Southerners, it is time we give NASCAR what it wants. It has been clear for some time that the owners of this particular business wish to detach themselves from their roots. Our people, Southerners, that filled their stands and infields, bought merchandise, and provided eyes on their televisions, in order to justify advertisements and team sponsorships, and are no longer welcome. The South gave birth to this sport, and it is time for the South to let it die.
The Drive For Diversity was NASCAR’s first big, virtue signal filled attempt at attracting non-Southern fans. This program actively searched for non-Southern and female drivers in a desperate attempt to put someone, anyone, behind the wheel at the highest level feasible. The end result? One Drive For Diversity find was kicked out of NASCAR for using the “n word” during a nationally televised video game session (e-sports are an entirely different can of worms and fodder for another time), one woman who’s total accomplishments included a couple top 10 finishes, and our current belle of the ball, Darrell “Bubba” Wallace, Jr.
There is no need to deep dive into Mr. Wallace’s career, as it is completely unworthy of note. If he weren’t half-black, he wouldn’t even be in a car, which is obviated by the fact that he graduated from this affirmative action program instead of on his own merit. He and his totally artificial celebrity is, however, a symptom of how much NASCAR officially dislikes you, Southern man.
Before the most recent race in Atlanta, we were subjected to a series of hostage videos in which drivers all waxed emotionally about how we all need to listen, learn, and do better. Of course, this “we” is only a very specific subset of people. It is irrelevant if these drivers believe these things, or if their employers forced them to say it. They featured a NASCAR “official” kneeling during the pre-race playing of the National Anthem and many words about his bravery were said. We know this to be nonsense, as there is nothing brave about begging for attention in trendy ways. This man was praised, not chastised. He was lauded, not punished. NASCAR has declared what side it is on, and like all other professional sports, it isn’t your side.
The Drive For Diversity was the official end of NASCAR being a sport. It was no longer a meritocracy, it was a sort of meritocracy with a very large asterisk. Think professional wrestling, only less honest about it. Since there are a limited number of drivers allowed on a track, more non-white drivers must (mathematically) mean fewer white drivers. More female drivers must (mathematically) mean fewer male drivers. The keening and obeisance to the “woke” persecution fantasies demonstrated recently just shows how desperate NASCAR is to replace us.
NASCAR’s rulers have a fantasy that they can appeal to a wider (less white) audience, if only they can bury their shameful, hillbilly roots. The ridiculousness of this is obvious on its face, given the abject failure to attract non-whites, urbanites, and Yankees (pardon my language) over the last few decades, but if this is their goal, we should support them. I do not suggest a boycott and its implied virtue signaling and moronic screeching over the internet. Simply starve NASCAR of viewers and customers. Let us secede from this repugnant mockery of what was once a complex and wonderful sport.
NASCAR has abandoned its people, banned the Confederate flag, embraced “woke” politics, and encouraged “kneeling.”
Let us simply walk away. We’ll see how well NASCAR does without Southerners.
-By Attila

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
We don’t need to do anything, it’s already been dying for years now. NASCAR started dying after Dale Earndhart was killed, and hasn’t changed since. After the 2009 season it started to accelerating , because less an less people were interested in racing because of to many rules to make it “safe” that took the fun out of it an also because of boring new drivers with no personality but instead a boring corporate face. Last time we watched NASCAR was around 2012, because we just lost interest in it an saw watching it as a waste of time.
The only reason they’re taking this anti-south route an leaving their routes is because we lost interest in their sorry excuses of a race that posed no risk or anything interesting. Theyre so desperate for any viewers when in reality abandoning their base will only get the remaining part of the base to stop caring which will be the final blow. If Nascar dies because of this so be it, most people won’t care at this point including me.
If only we could bring back 50s-90s NASCAR, even if they do survive this obvious desperate Public relations move they’ll never get back to where they were when the drivers were real an the cars they drove could be easily purchased an taken to the track by your average joe. Even the 1970 Plymouth Superbird like Richard Petty drove was reasonably affordable unlike today. Computerized wannabe formula 1 cars with tons of safety rules destroyed racing, and the anti south stuff they’ve started since 2015 will just be a further nail in ten coffin in their desperate attempts to survive.
No self-respecting, unreconstructed Southerner will ever be found at a NASCAR track again. I predict they will be transformed into ‘diversity ovals’, where climate change activists, LGBT activists, and BLM activists can have foot races until they drop. No car races, of course…Greta Thunberg will see to that. Good riddance, NASCAR.
They should’ve boycotted NASCAR back in 2015 when they first started attacking their roots with the Rebel flag, I quit watching in 2012 so it may have started before. Don’t worry it’ll fall.
Replace the word ‘Southern’ with ‘White’ and the article will be spot on.
nascar has been useless since the late 70s; irrelevant and choreographed. The outrages committed by the sanctioning body and its prostitute ‘owners’ and political hire drivers in the past 15 years or so are unforgiveable and should have caused anyone with an IQ higher than their belt size to boycott them long ago. Maybe this latest spit in the face will finally wake up the rest.
That’s what I’m saying, NASCAR has sucked for quite a while now.
Reading those just exhortations here for folks to walk away, I wonder if that will be done.
After all, they have done this kind of thing all over the South, like renaming The Mississippi Rebels, and I cannot tell if these affairs have skipped a beat.
I think corporations know something about us that we do not know about ourselves.
