An Open Love Letter to the Southern Woman

As I sit here watching my Southern wife cook a traditional Southern meal in our kitchen, I am reminded of all the things that make her so incredibly beautiful.  Upon consideration, I realize it is her very person that attracts me to her most.  It is her Southerness that endears me to her.  The Southern woman is the greatest gift from God to man.  

This is an open love letter to the indomitable Southern woman.

The Southern girl is prettier than her Yankee counterpart.  Her hair is done.  Her make-up is applied.  The Southern belle is neither crass nor frumpy.  She wears clothing that accentuates her feminine curves.  She knows that outward beauty is the mark of a woman who cares about all things, including herself.  And, cares she does.

Her husband knows her love and occasionally, her fury.  Her children know her protective strength.  A Southern mama bear always protects her cubs.  Those same cubs know that mama bear can correct them with a fierce intensity when they have done wrong.  The Southern woman corrects her children with her eyes… and sometimes the same wooden spoon she uses to make delicious treats.  It is the totality of her very being at home that makes the Southern woman so beautiful.  

The Southern woman is not made of sugar and spice.  She is made from generations of fearless men and women.  She carries herself with the proud DNA of her warrior forefathers.  The very blood that courses through her veins was spilled fighting for a Southern cause greater than themselves.  Her female lineage stood strong in the face of overwhelming odds.  As Sherman’s army marched through her beautiful homeland, devasting everything within sight, the Southern woman stood strong.  While her men fought on battlefields, the statuesque Southern woman stared directly into the eyes of the invader and said, “You will not break me.  You will not break my home.  You will not break my people.” And as he marched to the sea, the Southern woman rebuilt upon the ashes of a devastated homeland.

There is so much confusion regarding that which makes a Southern lady “Southern.”  She is not in cut off shorts or Confederate Battle Flag bikini tops.  She is not in cowboy boots and mini-skirts.  The Southern Lady is the epitome of beauty and femininity.  She does not defile herself with inane caricatures of Southern women peddled by Hollywood and Madison Avenue.  Yes, she can be “country.”  But whether in flip flops or heels, the Southern lady is always a lady first.  

Of all the greatest traits it is her voice – that sweet Southern sugar.  The Southern woman can encourage a man to the greatest heights or cut him down at the knees with the greatest of ease.  She whispers love.  She growls with anger through a smile.  But no matter what she is saying, there is nothing prettier than a Southern accent coming from the lips of a Southern woman.

She is a mother, a wife, a lover, and a friend.  I fall in love with my Southern wife every morning I wake up next to her.  I thank God for her in prayer every evening.

To all the men who have themselves a Southern woman, you know the truth of my words.  Grab your Southern girl, whether she be twenty or seventy, and tell her you love her.  Dance with her in the kitchen.  Hug her for no reason at all, except to show your appreciation for her Southern self.  Never let her go to bed wondering if you love her – God’s gift to man… the Southern woman.


  1. well, it seems to me that y’all here are not really about the “Southern Cause” at all and are all about the global absolutist “messianic” monarchy of, by, and for the Usury Oligarchy.
    Your support for global “messianic” absolutist monarchy of the Usury Oligarchy out some Jerusalem Temple (contra Acts 7:48 and 1 Cor 3:16 (see Psalms 82:6 and John chapter 10) ain’t Biblical, nor anything of the historic “Southern Cause” ( :

    Read Matt 4:1-11 and Romans … for “Jesus” was made High Priest forever of the Spirit the God (John 4:24) who is King (1 Samuel 8:7) and the Lord (2 Cor 3:17)

    … see Matthew 4:1, Mark 1:12 on who lead Jesus into the “wilderness” !! Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” John 20:17

    1. Hello “Southern Belle” –

      Thank you for your comments. Are you stating that the position of Identity Dixie is the veneration of the current state of Israel – essentially, the Dispensationalist view on Israel? Whereas we do not advocate harming any ethnic, religious, or racial group, the vast majority of us are not Dispensationalists. I have personally written on the flawed perspective that the modern state of Israel is blessed. It is my personal opinion that one cannot be Christian and believe that anyone other than a Christian is chosen. I encourage you to review our faith based pieces to learn more on the general positions held by the various contributors to ID as it pertains to Israel.

      Padraig Martin

      1. The whole concept of any “global” “messianic” man monarchy is not biblical, read the scriptures I noted above very carefully … Jesus is High Priest forever, not a global Monarch, Sprit the God (John 4:24, Numbers 23:19) IS THE GLOBAL MONARCH (1 Samuel 8:7) and the LORD (2 Cor 3:17), and no man is LORD!!! The true Temple of Sprit the God here: 1 Cor 3:16, and not in Jerusalem built by and for a man (Acts 7:48) see also John 8:44.
        Lastly Jesus never made claim to being Spirit the God, only a son of the Spirit (John chapter 10 with Psalm’s 82:6 and John 20:17 and second witnessed by Peter “Simon Peter answered, “You are “anointed”, son of the living God.” Matt 16:16 “The Spirit the Lord (2 Cor 3:17) is upon me, because he has anointed me (Jesus) to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord (see 2 Cor 3:17)’ (Luke 4:1-19)

        Finally it is important to understand Ephesians 4:4-6 “There is one body, and one Spirit, even as also ye were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord (2 Cor 3:17), one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all (John 4:24), who is over all! and through all! and in all (1 Cor 3:16)!.

