My fears often involve the future, specifically that the Imminent Total Collapse is not so imminent. What terrifies me is the prospect that we will instead be locked down in a total surveillance state in which we will all be expected to behave like compliant robots.
If a man is indeed a robot, when his female robot lodges a demand/complaint/work request, what she doesn’t understand is that her verbal query is then logged into his internal memory banks, but his CPU might at that time be involved in processing more pressing matters.
Even though her concerns have been registered and ranked on his digital priority list, her algorithm will automatically interpret this exchange of data as follows: You’re not listening to me! This then triggers a series of consequences for man robot, who is unable to establish causality through his logical algorithms which are invalid to female robot.
Female robots require to be listened to at all times, and though they are, in fact, listened to at all times, if a female robot is dissatisfied with man robot’s acknowledgement to have been listening, her CPU will automatically shut off demand/complaint/work request protocols, and begin to run a new program. I’m not a software expert, but I believe this program is called: Nagging.exe Although the coding is beyond the comprehension of a simpleton such as myself, it’s quite clear that it’s purpose is to short-circuit man robot. It ought to be considered orders of magnitude more reliable than TurboTax.
Female robot’s nagging function is a component of her hardware, and therefore impervious to any debugging software that man robot may verbally attempt to install. Moreover, while man robot may undergo many OS updates with each generation of new product, female robot’s nagging function is inherent to her product line. This is why it is noted as a timeless feature throughout centuries of robot literature.
The last thing that female robot would require to short-circuit man robot is enhanced monitoring capabilities, as she is 100% capable of this function right out of the factory. If further programming was required, then reason dictates that the great robot manufacturer in the sky would have included these in said product line. A robot is a bizarre device, whereas a guillotine is entirely predictable.
This layman’s understanding of robots is what imparts visceral terror in me when I come across a news item like this one. The U.S. Army Research Laboratory has embarked on a 3 year program to develop a monitoring device that detects when women aren’t being listened to in a professional setting by utilizing “a combination of social science theories, machine learning, and audio-visual and physiological sensors.” Yikes!
Most things built for the DOD make sense. For instance, it’s readily apparent that an aircraft carrier conveys firepower to the other side of the planet to blow up brown people on behalf of Israel. A questionable purpose, but indisputable utility. But this? Is it some sort of doomsday machine that will trigger a nuclear detonation if a female isn’t listened to? The future will be a hellscape. One way, or the other.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Automation honestly seems like it’s playing out in an incredibly lulzy way. The left and yankees keep insulating themselves into these bubbles where they refuse to interact with reality until it has been processed through their PC filters. It’s creating a bunch of rabbit like people that can’t meaningfully interact with other people without their technological crutches.
From boys who can’t say hello to the girls to employers forcing all their applications through increasingly complex and unintelligible software developed by bolting new stuff to code originally developed in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s… The future belong to the active. It belongs to folks who can talk to people and actually network, as it always has. The passive are doomed to beg their master stuck in a nagging.exe loop without ever realizing the solution is not giving the bot more of what it wants.
Blatantly trying to stir the pot and then expecting me to take you lot seriously. Calling me unsophisticated and dumb like some high school girl for your dopamine and narcissism release?
Telling me I don’t spit against the wind, when I’ve been arrested for telling an officer of the incompetence of dealing with the systematic rapes of teenaged girls by those belonging to a certain perversion. Lost my freedom on several occasions for no other than confront an all out effect to get my family at each others throats, disinfo campaign, humiliation in the Talmud controlled public medium by empowered vermin that need to be squashed.
Comical, the last time I checked is costs nothing in attacking people such as myself like certain “allies” proofed not too long ago.
Funny, I consider the videos on certain subjects to be the best of it’s kind despite you people not giving my content the time of day, due to wanting to maintain this illusion of having to laud down on this moronic so and so in speaking down to him like a child. Who only got into an informative, productive sort of guy due to your actions, not from his upbringing, innate work ethnic, a thirst for knowledge at an early age, etc.
You expect me to listen to you people under these circumstances, huh? You insult, spit on & try to take my self-pride of grafting throughout the night to perfect on much ignored topics that in my opinion are the best content on the issues I deal with. If anything you need to take a note out of my page.
Yeah, I’m unable to discern his point.
This website seems to draw in a lot of edgy weirdos who write a lot of incoherent nonsensical comments for whatever reason. It’s strange, and unfortunate.
I’m pretty sure that this style of comment makes perfect sense to the “Ryans” of these comboxes, but where they completely miss the boat is in the fact that they seem to think their comments ought therefore to make sense to everyone else who speak and write normal coherent sentences and paragraphs. But here we get into the three minimal requirements for intelligent communication between minds and all that again. And as per the usual, the Ryan’s of the world are almost always the last to know how utterly nonsensical their “prose” truly are, if they ever figure it out at all (most don’t).
Are you okay?
Maybe Ryan had multiple browser pages open, and this was supposed to be posted on a different blog?
But Mr. Morris’ “edgy weirdo” theory is more plausible.
Don’t know but I’m in love with shooting tit girl.