A Time for Nationalists

All jokes aside, now is not the time to blackpill or engage in typical Irony Bro bullshit (which is systemic among the, thankfully, fading Alt-Right e-celebrities). In addition, it is not the time to opine on “what if” scenarios and berate your people for not subscribing to your edgy brand of politics. We’re in a time of serious business and it requires serious men. Ignore the Twitter “hot take” junkies and those that would rather spit out the same, tired, vile online rhetoric. Now is the time for stoicism and helping your people. That’s far more important than transgressive memes and /pol/ tier troll commentary.

Good humor is always acceptable because it actually helps people by taking their thoughts away from darker places. Memes will always be funny and especially so since modern mainstream comedy is truly atrocious. There’s a time and place for funny memes and we’re still there. But, more importantly than memes and jokes, make sure you’re looking after the elderly, the sick, and the young – your people will always need you, even if they don’t know it. We need to do more than work with Photoshop and re-post stolen memes from Tumblr and Instagram.

A true nationalist cares for his people. We are in the grips of a global (and national) pandemic. The coronavirus, by all accounts, is certainly more than the flu. As such, our people are at risk of becoming critically ill or facing death. Of course, there are many unknowns. We know only what we know. We must take this seriously. Therefore, we must be prepared to protect our families, but also aid our people. A nationalist is not a misanthrope to his people. A nationalist loves his people and, if need be, is willing to give his life for them.

That being said, if you help your people, you are at risk of becoming infected. The potential for infection is ever present. But, we must help our people, no matter the danger. The elderly widow down your road, you must check on her and, if required, provide her with food and support. The young, working mother, with her husband deployed, is forced to keep her children at home because the school district is closed – you must also check on her and see if she needs assistance. The same goes with your family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues – these are your people. The needy and the homeless also need your aid and support. A nationalist does not want a future where his people are dying in the streets and countryside.

More and more of our people are becoming financially strained by the pandemic, especially those working in the trades, retail and service industries. Remember them and, if you can, help them keep their head above water during this crisis – many are struggling to find work or have become temporarily unemployed. Debts and bills don’t go away during a pandemic. We suggest wiring them money or donating funds to them, anything to help them through this difficult time. They won’t forget who was there when they needed to feed their children or help with their car or mortgage payment.

As always, your family comes first. They look to you to be their protector and provider. They are your first and primary responsibility. It is your duty to care for your family in any event. Ensure that they are safe and secure, then move to your people. Philanthropy is a positive good, but it cannot overshadow your responsibilities to your family.

Remember that God will judge us. We are His servants, but also stewards of our people. We must not shame Him or fail them. No doubt the forces of globalism have multiplied the risks our people face. Nationalism is the answer, and our time is now. Now is the time for nationalism, a positive and genuine love and devotion for your people. Let us go forth and serve what we love.

Remain positive and help your people.

Deo Vindice


  1. The crisis is exposing the few but loud voices on the dissident right who are entirely unserious. The idea that people are praising the Chinese for their response to the flu that they likely caused as if that somehow is aiding our people is ludicrous. My concern right now is helping my family, neighbors and my people to weather this storm and prepare for what comes next.

  2. The young, working mother, with her husband deployed, is forced to keep her children at home because the school district is closed,…

    The horror!

    I realize my saying so comes across, at least at first glance, as being a total jerk. But, look, I’m 54 years old, I’ve seen a few things, and the way that sentence is written is just total nonsense, with all due respect. Plus, I am kind of a jerk, so there ya go.

    The closing of the schools isn’t a bad thing, and if any of you think it is you’re way crazier than I am. And I’m pretty crazy. Moreover, that “young, working mother,” whose husband is deployed … God knows where, is apparently working, while she sends her kids off to a glorified babysitter to be raised by government Apparatchiks Hell-bent on making them lifelong dependents and moral degenerates, for what other reason than that she somehow believes that her having a job or a career trumps her duties as a mother, the primary nurturer and educator of her own children.

    That she’s “forced” to abandon her job/career aspirations for the sake of being a mother to her children for once, I guess is what disturbs me most about that sentence. Could you fellas possibly find it within you to re-write that so’s that it doesn’t completely fly in the face of everything we believe and hold dear?!

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