Of all the mayhem, the scene I found most compelling transpired in Seattle. Here’s a recap: ANTIFA are blocking a downtown street in front of a rainbow crosswalk. A car barrels towards the mob as some sort of inflammatory projectile strikes the windshield. As they bring it to a halt, a “gentle giant” tries to pull out the panicked Latino driver. He immediately receives an aerodynamic metal injection and drops to the ground in agony. “Oh God!!, Oh God!!” screams some white hipster with an effeminate voice. The entire thing plays out beneath the shadow of a craft brewery.
All I could think to myself was that if somebody had asked me to make a short horror flick titled: Weimerica: 33 Seconds of Terror, this is exactly what I would’ve produced. Of course, the driver, and only the driver, was apprehended by the cops.
I seriously doubt that anybody will come up with a comprehensive accounting of all the carnage that occurred as a result of laws not getting enforced during the rioting. The big debate now seems to be about how to best defund or disband police departments across the country. Like every single other institution in this country, law enforcement has become a complete joke.
Anti-cop advocates clearly don’t understand that while Heritage Americans fund the police, they could get by just fine without them after a certain period of adjustment. The transition would be rough, but we’d ultimately be better off.
The police are basically here to deal with black people. They desperately need the police and they’d be utterly screwed if they were disbanded. Without armed officers to impose a certain level of civilization on their communities, they’d quickly spiral into something horrific. It’s hard to envision how even basic infrastructure could be maintained since most public utility agencies can’t afford mercenary escorts.
These idiots also don’t seem to comprehend that the interaction of other races with black people is essentially a matter of legal compliance. Without the police to enforce that compliance, most interactions would come to a halt. Perhaps some intrepid Korean convenience stores would remain with additional fortifications, but it’s more likely that retail situations would become so tenuous that nobody would dare try to keep a place open.
Meanwhile, everyone would be adamant on banning blacks from their areas, just as we saw the Mexican gangbangers do in Chicago and LA once civil unrest began. The less fortunate would waste little time in achieving what rich white people have done with their gated communities because the preservation of their safety and property would depend upon it.
Getting rid of police is a fascinating demand in that it’s black people trying to pave the way for the practical implementation of all the wildest White Nationalist fantasies I’ve ever read on the internet. That’s why I find the abject stupidity of their proposal so hilarious.
In the absence of law enforcement, whites would have to resort to self-defense and deterrence. Nobody would be able to persecute them for it later, so things could get quite spicy (think fed poster-race war). They’d also have more money to spend on such endeavors. Taxes would become optional since nobody could physically impose them on the populace (you’re de-funded, Israel!). People would have to organize collectively for security, among other community building measures (Orania). Armed and masculine men would run rough shod over everybody else and women would become dependent on a man’s protection and authority (restoration of patriarchy).
The fact that all of this stuff would literally come true if we got rid of law enforcement is all the proof I require to be 100% certain that it will never happen.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
“Please, Let’s Disband the Police!”
To me this is code for, let’s make sure we can do anything to White People, any ole way we please.
To be clear, I am not even sure that many of those uttering this nihilist sentiment know exactly what they are saying.
The upshot of this?
Whites will, as they did Detroit and Birmingham, increasingly abandon cities, and at a rate that we have never seen – including the policemen who do not want to work for departments that make them piñattas for unsavoury elements.
That leaves us with 50 White Countries, each dotted with 1,2, and or 3 3rd World Ghettos.
I’m sorry to use this word, ‘ghetto’, and I am sorry it will be this way, but, Whites won’t live in urban centers with weak policing, nor will Orientals, successful Blacks, or, even, The Russian Mafia!
So, the end result will be that these cities will be ghettos for low end Blacks and drug-peddling Latin gangs.
Of course, this is not a healthy situation for anyone, but, this is how it will be.
The question to my mind is how long this situation can go on.
A prospective answer?
A very very long time – longer even, than the lifetimes of our prospective great-grandchildren.
The only way this would change is if some, and or all, states, recover their purloined sovereignty and impose a program of urban restoration upon the burgeoning ghettos.
Wow, what a project that would be!
Not sure there is enough energy, and or desire, to do such a thing.
P.S. Our town has a fantastic police department. The guys do a great job of discouraging crime before it occurs. I thank them all the time for their service, because, if they were not there, I would have to stand watch over my wife with a shotgun all day, and I really do not wish to do that.
Moreover, I am too busy to wish to spend my time policing the streets as a part of the militia.
While I’ve seen calls to disband the police I doubt they actually will, because surely they want some type of law an order right? Guess anyone who’s not barbaric will be moving out of these cities that are disbanding police, and as long as they don’t come down here there’s no problem cause if they do come here as you know they’ll try to bring that anarchy here. Not happening.
Every race that has ever had any extended contact with Africans, has always imposed some kind of Apartheid or segregation. They simply cannot be lived with. They’re a Stone Age people, at the end of their evolutionary development.
The Leftist leadership know this, too. But they’re still trying to squeeze every ounce of political capital out of it that they can.
They will throw the blacks a bone. The Minneapolis police department will be disbanded i expect but their duties will be taken over by the Hennepin sheriffs office. they did the same in Camden NJ which is the example people go to to say that it is a viable prospect. what they don’t mention is Camden has consistently been one of the top 5 dangerous cities in the USA.
Tucker Carlson had an interesting take. People calling for defunding the police don’t want to eliminate law enforcement. They want to take over law enforcement and put Leftists in the role currently played by police.
I would call this the New NKVD.
“People calling for defunding the police don’t want to eliminate law enforcement.” Dismantle the old system and put in a new “progressive” system, maybe like after the French Revolution. – https://www.realhistorychannel.org/the-communist-war-on-cops
Better option: Get rid of backers of the BLM and Antifa, i.e. the jews. America is being destroyed from within by aliens.
Where’s the Department of Homeland Security? How about dismantling that worthless agency? Lots of more worthless agencies in the US government that could be dismantled.
BTW – Who’s on top ordering the police to stand down?