One of the things that makes it worthwhile to be a part of the ID community is that we’re constructive people building something positive. An important aspect of this is not letting yourself fall prey to negative sentiments. They’re toxic for you, personally, and reflect badly upon what you’re seeking to accomplish.
This is a principal poorly understood by some “Alt-Right” netizens. There are lots of folks out there on the web who might share my general political disposition whom I wouldn’t even touch with a digital ten-foot pole. We’re better than these cretins which is why we weed them out.
Unless you’re trying to fulfill some MSM propaganda, commenting “haha look at that pig get hit in head with a brick” (saw this on Telegram) is highly counterproductive. Post-Charlottesville, many of us experienced a dramatic shift in our disposition towards law enforcement. I’d always been a firm supporter of the police until I witnessed the breathtaking perfidy in which they acted against my friends.
A year after that screwjob, my car got totaled when I was struck in a hit and run by a tractor trailer on I-95. The Virginia State Police were friendly, professional, and very helpful. These could have been the very same guys who stood silent in their riot gear as ANTIFA attacked.
The point here is that law enforcement simply does whatever it’s told. It could be good or bad. Their paychecks and pensions are contingent upon orders being followed. The circumstances of your legal compliance, constitutional rights, and the fact that you work a job to pay taxes to fund their jobs are basically irrelevant.
The riots are propelled by a menagerie of imbeciles, cowards, and lunatics. One Irish cop in NYC with a can of mace and a night stick is worth dozens of ANTIFA. It would be one truly epic episode of Live PD. The only reason this is happening is because it’s allowed to happen by a higher authorities.
George Floyd racked up an extensive criminal record while managing to cram everything into his system from coronavirus to cocaine. It’s astonishing he lived long enough to have his final confrontation. After committing a petty crime, he chose trial by combat rather than being peacefully arrested. That’s always an idiotic decision, but it’s particularly stupid after you’ve already been handcuffed. Those officers did nothing wrong.
Everyone, from GOP politicians to Conservative, Inc hacks, is referring to “his memory” as if this threat to public safety was some martyred statesman and moral philosopher. The guys who did their jobs and subdued him are getting thrown under the bus, just as they’d toss you under the bus if you got surrounded by rioters and stepped on the gas. It’s a sad and vicious cycle.
When deciding who to blame for this insanity, always keep in mind that law enforcement isn’t the issue because they don’t get to make decisions. Many of them are decent men in a bad situation. It’s their time to get crushed underneath the wheels just like we had ours. Don’t be an asshole and take delight in other people’s misfortune.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
That’s very true that a lot of sites I’ve with similar ideas to ours are very toxic an just purely negative or always trying to pander to leftists, and that’s what attracted me to this site. Negativity an toxicity no matter how justified an understandable will make you miserable an eventually will ruin your life. I wouldn’t touch more of the toxic people with our beliefs with a 10 foot pole either, because they’ll never accomplish anything but getting people angry an being angry all the time ,well you can’t keep friends that way. We ought to look at this as our ancestors did, rationally with common sense an decency.
Honestly even though George Floyd has been made into some sort of martyr I really don’t think he’s even the real reason these protests are still going on or “police brutality”. It’s very clear that George Floyd is being used to justify taking down more of our monuments and destroying anything that’s white an southern because they’ve got a problem with the native people here who actually work for a living that goes into their pocket through our tax dollars in the great society we’re in, because I can assure you these marxists likely don’t. Still taking delight in someone else’s suffering is just pathetic an something our enemy would do rather than us, George Washington’s Rules Of Civility mentions this as a rule to abide by an so does the Bible an as Christian gentleman we should follow it.
Right-Wingers are already getting hit with felony charges for stupid internet jokes that inflict no harm whatsoever. Meanwhile, the actual rioters, even lawyers throwing Molotov cocktails, are facing zero or minimal consequences. I wouldn’t be supervised if there’s a federal task force to prosecute people for the wrong humor after all the ashes cool.
What you say is so true, all we have is our integrity and honor, if not that, we will be demonized all the more.
I started reading ID when hunter Wallace told his readers you were back online, and have really enjoyed this site.
Trust me, post like your soul depends on it, I posted like a loose cannon and have lived to regret it, took time off the puter and realized how powerful and magnified my actions in cyber world translated to my personal experience day to day. It echoed with me for quite awhile and manifested into the physical world for good and bad. I try to aim my thoughts online to benefit personal health and power for me and others post online lives. Thank you for your site.
Love and Blessings to all, especially Dixie!