Andrew Gillum, the former mayor of Tallahassee, was busted last week incoherent in a Miami hotel room with a gay erotic film star and meth. Back in 2018, he lost the FL gubernatorial race by less than 1% of the vote. “I apologize to the people of Florida for the distraction this has caused our movement“, he said in a press release announcing he was quitting politics. What a loser.
By contrast, DC Mayor Marion Barry got busted smoking crack on camera during an FBI sting operation.”Bitch set me up…I shouldn’t have come up here…goddamn bitch” He’d already done two terms in office. He was reelected to terms 3 and 4 after his release from prison, securing a place in history as the quintessentially African-American mayor.
There’s something to respect in the shameless determination of a man like Barry. At a subconscious level, he seemed dedicated to using himself to remind the wary of what a farce American politics have become. If a convicted criminal and crackhead can do a couple terms in office, and the lights stay on, what’s the point of the office at all?
This same week I came across a story about Eleonore Laloux, a French lady afflicted with Down Syndrome running for a council seat in her municipality. I wish that someone like this could be installed as President of the USA because nothing would change but the cable news cycle. The Zionist wars abroad would continue unabated, along with the domestic campaign against the freedom and stability of legacy white America. We’d still be blamed for all the world’s problems while the Semitic looting operation hummed along with its usual avarice.
The upside would be that spectacle of a mentally disabled president would force the public to take notice of the fact that voting is a mechanism to manufacture our consent for a system firmly in the grip of another tribe of people. At least I would hope so, but sometimes I really wonder if I’m delusional.
Senile Joe Biden is headed back to the White House even though he has failed to string together a pair of coherent and factually correct sentences. He often doesn’t even know where he is or the current year. If he survives the pandemic, he’ll probably be our next president seeing as Trump’s reelection was pinned on stock market numbers.
As long as most people fall for the con game that they’re free because they’re able to select from a slate of pre-approved politicians, we’re never going to start heading in a better direction. My thinking has always been that the lack of desired results produced by the system would eventually wake people up, but that never seems to be the case.
The Covid-19 crisis has made me realize that my aspirations for ameliorating our exigent situation have always fallen into the trap of evidence-based thinking. What I mean by this is that I notice evidence and then weigh that evidence in order to form my opinions on a subject. Therefore, I make the idiotic assumption that by presenting other people with evidence and logic, they can be induced to recognize things that are plainly obvious.
Indeed, I’ve suffered for many years from a severely misplaced faith in reason. That led me to view the “collapsitarian” folks who overlap with our circles as insane. Why would you want society to collapse in a catastrophe that devours everyone you love? However, I now respect such people. Collapse is the only thing sure to do the trick.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Ha, ha. Yeah, lots of us have figured that one out. The same way you figured it out. The hard way. From here on out just remind yourself from time to time of the “Basic Laws of Human Stupidity,” and that the vast majority of voters are stupid and incompetent or otherwise highly highly emotion driven, and you’ll never make that mistake again.
I’ll bet you the price of a cup of coffee Trump is re-elected in spite of stock market numbers. How do I know or why do I think so? Illogic.
Mr. Morris, I feel like a fool for taking so long to figure it out.
I’d be willing to lay down good money on the wager that it hasn’t taken you any longer to figure it out than it took some of the rest of us to figure it out. My guess is that it’s taken you less time than it took me, but that’s just a guess based on having read you for awhile now.
I remember a post by Bonald over at The Orthosphere some years back (I doubt I could find it if I tried, so no link forthcoming; you’ll just have to take me on my word) in which he wrote (either in the O.P., or in the comments) that he was fast becoming more and more convinced that no matter how well put together one’s argument; no matter how well researched, well reasoned or logically impenetrable and so forth, only certain persons would ever ‘get it,’ and those certain persons were mostly members of the choir in any case.
That’s a paraphrase of Bonald’s missive on the point, but it’s an accurate rendition of the spirit of what he wrote, if not the very letter.
