t: Southern women. They’re most definitely the best girls in the world, they beat all others from sea to shining sea with beauty and charm unique to their character. Nowhere on this earth will you find a kinder, more honest woman.

A few months ago, I visited my cousin at his college, one that prides itself on having a hefty carpetbagger population. While there, an effeminate carpetbagger was trying to get attention from his girlfriend in the courtyard; when he failed to do so, he got up and started mocking Southern women and making fun of them in every possible way, laughing with his effeminate harpy giggle. Some nerve on that fella, since Southern women have more value and character than any man north of the Mason-Dixon; it would be a shame if any of those Belles took issue with his childish Yankee attitude. The fact that “men” like this feel so comfortable mocking women, *our* women at that, fills me with a fire I find hard to snuff.

I’m not saying Southern women are perfect, because they’re human like you and me, even if it’s sometimes hard to imagine them having fault. Unfortunately, I’ve never had the privilege to date one, but I’ve been lucky enough to grow up with Southern Belles in my family that have shown me what to look for when I’m looking for my own. For me, any other girl will just not do. All I want is just one slow talking Southern gal who puts the Lord first, and her family at a very close second.

I’ll be happy for life if that happens, like my grandfather has been with my grandmother for nearly 60 years. They seem like they just married yesterday, even though they’re both in their late autumn years. They still play around and laugh with each other, as though they were still in their 20s, all the while entertaining you with one of the many stories they have to tell with a smile. If that isn’t proof that Southern Belles are a special type of woman, who will keep you young for life, than I don’t know what is; they’re the happiest people I’ve ever known and the day they go this world will have lost something truly special.

I’ve dreamt of having a loving marriage with a Southern Belle, much like the example set forth by my grandparents. I hope of having one who understands the necessity of patriarchy and owns the feminine role God gave her with love and pride. I know that men and women have different roles and duties; they are miserable whenever they try to fight nature. I’ve read many articles about how women focused on their careers are miserable, and I know a few career-focused women that fit the bill. One of the many examples of the ideal Southern Belle, who was happy sticking to the important role of caring for her family, is Lurleen Wallace, the former First Lady of Alabama and former Governor of Alabama.

Fathers of the South, please stop sending your Belles to college; these places corrupt them. You are doing your daughter a great disservice when sending them there. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got nothing against women being educated; but they can learn at home, church, and other social events, like ladies clubs, rather than sending them off to an environment that influences them to hate you and your values. The pseudo-intellectuals think our women need to be more like them and embrace their lifestyle. You are not only doing a disservice to your daughter, but also to your future son-in-law, if you even have one. Colleges also encourage Southern women to be ashamed of their heritage aand traditions; if you allow your daughter to be shamed into hating herself, then you’ve failed her. There is no reason, especially in 2020 and onward, to send your daughter to college; with the internet and libraries at her fingertips, and a wholesome community at her side, she will have all she needs.

I want it to be clear that I do not believe women are lesser than men, but rather, they occupy a different role in society, and without the Southern Belle being the glue to hold our families together, Dixie will be shattered and lost. I don’t care if I’m poor for the rest of my life, if I manage to wed a good Christian, Southern women, the kind aforementioned that holds our communities together, then I will live a blessed and rich life.

God bless.

-By Johnny Reb


  1. The Southern Belle is waiting for us to stand as real men, Lord of Ourselves, beholding to no other, and to no other nation!

    1. An that we must do, we’ve got to show them that we’re worthy of their love an hand in marriage.

  2. My paternal grandmother was a Southern woman from a gentleman’s family. One of her sires served in the Revolution and another in the Army of Northern Virginia. Her English roots would shine though from time to time, her wit often reserved for moments of levity among friends and her sarcasm never lost on more disagreeable company. For us children, she often had words of encouragement, small gifts or acts of kindness. I also remember as a child, she would host afternoon tea to any of the ladies in the neighborhood who happened to stop in and say hello. This was not as common in Appalachia in more recent times, but still quite welcome.

    When I reached manhood, she offered one piece of advice: Marry a good woman of our shared heritage and faith. Something I endeavor to do. She passed away a few years ago and I miss her. Thank you for your post, Johnny. True Southern women are treasures indeed.

    1. Thanks for sharing your story about your grandmother Jack, I’m sure she’s very proud of you an looking down at you from Heaven with a bright smile.

      She was right on about marrying a woman of shared heritage an faith, we shouldn’t ever settle for less. Best of luck in finding your Belle my friend.

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