Just how screwed up might you be if you were a kid growing up right now? We’re all products of our environment, so it’d be rather naïve to assume you’d be immune from the miasma. Maybe you’d even be turned into a gay. If they can do it to the frogs, they could’ve done it to you.
There’s something extremely queer going on these days. Gays, trannies, and effeminate men, who aren’t gay but you would’ve assumed them to be gay 30 years ago, are proliferating at an alarming rate. I’m not entirely sure what’s going on here.
Is this gaypocalypse the result of the planet filling up with plastic or some other harmful chemicals? Soy ingestion? I’m not a scientist who studies this stuff, so my speculation on the topic would be worthless, although I suspect there’s probably something to it.
Is it the byproduct of a deranged era that drives people crazy? Maybe, I’m not really sure about that either. What we all know is that people engage in scorned behaviors less, and rewarded behaviors more often. For example, putting a cigarette in your mouth is a highly frowned upon behavior these days.
Thus, it’s quite logical that we see far less dudes with cigarettes in their mouths. However, precisely the opposite is the case with male genitals. Perhaps the inversion is satanic in nature, and therefore ought to be interpreted as a sign of The End Times. I’m quite far from being a theological expert, but I’m pretty sure that I’m on to something with this one.
What we also know is that children look up to people with status and often seek to imitate their behaviors. That’s simple human nature. Therefore, a 9 year old boy getting onstage at a campaign rally for Pete Buttigeig (whose candidacy is based solely on the fact that he’s gay) and proudly declaring his homosexuality comes as no surprise to me whatsoever. It’s all over TV and even Marvel is trotting out homo-heroes to brainwash children.
Females are even more susceptible to fads and trends, so is anybody shocked to learn that gender dysphoria cases among Swedish girls have shot up 1,500% in just ten years? Instead of explaining to them that they’re experiencing hormones and the natural confusion that comes with being a teenager, the doctors give them a diagnosis that confers a fashionable status. It’s totally insane, but it makes perfect sense.
Collective madness seems to function on a certain momentum, so it’s reasonable to expect that this will get much worse. Any society that induces and venerates mental illness while punishing those who call for sanity is in store for something unpleasant, that’s for sure. Trannies are always a very bad marker on a historical timeline. Bestiality is as good as legalized.
However, I believe legalized cannibalism predictions to be rather far-fetched. That will come after the collapse. It is the purest form of unholy man-on-man interaction and the inevitable final chapter of our rainbow nightmare. I’d prefer an asteroid to just end everything instantly, but I don’t think we’re going to get let off the hook that easy.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news on the cannibalism part friend.
They are already pushing it.
Invest in Fava beans and Chianti
The only hope I see for the future is the balkanization of this land mass based on the adoption or rejection of Propertarianism whereby parasitism and violations of reciprocity are winnowed out of a society desiring to be traditionally conservative such as the South once was and aspires to be once again.
Wow, good thing I don’t make a living off my predictions. Although, I suppose the worst is always the safest prophecy.
Well, when you live in a matriarchy, which is essentially what we live in (I know, I know – it’s ridiculous to say we live in a matriarchy when women are under-represented in Congress and we’ve never had a woman POTUS: whatevs!) it isn’t especially surprising our world has been turned upside-down in the twinkling of any eye.
How did Dabney put it?: (paraphrase) ‘…it takes no great degree of insight to understand that such a generation will more resemble a race of devils than of men or human beings.’