Advancing the Truth

This time around is going to be a rather one-sided affair. The Right has no real political representation, zero ability to organize any resistance, and no means to make financial transactions even if it did. It doesn’t even possess the ability to honestly discuss existential problems in the MSM and struggles just to stay online.

Moreover, any mainstream figure purporting to represent Heritage America is simply astroturf to make sure discourse never addresses the underlying premise. Have you ever clicked on the news and seen anyone just come out and say the idea that white people aren’t bad, and the notion that black people are being brutalized and murdered is a demonstrably insane farce?

The average Heritage American receiving his information from establishment sources has no basis for understanding what’s going on, let alone what he ought to be fighting for. Most of them still think war in the Middle East is for national security or humanitarian intervention. The best you could hope from these guys is setting up a roadblock to keep their neighborhood from getting pillaged.

The other side is godless, violent, and emboldened to the point where it’s willing to burn a church right in front of the White House. It possesses the implicit assurance that the State and plutocracy are firm allies. The Left will keep running rampant, probably in fits and starts.

Anybody who intones about civil war as a real possibility sounds like an imbecile who’s not going to get any serious thinkers to listen, only the FBI. This is not going to be a civil war, it is and will continue to be a leftist rampage across America. Black people are simply being incited to mayhem as the shock troops of this offensive. Boredom, fatigue, and the depletion of easy targets are probably the only factors that will restrain its momentum.

Over the course of the past century, with the Hart Cellar Immigration Act in 1965 being the primary inflection point, Heritage America has been subjected to a profound demographic, cultural, and religious transformation from a nation into what is designed to be a multicultural retail location where nobody even notices, let alone opposes, the new management.

This is an insane project with no chance of success. In fact, it actually stands a decent chance at this juncture of ending up a pile of ash. They’ll never succeed, but that doesn’t mean they’re not going to keep pushing for the ultimate goal. That’s why it’s vital to recognize that the logic of this escalation guarantees it’s not going to stop until it defeats itself.

This madness running its course is the reality that we’ve got to deal with, especially since it erupted in conjunction with an economic collapse that will have profoundly negative ramifications without an end in sight.

So, here’s the point summed up as a question:

How do you respond to a failing system while a war is waged against you with impunity?

The first thing you need to do is to consider your responsibilities. Any man’s foremost responsibility is his family. That’s going to require you to network with capable, like-minded guys of solid character to pool resources and share efforts, because one man is never enough in a crisis. The days where a man could buy a house out in the suburbs and just form a single family unit are coming to a close. That lifestyle is an exception from the rest of human history.

The second thing is to reflect on how you’re able to contribute to building a better future after the current miasma has burned itself out and our unsustainable system can’t function at a 1st world level anymore. In this regard, we should focus on the fact that our troubles today all stem from a pack of egregious lies. If there’s a better future to be had, only the truth can be its foundation.

So, what are you doing to obviate the falsehoods we’re all drowning in right now? Contributing articles? Podcasts? Making memes? Stirring discussion on content? Providing technical assistance? Helping to organize fellowship in real life? Getting the word out among the like-minded? Everybody is good at doing something that constitutes an effective team effort for advancing the truth.

2020 is a fiery reminder that men and women are put here to do something useful. Sitting around drinking while shrugging one’s shoulders is the epitome of a pointless endeavor. Be proactive about your response to this insanity and you’ll probably start feeling much more hopeful about what comes next. As an extremely “blackpilled” individual, this is exactly how I successfully stave off a descent into madness.


  1. Thanks for a very good article. Gave me some good advice. One problem I have is trying to connect with other like minded people, even here in the South. Of course it is easy on the web because there are sites such as Identity Dixie, Amren, V-Dare and Occidental Dissent: however, it seems we are spread far apart. There has to be others that share our concerns locally, but how do we connect to plan a course of action? Yes, we have the corvid-19 now but how do we get together even if it was not present? It seemed easier when we had the TEA party objectives, because we did not get bashed as racist and could easily spread the word. The local newspaper let me run free ads in the classified section inviting people to TEA meetings. We flyers out on cars and at house doors. But now, what kind of ad to run or how do you get the word out in your local community? I would appreciate any thoughts from the readers.
    In the Occupied South

    1. Got the same question as you Gregg, I know we’re out there its just where an how can we find them.

    2. Plenty of like minded fellows out there. Running newspaper ads is probably a good way to find yourself trouble at this point. The Telegram Channel on the sidebar is a good start.

  2. #author

    The Dark baggage we all carry, some more than others, is insignificant to the blackest baggage of this ruling power, theirs is the shadow of death itself! They are millennia of this baggage!
    If anything, just pray for strength and wisdom and prepare! Many will need us.

    God Bless you all, and may your hearts know Love, Light and Grace wherever you go, and whatever you do.

  3. “This too shall pass”

    I started down the road of researching conspiracy theory early in my youth. It has been a lifelong preoccupation to understand why Egyptian temples exist. These inconcievable structures stare us in the face.

    The common belief is that we could easily recreate them, but we won’t, because we can’t. I have decent leads as to why they built them – but it strains my mind to concieve of how. But, regardless of how’s and why’s, it would be even more inconcievable to destroy these awe inspiring structures.

    But even more important than spectacular cathedrals and pyramids is this natural realm itself. Physical manifestations of God are constantly coming into and out of corporeal existence. Even greater civilizations than ours have been destroyed.

    Presently, we are witnesses to our civilization being destroyed by idiot savages – as we may have been to those who preceded us. You may be best advised to “Ride the Tiger” as Julius Evola suggested. Contemplate the nature of God and existence, there is no time but the eternal present.

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