In terms of their ability to anticipate the future consequences of their actions, America’s Establishment might as well be George Floyd or anybody else dumb enough to opt for trial by combat over a petty crime. Floyd’s arrival at the morgue was the culmination of a chain of events he set in motion through his own short-sighted stupidity.
He could have opted not to break the law, or break the law and allow himself to be peacefully arrested and then call his attorney if there was a matter of dispute. Whatever happened between him and the cop wouldn’t have transpired had he taken either of those options. He chose neither one and now he’s dead.
Likewise, our government could’ve been enforcing the law in a fair and objective manner as the Constitution mandates. It deliberately chose otherwise and we’ve now gotten to the point where ANTIFA can lay siege to the White House. Where exactly would one expect them to stop now that they know it’s possible to do something so brazen?
Ever since Trump began his campaign, our officials have opted to protect, excuse, and even endorse this terrorist organization. Cities burning across the country are the inevitable result of what happens when you allow a terrorists to freely operate against law abiding citizens because you don’t like their political opinions.
The president bears just as much culpability as the rest of them for doing nothing until signing what will probably amount to a meaningless order after days of wanton violence. Trump deliberately failed in his responsibility to take meaningful action after they attacked his supporters during his inauguration three (3) years ago. He let it escalate to this point and deserves the ignominy of cowering from a bunch of leftists in a bunker. A summer of mayhem might prove to be a fitting epitaph on his presidency.
Charlottesville could’ve been a peaceful protest just like the organizers intended. Instead, the terrorists were allowed to attack. In response, the government persecuted the people who got a permit and obeyed the law. At the time, they felt that letting ANTIFA attack would be an expedient measure for shutting down right wing dissidents. Now, we’re all experiencing the consequences of what happens once law enforcement becomes entirely subjective.
The whole country is turning into Charlottesville. People are getting shot, stabbed, beaten to death, run over, and set on fire as these lunatics are running rampant. Causality is crystal clear on this one. It seems America is at their mercy until they get bored or tired.
All of this carnage is as preventable as it is predictable. The terrorists are doing what they know they can get away with because they’ve had quite an education over the past few years in just how far they’re allowed to go and what penalties their targets will incur for defending themselves.
Just like the lamentable case of Christopher Fields, the police are still arresting justifiably-panicked drivers rather than the terrorists blocking the roads and attacking the drivers. If the law was being enforced, nobody would be getting struck by vehicles in the first place. Unfortunately, it seems the people in charge are well past the point of being able to learn a lesson.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
They’ve had 155 years to prove the superiority of the New England Moral-Political Paradigm, and the Liberal Capitalist order that it spawned, over Jeffersonian Republicanism, Biological Nationalism and traditionalism, and they have failed.
But for the fact that we’ve had some rioting in Dixie, and our governors and legislatures are essentially unwilling to protect and advance the actual interests of their states, and of our Southern States as a whole, I take some vindictively perverse pleasure in seeing the North in flames, and in seeing the indecisiveness and paralysis of thier government(s).
However, I’m disheartened by our lack of the necessary political machinery and statesmen to exploit these circumstances for gaining redress, and ultimately, independence, for the Southern People.
Right on brother, lots of true colors have been shown in our state politicians an we won’t forgive or forget it.
“Our ruling elites, devoid of leadership, are little more than the scum of self-interested, greedy grifters who rose to the top of America’s foul-smelling stew of corruption.
The Founding Fathers were wary of institutional threats to liberty and the citizenry’s sovereignty, which included centralized concentrations of power (monarchy, central banks, federal agencies, etc., and the tyranny of corruption unleashed by small-minded, self-interested, greedy grifters who saw all elected offices and positions of government influence as nothing more than a means to increase their own private wealth.
The Founders feared the dominance of self-interested, greedy grifters because they had no concept of the public good: to the greedy grifters, the government existed solely to serve their petty private interests and the interests of their fellow grifters.
The Founders understood that a republic required disinterested leadership capable of looking past petty self-interest to the common good of the people and their nation. They feared the election of self-interested, greedy grifters because once no one served the common good, the republic would fall into a fatal disunity.”