        This truth does not negate the Goyim (greek: ethno’s, english: nation’s); for the Spirit created the nations!! Finally, the Spirit (john 4:24) is the King of the Goyim/Nation’s (1 Samuel 8:7), NOT ANY MAN seeking Global Despotic Absolutism which is contra Deuteronomy 17:15.

        1. PS: Great article Padraig!

          Final comment, politics follows “religion”, and religion is politics, to be not deceived seek truth… Is a global “messianic” man absolutist monarchy compatible with a free and sovereign Dixie? Is it compatible with Dixie’s historic Southern Cause?

  2. Beautiful article Padraig, I’m currently single an this is the exact type of woman I’m looking for an I really hope I’ll be able to find one an marry them by the time I’m 21 (18) now. Where do you still find these women? I’ve known a few southern belles in my time that are kinder, more feminine, and prettier than any of the other girls I’ve seen, but unfortunately all the ones my age I know are all already taken by other deserving gentleman. I haven’t met to many yankee girls, but I definitely agree that they’re just not the same as their southern counterparts an are usually rude,masculine, have a bunch of ugly tattoos, nose piercings, and act ungodly.

    I’d do almost anything to find one those Belles that’s honest an true. A lot of people these days just want a bunch of girls, but I just want one of these women to love an cherish all my life. Any advice on where to find them an how to get one is very much appreciated, I’m getting excited just typing this cause this is one of my dreams in life that may or may not be realistic in this awful era we’re currently living in.

    Great article Padraig

    1. Thank you for the compliment, Johnny Reb.

      I would recommend the Church, to be honest. I am personally and theologically drawn toward Presbyterianism, but some of the larger Independent Baptist churches provide a compelling message and have strong community functions – such as singles groups. I wish you the greatest fortune in finding a Southern Belle worthy of a Southern gentleman, such as yourself.

      Padraig Martin

      1. Really appreciate that bud, an yeah the Church is definitely a good place to start a lot of people in my family met their significant other there with much luck. Personally I’m not really all that denominational as long as they believe in the same Lord an preach the same Bible as I know although my family is mostly Baptist, some used to be Methodist until a few years ago an a couple are Episcopalian. I need to start going to Church again, have to admit my attendance has been lacking for awhile now.

        1. JohnnyRebSince1635: Going to church is good, for your own Christian life. 18 is young; give yourself time to develop who you are and to find your mission, lift weights, learn how to defend yourself, and learn how to lead from other men, and know how to stand your ground — the last two will be important for handling women right. You are having problems finding women your own age because they are looking for men who have their act together, even if only in appearance, and these men are usually older. That’s fine–when you get to your mid 20s and have your act together, including how you relate to a woman as a man (and not as a suppliant), it will probably be easier for you to attract women.

          1. That’s right SOL, going to Church an taking it seriously is always good for anyone. I don’t know what my mission is just yet as far as a career or anything, I definitely have a long way to go as far as strength an self defense. Right now I’m planning on going in the military so I can get strong, tough, be leader, and hopefully find something I could transfer to the civilian world while enjoying the benefits of the military so that way I won’t be stuck without a wife an kids in 20 years. For at least the first 4 years I’m thinking about going into a combat role an fighting in one of the endless wars as the ultimate test of whether I’m a real man enough to survive after boot camp an all the training. How cool would that be to a war hero? I’d be a man among men, I feel like that’s the best way for me to earn men an the ladies respect cause I lack a lot of other skills.

            It’s understandable that women are looking for men who have their act together now know what they’re doing, that’s the kinda woman I’m looking for myself. Someone with some standards an not just someone who dates just any loser off the street. Hopefully in the next 2 years I’ll be able to get life together enough by the time I’m 20 an start dating then, only time will tell. Ill just continue improving myself an living the best life as I can an put the rest in God’s hands.

          2. JohnnyRebSince1635:

            Military discipline and training may be helpful for your personal development; but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will learn the leadership skills necessary for handling women even if you can attract them by becoming hero. Know who you are and what you want, and how women relate to your mission (they are companions and helpmates, not the focus of your mission) so that if they don’t agree with the boundaries you set, you are able to move on to someone else who would be a better fit.

