Progesterone or Perish

In the darkness of the far future, if there’s a single coherent theme that historians will use to characterize our times, it’s probably going to be the undercurrent of horror flowing through all of the mainstream narratives. As it offers complete predictive value right now, surely our epitaph won’t even be up for debate.

We can rattle off the list of macabre falsehoods in under a minute: white people bad, we live in a nation of “Judeo-Christian values,” blacks disproportionately affected, etc. It’s a list that can be tapped with your fingers even if you had a drunken mishap with the ole’ chainsaw.

The only thing that’s new about it for us eventual fossils is the occasional fresh context. Nobody could’ve predicted COVID-19 back in November, and yet all of the narratives have been applied anew in the media coverage just like we expected. The contrast between them and reality remains as stark as ever.

For instance, Feminine = Better. If this principle applies to everything from a corporate boardroom to a combat brigade, why not your balls? Here are a few excerpts from an NYT article:

Men are more likely than women to die of the coronavirus, so scientists are treating them with something women have more of: female sex hormones.

Last week, doctors on Long Island in New York started treating Covid-19 patients with estrogen in an effort to increase their immune systems, and next week, physicians in Los Angeles will start treating male patients with another hormone that is predominantly found in women, progesterone.

The genesis of the estrogen trial at the Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University on Long Island stemmed from a similar observation, said Dr. Sharon Nachman, the trial’s principal investigator.

None of us from the ID crew will be lining up for this miracle cure. But, rest assured, plenty of guys will because the average man has no dignity at this point. That’s another definitive feature of our exigent era.

What’s especially disturbing is that the men in the LA study only have mild symptoms. It’s not like they’re being offered a choice between life and death. Since the virus hysteria shows no sign of abating, when exactly do you think any of these poor bastards will be allowed to stop transitioning?

How many of them will be referred to a new specialist and advised to take the next step, would you wager? They’ve got to be a pretty debased state just to participate. Once those fish are on the line and pumped full of female hormones, most will probably consent to the full de-packaging. From what I’ve seen, it’s always a controlled descent into madness instigated by others each step of the way down.

Occasionally, I worry that we’ll all end up a layer of charred and compacted sediment, devoid of any lessons to offer the alien life forms who arrive to re-colonize our planet. Whereas, if burnt-out ruins remain, enough will be available to piece together a spine-tingling horror story that just might be compelling enough for somebody to learn from.

One comment

  1. Seems pretty clear what the aim is here. Every “anglophone”, “western”, and “first world” government is using the hysteria to push their police state wishlist. There’s a reason no one keeps herds with natural gender ratios 50% cows 50% bulls. The females are easier to control. They are giving away the game here: the future is steers and queers!

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