The Bully Man’s Burden

With coronavirus keeping all the nerdoids indoors, this world is healing. The bullies, once forced to the wilderness of our society, are back to clobber goobers and give soyboys the swirlies that they deserve.

Pedowood has tried for years to convince you that bullies are the bad guys. Their aesthetic faces and haircuts can’t make up for the icky people they are inside, plus they’re secretly gay and impotent anyway. Animal House, a movie I still enjoy today, humorously pitted some raggedy underdogs against their handsome bully counterparts. I still enjoy this movie for what it is, a comedy, and because of that, the depiction of the bullies can be enjoyed.

Pedowood falls flat in their other propoganda where they try to depict this in earnest. The Karate Kid pits a blonde haired Chad against a weird Yankee transplant. Try as the movie might, the Yankee is clearly the aggressor in almost every scene of the movie. The movie Accepted pitted the manlet actor Justin Long against yet another blonde Chad (weird how the stereotypical bullies look like German propaganda actors). Long, who plays Bartleby Gaines, lies to his parents, commits fraud, lies to thousands of other nerds, and eventually corrupts the girlfriend of the bully away from not only a faithful relationship, but a useful education. With legal pilpul, Bartleby is able to stay out of prison and remain the owner of his ill gotten gains while one of his cronies firebombs the vehicle of a nearby education official. In a just world, the Karate Kid and Bartleby would be sharing a prison cell. 

For too long, we’ve let the weak trample upon the good name of bullies. Bullies who once policed the hallways and classrooms, normalizing the behavior of weird kids with a spitball here or a devastating comment about your dumb anime t-shirt, were cast out when the world needed them most. Now, without their natural predators, the weirdos have been allowed to walk in the light of day. Whereas this behavior was once relegated to putrid D&D conventions and festering crackdens, the modern betamale and perpetual thot orbiter walk around scolding the righteous for their piety and spitting in the face of those who are held back by a thin veil of civilization (for now).

As much as they try to deny it, leftism is the ideology of the weak and the ugly. Their subversive nature is born of a need to undermine their more powerful adversaries. They must band together in some sort of bundle (can’t think of the word, something like a bundle of sticks, or pack of cigarettes) to make the bigger man feel small. This is not a noble exercise like the mannerbund, but is instead like a red tide algae bloom choking the life out of the great fish in a lake. The algae chokes the life out of the ecosystem, and if given the chance, can ultimately destroy the fragile ecosystem held therein.

I’ve referenced before the origin of the term “catfished” in an article about the necessity of stress. Stress caused by predators keeps prey from getting docile and flabby. Bullies are the predators chasing you down, burning off the calories from your 3:00 AM shredded cheese binge. The alpha bully is also the thot wrangler, keeping the Staceys of society from accumulating enough sexual energy to mind control the weak into showering them with money. Calling out jezebels and their orbiters is the duty of the strong man, steering his ship/class away from the siren’s call and jagged rocks. Left to their own devices, the lumpenprole will quickly be overtaken by the darker elements of our society. 

Guiding the weak into normalcy is the Bully Man’s Burden. Accept their benevolent care, or be prepared for a 1,000 years of simping.

This is for your own good.