            Maybe you can get some good advice about military service from others. I think if you go into infantry for a 6-year hitch, maybe you can get enough skills so that you can pass them on after you get out and find your tribe, if you don’t have a tribe already. Still, you may want to check out other possibilities as well: picking up a trade that will still be useful as the economy contracts or getting into homesteading. Self-defense skills are important, but joining the military isn’t the only way to acquire those.

            Re: your tribe. If you have one (family and networks), you may want to talk about these things with them, and what your future goals are. I think patriotic Southrons should definitely be collaborating more in terms of determining what the future of their communities will be.

    2. God will give you the desires of your heart. You don’t need faith for this, so to speak, it’s the way God wired us, every thought is a prayer for good or bad, stay off of drugs and alcohol, let the mirror in the sky reflect your birth right which is Gods grace, and when your older you will be a more powerful being.
      My goodness, after reading your high school experience I couldn’t sleep and wanted to puke. I can’t imagine a girl in that situation.
      Charleston S.C was the most sophisticated city in the US at the time of the civil war, ballet, opera, plays, orchestra and all of the refined arts of civilization, especially the absolute grace and beauty of the mothers and daughters who made it all possible.
      Now, the sorcerers in power want to muddy the waters any which way they can with woman, woman reflect nature, Charleston SC, Southern belles. You get the idea.
      God Bless your soul young man, know that your in my Heart and prayers.

        1. Yes sir, to your first comment on this thread and the other one about your high school experience .

        2. Yes sir, to your first post on this thread and the one about your high school experience.
          This is the second time I have replyed. Maybe the moderator is busy? Or I messed up somehow.

          1. Oh ok Rainbow around the sun I was just making sure. I hope he will, the question is if I deserve it cause I’m far from perfect . High could’ve been a much worse experience, especially if I were a girl as “transformations” I saw in some of the girls there were really sad to watch were never good so I obviously wasn’t ever interested in dating there. I’m just glad I never have to go back or have anything to do with that place after 4 long years, I’m more than excited for the future an looking ahead. Based on my own experiences like the ones I mentioned when I have a kid there’s no way he’s going to public school, I’m sure public schools will be getting more crummy.

            It’s really to bad also about Charleston an all the other major southern cities that are “progressing” from a massive amount of transplants who have no clue about our culture an traditions who also are working to intentionally or unintentionally to destroy it. Unfortunately in the city I’m in right now my own neighborhood is continuing to be invaded by these jerks from up North an California that walk down my street like they own the place even when they don’t even live here with their stupid little EarPods in an don’t bother to pick up trash or after their dog an if they do they’ll leave that smelly stuff in the garbage can on trash day. Heaven forbid if you even try to wave, say hello or anything, they never talk to you an only occasionally stare you at you for a second which never ceases to really get under my skin. This neighborhood was a country neighborhood in a not as big city that used to be a family neighborhood filled with gentleman an kind mothers where all the kids played outside, an everyone said hello and knew each other well as if they were family.

            Slowly over time our neighborhood is continuing to change into another one of those gentrified urban neighborhoods (Don’t even get me started on the new ugly houses they’re building here) where no one knows anyone an doesn’t care to, an if you dare talk to them since they’ve been raised to always just assume stranger danger an will treat you like a creep or call the police for harassment just for trying to start a respectful conversation with them. That’s not the kinda community I spent a lot of time growing up in an it’s definitely not one I plan on living in for the long term an I don’t understand why anyone would. We now also have idiots who sneak in our yard or drive in our driveway for whatever reason, an for awhile we had to shoes tied together on a pole. Thankfully that never came to anything as I heard that’s a gang symbol when I told people about it. Whenever a city talks about progress or growing a whole lot, this is good for liberal elites an their entitled college kids but for anyone who’s lived there for any amount of time they’re best off just leaving cause once they’ve invaded the cities ruined. Personally once I leave here I never want to live in a city ever again, that kinda life just isn’t for me

            God bless you to Rainbow around the sun, I appreciate you stomaching my high school story haha. Have a good one

  3. Very nice! Thanks for writing this, Sir. It’s something that needs to be acknowledged about Southern women more often. Much more often! Like you, I’m married to one, and will be until death do us part. So, like you I know of that of which I speak.

    1. Thank you, Mr. Morris, for that compliment. And congratulations on earning the love of a Southern Belle.

      Padraig Martin

  4. Bingo, well done Mr. Martin. To have one is a true blessing, daily,
    Thank you Lord.
    Amen !

  5. PM, your sentiment is quite the balm for we Southern ladies’ sometimes weary souls. We don’t do what we do for accolades, but they sure are nice when we get ’em. Thank you for taking the time to write such an earnest and heartfelt essay. I love every word.

    1. Thank you, Dissident Mama.

      Being that you are one of my favorite writers, I greatly appreciate the compliment. I enjoy your site and I like your recent Podcast series, as well.

      Padraig Martin

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