Hope I am wrong, though…
Ivan, it’s upsetting to admit it but once again your telling the 100% truth. Even if NASCAR gets shut down in the next couple of years for being pathetic, it most likely won’t be because of this but because they aren’t making enough money off tickets cause there’s still a lot of money in it since it’s a professional ESPN sport an they would likely loose more money sticking to their roots than they would by denying them.
It’s a shame the Mississippi Rebels got renamed, personally I’m more of a Vols fan cause I’m from there although it was still disappointing seeing their name change to pander to these whiners. They also quit playing Dixie at school games, I don’t remember or care what they switched it to cause it’ll never be as good as Dixie an they aren’t really my team anyway. Despite the fact that university betrayed the south it hasn’t seemed to hurt them in any way at all that because a lot of their students are probably from up north or from some far away land outside the US an either don’t understand our culture or don’t care rather than a local Mississippian would for his homeland, I guess that’s why schools down here are so proud when they say most of their student body is out of state.
These corporations an colleges no longer represent us or even America, they just represent their own global interests an don’t care about anywhere. Much like our so called “representatives” an politicians who’ve likely sold their soul to the devil for their power like many celebrities (I’m not saying all celebrities or politicians, but quite a few). They could’ve still been rich an be loyal to their customers who got them to where they are today, but greed an lust are very hard to control an unless you have God in your life you will fall in that trap like these corporate companies have an that’s that. I’m not sure what they know about us that we don’t, I’m sure it’s likely something satanic that we don’t want to know about I mean look at all the logos that have 666 in them.
Anyways Ivan, I really enjoy reading an replying to your comments, you are always very knowledgeable at the subject at hand an often bring up a prospective or fact that others might not have notices otherwise. You seem like a nice type of guy who you can casually talk with an come out learning something new, and very interesting.
Respectfully, Johnny Reb
Dear Johnny,
With all of my heart I thank you for the generosity of your comments about me. It is important to acknowledge each other in life, and folks so rarely do!
I try to know the truth, and then tell it – no matter whom that telling favours or pleases.
That said, it does not please me to constantly have to point out that Southerners have nearly zero interest in defending ourselves, our kind, our culture, and our childrens’ future.
When I was a child, I had no idea that I was seeing a culture that was on it’s dying days and that all these proud Southerners around me then would, one day, no longer be proud – no longer be courageous, no longer have any clear sense of self, beyond the pursuit of temporary consumption.
I also feel VERY VERY SORRY & GUILTY, and guilty for, what we have left your generation. It’s disgraceful to pursue drugs, sex, rock-n-roll, and happy homemaking dreams while allowing all your institutions to crumble, to be renamed, for your monuments to be torn down in broad daylight, to not contend with false histories being spewed to subjugate us – not to mention millions of aliens being brought onto our lands and there is no political response.
I will close by saying this to you : ——- although you must be an imperfect person, as all the rest of us are, there is a kind of nobility in you, because you are profoundly concerned about your community.
Though I have met other young smalltown and rural Southern Men like you in recent years, it is not common. With all my heart I pray that, as you take on the other elements of your adult life and persona, you will not forget this aspect of you.
It is my personal belief that The Good Lord has given us you, and those like you, to retrieve from the abyss what should always be – Dixie.
God bless you and yours, Sir!
Couldn’t agree more with you, its a shame most have given up on saving our communities while having to repeatedly point it out. Thank you for the kind words.
I guess i dont understand why they are doing this. other companies i can get why. but NASCAR? they appealed exclusively to white southern men. They had no broad world wide appeal. so why cuck?
Whatever, they added too many rules and stages and other crap. last time i was at Bristol it wasn’t even half full and got Heat syncope for my trouble. all the great drivers are getting old and retiring and NASCAR isn’t making the effort to find new talent of that caliber to replace them.
Hear hear!
Even though I have my snobbish Yankee leanings towards WRC, F1, Paris-Dakar, and Baja 1000, I can still appreciate the heritage of NASCAR.
First and foremost I’m a man who enjoys vehicles, namely the Porsche Carrera Turbo 930. Not in an abstract way either, my buddy’s dad owned a 1980 white and black 930 Turbo with powder coated pistons and an upgraded race clutch – and I got to ride in it and hear that turbo wind up. Old leather and oil, I had never felt that feeling until I rode a motorcycle for the first time.
Aside from welding and intensive diagnostics I’ve worked exclusively on my vehicles. I’ve learned about wrenching from auto shop, Powerblock Tv, and Youtube. And I’ve heard nothing but that Southern drawl or a heavy German accent. Good ole boys are good mechanics, and good engineers. Many of which are also professional racers, hobbyist engine builders, welders, and machinists. These aren’t some cornpone dipshits, these are men who know what schedule of fastener torqued to a specific ft/lb measurement or an outside micrometer is. Bugmen – for all their love of gadgets – don’t know what basic hand-tools are.
Diversity wasn’t and never was going to be a fan of NASCAR. Southern white men were the core and lifeblood. Instead of sacrificing a castle to win the war, they sacrificed the war to win a castle, and a pat on the head.
I would have said evey conspiracy was purely economically motivated, except for this one. Cleetus is keeping the lights on, spitting in his face and expecting him to keep footing the bill is disrespectful wherever you are from.
Sic Semper Mechanica!
How hard could it be to smuggle in a flag? Why not be rebels and defy? NASCAR would look ridiculous trying to expel thousands of flag wavers. This is a delicious opportunity to be an actual rebel.
Well said Attila, The idea these people can be so chicken is disgusting.I left a statement on their facebook page after the flags came down and the whole page was full of blacks who of course were all offended by my simple objection,some of whom said they were thinking now of becoming nascar fans. Woopee!!