Bonald and I are very close to the same age if memory serves. At the time of that posting we were both ‘pushing fifty’ as I recall. We were also both coming to these realizations almost at precisely the same moment, although our individual backgrounds were and had been much different. I have personally quoted Noah Webster in this vein many many times over the last, oh, fifteen or so years nevertheless. To wit:
All men are liable to err. And a knowledge of this fact should excite in us a constant solicitude to obtain satisfactory reasons for every opinion we embrace.
As men are furnished with powers of reason, it is obviously the design of the creator that reason should be employed as their guide in every stage of life.
But reason, without cultivation, without experience and without the aids of Revelation is a miserable guide; it often errs from ignorance, and more often from the impulse of passion. – Noah Webster, “Letters to a Young Gentleman Commencing His Education” (emphasis mine) See here:
“Cultivation, experience, and Revelation (both general and special)” essentially go hand-in-glove. These terms mean different things of course, but there is lots of overlap between them, and it is the ‘rare bird’ indeed who is endowed with a special measure of any one of these, much less a combination of the three. So wisdom comes with age and real life experiences; revelation is often indeed a gift, but it rarely comes to anyone who is not ‘seeking that he may find,’ ‘knocking that the door may be opened unto him.’ So there ya go.
I agree with everything you said in the O.P. about the electoral system and voting. But experience has taught me that people come to these realizations (or not) at their own pace, so I try not to push the point too often nor too forcefully. I like the way you’ve done it here, though; self-deprecation is a good way to get a point across to those with ‘ears to hear,’ and it’s just being perfectly honest about one’s own shortcomings (Lord knows I have my share) t’boot.
Keep up the good work, Sir. Onward!
They’ve got all the bases covered for your approval vote…
As reported by The Guardian:
Joe Biden has vowed to choose a woman as his running mate if he wins the Democratic presidential nomination.
“There are a number of women who are qualified to be president tomorrow,” Biden said during the first one-on-one Democratic presidential debate on Sunday night, where the former vice-president faced off against the progressive candidate Bernie Sanders.
“I would pick a woman to be my vice-president,” Biden said.
This can mean only one thing. This: Hillary!!
“…despair is only for those who see the end beyond all doubt. We do not.”
I understand what you’re feeling but don’t despair… our people have lived through worse and not lost faith.
Those of us who are pinning our hopes on the survival of western civilization, are advised to look into the Propertarian movement, which advocates for cultural separation, and the adoption and enforcement of the laws of Reciprocity. This is the only lawful way of ending the parasitic schemes perpetuated by the Semites and their victim classes…
It took me a long time to figure out how unreasonable ostensibly reasonable grown men could be. I knew better than to reason with a Ready for Hillary type, but it was quite depressing to come to terms with how irrational normal presenting men could be. It has led to a major change in worldview and I have retired from trying to convince people by reasoning with them. I don’t think I ever changed one single mind by laying down facts in a logical order to convince them. I wasted so much time and effort and all I ever succeeded at was getting them to hate me. They even made false accusations against me. I still struggle to cope with my new perspective on human nature and in a way I wish I could go back to being naïve, but at least now I am better equipped to deal with Man as he is.
Great job, blame the Jews for our wars. Our wars have done nothing to protect or enhance Israel’s position.
Might be a good time to think who we do protect (the Saud regime) and the petro dollar. This country loses reserve currency and we are Bolivia.
Might want the read the Book
“What I mean by this is that I notice evidence and then weigh that evidence in order to form my opinions on a subject.”
Me too.
“Therefore, I make the idiotic assumption that by presenting other people with evidence and logic, they can be induced to recognize things that are plainly obvious.”
Me too.
“Indeed, I’ve suffered for many years from a severely misplaced faith in reason. ”
Me too.
What if we just vote to secede? What if we just elect secessionist state governments, and then ratify articles of secession? And then set about implementing our own nation? What are they going to do?
To me, Trump doesn’t seem like the type to invade. Maybe I’m wrong, but he might just let us go. The problem is, all the rest of the government types. They probably won’t want to just let us go.