Brothers in Christ and Purpose

I pray that this message finds you all doing very well.  Happy New Year!  God willing, it will be a prosperous year for all of us – especially our Nation.

This year is more than a crucial year.  I would dare say it is THE crucial year.  The Far Left has defined the movement and by extension, its high-water mark – or so they think.  They believe the waters have receded and they have broken us.  They believe we are on-the-run and/or in hiding.  It is now time for us to push back and ensure that those who despise our Nation and our people are defeated.  This year – 2020 – is a critical election year for the future of both the United States as a whole and our Nation specifically.  This will be the year by which every possible weapon to destroy our people will be thrown at them.  The Left needs to destroy our Nation in order to bring about the Marxist conclusion they deeply desire.

Make no mistake about it, the Southern people are the key stumbling block to Marxism.  In order to ensure a Leftist world domination – the Southerner must be eliminated.  The Southerner is the natural enemy of communism and her whorish sister, capitalism.

These are the times when men either come together and win or wither away into the oblivion of extinction. And, this is what I have learned: our movement needs God and the salvation of Jesus Christ to lead our Nation and our movement.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, I pray that every man who reads the following words understands me.  This movement has been built on a combination of legitimate societal grievances, cultural decadence, and an intellectually sound appreciation for historical facts.  While such a foundation can inspire anger among those of our Nation – especially those who are most harmed by the Leftist trajectory toward oblivion – it cannot inspire a spiritual love that transcends physical needs or desires.  We need to embody a moral rallying point upon which our Nation can plant an everlasting flag.

We need to be more than simply men who write commentary from a distance.  We need to be leaders of our communities.  We need to be builders of a new spiritual awakening that wraps our Nation in the protective Grace of God and protects her from the immoral decay of cultural and economic Marxism, as well as, the cannibalism of Capitalism.

It is important that we define ourselves, not only as proud Christians, but Christian Warriors – willing to surrender ourselves to hard work, volunteerism, and self-sacrifice for the benefit of our people.  It is time to put into action the very words that we believe:  The Southern People Mean More than Ourselves.  We should go armed – not with guns or fists – but with hammers and Bibles.  We need to show the Southern People that ours is a Christian organization committed to Christian principles and ready to sacrifice for a Christian Nation.

The time for action is now – in 2020!

The lessons of the Bible repeatedly teach that every defense of God’s people fails when they trust in either themselves or worse – ungodly alliances.  Whether it is Israel’s confidence that the Egyptians would save them from the Assyrian onslaught (2 Kings 17) rather than worship the Lord or Paul’s admonition that works alone will not save a man (Ephesians 2:9), we must implore and trust in God.  Let our good works delivered to our OWN people be a testimony to God, our heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the Son, and to the Holy Spirit that will rise within those who wish to do more for the South than simply type from a distance and fear being doxxed.

It is time we become missionaries to our own people and let them see Godly men engaged in the works of the Lord.  We must show the Southern Nation that it deserves goodness from her fellow citizenry; a citizenry led by God and filled with the Holy Spirit.  We must be a walking reward for the righteousness of a people who overwhelmingly trust in the Lord, the God, in defiance of a modern world exported to them from the North via the media.

This is more than a spiritual Awakening.  It is a practical necessity for a counter-revolution, as well. Dispensationalism has perverted the Southern sense of self, while the alternative Christian offering has been a secular degeneracy of quasi-rainbow flags and female pastors.  If we truly want to achieve our goals of a free and independent Nation-State, or simply survive as a unique people, we need to reclaim the mantle of the Word.  This will make us a beacon toward a true, Christian alternative, one in which the comfort of Christ is enjoyed by a people who vote overwhelmingly to preserve Christian values.

We must live the Word.  We must breathe the Word.  We must be the Word.  

Why recreate a new nationalist conscience when the most powerful national conscience already exists – that of the Southern Christian?  Let God lead this movement through a concerted and organized collection of positive actions for our people and our communities, such that we inspire nationalist sympathies and zeal, under the Cross of the One True God!  Let us be virtuous Christian Warriors for the South.

While others bring missionary work to East Africa and Haiti, let us bring missionary work to our own.

Trust me when I say, no one hates Christ more than the twin demons of economics:  sycophantic Capitalists and decadent Marxists.  They each despise Him.  They each hate God.  The path I suggest is both the easiest under which to rally a National Southern conscience and yet, it will be the most difficult.  Satan will throw everything at any group that acts in such a way.  But God will protect any group that acts in accordance of His will and places their protection under him.

This is the direction which we must embrace.  I pray that you truly consider this – if you have not done so already.  This is the way we win back a people who have become complacent by virtue of material possessions.  It is easier to enjoy ATVs, fishing boats, and NetFlix than to consider a revolutionary movement on behalf of the future of one’s people.

All of you are good men.  You would not be dedicated to such a cause if you were not inherently good.  I believe this to my very core that you comprise the best of your generation.  

Our survival depends on action and action depends on God.  It is in the very motto of the Southern cause.  Let that be our guide.

May the Grace of God be with all of you, my Brothers in Christ and Purpose.

Deo Vindice