Revolucionarias de Dixie?

In March of this year, Mother Jones published an article titled, “Facebook Just Revealed Its Secret Strategy for Taking Down Hate Groups.” The article isn’t anything world shattering; in fact, we don’t know anyone in the normie sphere that’s evah even heard of Mama Jones. But, us good ol’ boys at Identity Dixie naturally got a mention. Strangely enough, we did get lumped in with Yankee Nazi hate groups, as well as, South American narco terrorists. Say what? What in the Sam Hill is going on here?

The article opens with a mention of some unknown Nazi group, Northwest Front or something ‘nother, operating on Mark Zuckerberg’s platform. The piece includes chatter about Facebook passively monitoring “hate groups” and then deleting pages, profiles, and accounts associated with dreaded hatemongers all at once. It’s a little bit of information that any dissident worth their salt, and a Facebook veteran, has known for years. Facebook invasively monitors all their users, they log all your information (usually to sell to advertisers), they have physical assets that monitor folks deemed “hateful,” and no one bats an eye. However, mentioning thoughtcriminals with actual blood stained terrorists seems to be a whole new game for SJW hall monitors.

Here’s the snippet that stood out to us:

Fishman said that this isn’t the first time Facebook has taken action of this kind. He and Pollack explained that the company had used the same strategy against other American right-wing hate organizations, including The Right Stuff and Identity Dixie, two alt-right podcasts, as well as the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (aka FARC), a leftist rebel group in Columbia.

We don’t need to even get into the “hate organization” label because that’s a whole other can of worms. Although, the last part stuck with us: “Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia (aka FARC).” FARC sounds like the antagonists in a Tom Clancy novel, so we did some light digging. Evidently, they’re a Far Left, Colombian, Marxists-Lennist, terror group that has killed or injured thousands of policemen and soldiers; they’ve also detonated explosives, held hostages for ransom, and engaged in the South American pastime of international drug trade. So, why are some meme-makers, podcasters and politically incorrect writers indirectly tied to jungle terrorists?

When trolling social media, you’ll occasionally get called a “terrorist” by some hysterical liberal, usually for just disagreeing with them on basic politics. The NRA gets called a terrorist organization all the time for supporting the Second Amendment. Hell, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors actually declared the NRA a “domestic terrorist organization.” Words, and actions, don’t mean anything in Weimerica anymore. If you don’t buy modernity’s bullshit, they’ll call you all sorts of things not even close to reality. They, themselves, may not actually believe you’re a terrorist for sharing a Pepe meme, but the target for the smear isn’t actually you – it’s your friends, family, and, far more importantly, the unethical and ideological apparatchiks of our prosecutorial system.

Disagree with homosexual marriage? You’re a black hearted bigot. Think the economy should open back up to stave off a crippling economic crisis? You want grandpa to die. Fight to keep monuments to your ancestors standing? You’re a colonizing racist. Have barbecues and share a few cold drinks with like-minded friends you met on the internet? You’re a member of a hate organization and implicitly tied to South American terrorists. See how absurd all of this sounds?

If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. Therefore, we’re going to ratchet up the absurdity, since that’s all we can do in such an insane world. We’re going to start back up the old, time honored, Southern tradition of filibustering. That is, the good, adventurous kind, not that sleepy political theater in Washington, DC. And, we know just the location for Southern colonization, one William Walker would approve.

Our target is the lush island nation of Val Verde. Its inhabitants are happy, albeit poor and stupid, peasants that live off subsistence farming and coastal fishing. Historically, they’re accustomed to despotism and cruel authoritarianism. Arius was the former warlord there, until he was clipped, along with his entire army, by Colonel John Matrix. General Ramon Esperanza presided over the country, too. He was later killed by a New York City detective at Dulles Airport in the early 90s.

So, once we’ve taken over the island, completed the initial wave of Southern idealism, and laid the ground work for Golden Circle Futurism, that Mama Jones article is gonna make a lot more sense to a lot more people. We’ll have transformed from a shadowy hate group, really just a bunch of guys making memes and podcasts on the internet, to South American warlords of Val Verde. Confederados here we come!

The TRS guys got a mention, too. They can settle for The Island of Dr. Moreau.

Get ready, y’all.


  1. Outstanding soundtrack on that movie, one of my all time favorite flicks.

  2. The confederates fought the union in Val verde NM, and up the Rio Grand to Santa Fe if my memory serves me well, according to Dee Brown, I forget the name of the book, the yankee brass had a looting operation of the Spaniards going while fighting those battles. Doesn’t this affiliation with South American groups, and equating us with isis scare you, times are fixing to get tough, people will form groups to survive, the rootless cosmopolitans are one step ahead of us, I just don’t understand the tone of your article, this is some stinky stuff there piling up on us. Not a fan of the new wallpaper here.

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