As we await the horrific final dénouement of the Semitic exercise in terror formerly known as the USA, it’s vitally important for the soulless disposable cattle (you and everyone you love) to be grateful for any and all provender disbursed to them from above. Rejoice, you will soon be sacrificed to Moloch.
It makes sense that they’d finally have to give us money. After all, white Americans have a nasty habit of not patronizing stores when they lack the money to purchase the merchandise on offer. How can Becky get pummeled to death by Aunt Jemima over a pack of toilet paper if she just stays home?
“Americans need cash now” exclaimed our Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, a Jewish financial parasite of the highest tier. He’s a former Goldman Sachs banker who later founded a vulture-capital hedge fund with none other than Satan’s right hand man, George Soros. That makes him precisely the fellow to entrust with Uncle Sam’s unlimited shekels. The press conference was reminiscent of those infuriating commercials for JG Wentworth-“It’s your money use it when you need it!”
Well, we really do need it. In a debt-based economy that requires perpetual expansion to avoid implosion, in which the majority of Americans are mired in debt and live paycheck-to-paycheck, the debt must be serviced. If they miss a single payday, no interest gets collected. That would be a really tragedy for whoever collects the interest. Unpaid mortgages, credit card bills, auto-loans, and student slavery payments would start a tsunami that wipes out the entire system. Oy Vey!!!!!
I’m pretty sure there was this pesky guy named Jesus who showed up once to warn us about this sort of thing. Mnuchin’s forebearers didn’t take too kindly to him. I don’t want to sound like a bible-thumping lunatic, but perhaps there was a better way to structure our society since we were specifically warned about this sort of thing.
Just a couple of verses here, not that I’d in any way purport to be a theological expert. I found them with a Google search:
Romans 13:8 Let no debt remain outstanding except the continuing debt to love on another
Proverbs 22:7 The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender
Seems like pretty solid advice for avoiding an economic collapse that leads to a societal meltdown. Somebody who has bothered to read the whole thing actually knows how to interpret it could probably find a whole lot more. The survivors of the collapse and cannibalism that are surely only weeks away might wish to keep biblical admonitions in mind when they’re attempting to build a new civilization from the ashes, seeing as a plague is a biblical punishment for non-compliance.
NEW: Treasury Sec. Steve Mnuchin: "We're looking at sending checks to Americans immediately…and I mean now, in the next two weeks."
Mnuchin declined to name an amount.
— ABC News (@ABC) March 17, 2020

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Mnuchin certainly has “The Innsmouth Look” reminiscent of these fellow patriots:
Edward Bernays
Henry Kissinger
Alan “Let the Free Market Decide” Greenspan
Ben “Give Them Niggas A Homeloan” Bernanke
Harvey Weinstein
Jeffrey Epstein
Chuck “The Guardian of Israel” Schumer
Susan “Gummy Smile” Wojicki
Mark “Hello Fellow Human Beings” Zuckerberg
Sergey Brin
Larry Page
Jerry Nadler
Adam Schiff
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Ayn Rand
George Soros
We should all be such ardent proponents of democracy – and the economy. Paul Warburg was a real mensch for helping design the Federal Reserve System. This elastic money supply has worked like a charm to prevent every crippling recession and depression since 1913.
It’s funny how a Jew list is composed, if they don’t include Jesus Christ (our Creator and the most important man who ever lived) and his apostles it has a Satanic agenda. I’ll also add this do you think ANY of the people on your list believe or believed the God of the Bible even exists.
I would think Jesus tips the scales.