Part 2: The Implications of the 2019 Long-Term Budget Outlook

The overwhelming majority of federal revenue comes from you. It does not come from businesses and not from corporate taxes, it comes from you, the middle-class working family. You are being forced to bankroll this whole scheme. In 2018, 50% of the government revenue came from your income taxes, while just a measly 7% of that revenue came from corporate taxes.

The tax cuts Trump secured for you are expiring and just now the elites have passed into law permanent tax cuts for corporations. You are getting screwed. You have less money to pay for things, less money to secure your future, and, most importantly, less money to provide for your family. Another thing the Left does get right is that rich corporations certainly need to be taxed. If it’s one thing conservatives have gotten wrong is the theory of trickle down economics will work. It hasn’t worked for decades and things have only gotten worse.

As national debt climbs, more money is printed to offset it. This, as we discussed in yesterday’s article, makes it worth less. In turn, this increases inflation – increasing the cost of goods and making it even harder to pay for things. It is this same scenario that led to the rise of hyperinflation in Wiemar Germany, before the NSDAP rose to power. It is on the horizon for us, too.

People want to blame millennials for their failures when they are not wholly in part responsible for them. The fact is – they were handed a turd sandwich. It’s only going to get worse for Gen X as this snowball rolls downhill.

What happens though when you try to fix all of this? What if you tax the corporations who are only paying 7% of the revenue? They simply pick up shop and move somewhere else (provided you can even get anything passed around their lobbyists). Now, you are left with devastated local economies. Jobs go, people lose their homes, lose the ability to survive, and everyone is hurt. The federal government loses out on that revenue, despite it being such a small percentage. Nobody wins and no one can win in the current system, except those already at the top. This is why I am a Southern Nationalist and an advocate for a Free Dixie. We cannot survive, so long as we remain attached to the Yankee Empire.

All of this doom and gloom does not mean we should cease our efforts to establish a political movement for a Free Dixie. In fact, having an independent and functioning country could shield us from the larger effects of a national collapse. We would be free to dictate our own economic policy and not be attached to the national deficit. I also want to offer you a solution and a goal to work towards on an individual level because I’m a firm believer that a country is only as strong as its citizens. Quality over quantity.

What can you as an individual or a family do to protect yourself from all of this? Now is the time to prepare. This doom and gloom is not hyperbole or guess work, it is real analytical forecasting based off information.

The biggest thing you can do is take advantage of what is left to prepare for the inevitable collapse of society as we know it. Acquiring physical goods, which cannot be taken from you should the system stop, is critical. These things are land with natural resources, houses, material items which allow you to exploit this land – be it tools, canning goods, cooking items, skills and knowledge, etc. You need to be able to educate your children in these things so they may survive and be fruitful. Homestead living is the key solution to surviving this. The other important thing is starting a business in your local community that provides real jobs, real goods, and real services. This is how you restore the local economy. It is why I support small business over big business any day of the week. You live with small businesses day in and day out.

When the Great Depression hit, those who felt it the most were those that relied on the economic system in order to sustain themselves. Those that lived on homesteads were largely unaffected. Life continued on normally, but also back then they didn’t have to deal with mass demographic replacement. Getting out of the cities and the urban sprawl is key to the future of your family and kin. Building communities is the key to survival. More like minded people allows tasks to be divided up, lessening the work load and allows you to pursue other things.

This is why Identity Dixie advocates that you network and expand your efforts to build a community. It will be one of the most important things you can do to survive this. You can survive what is coming and I hope that you will begin taking measures to do so. Learn a trade, get married, have lots of babies, and secure your existence. The Lord is on your side.

There are other things you can do though to stave off this coming economic collapse and it’s arguably the most important one – support your local businesses. Buy local, and if you can’t buy local, buy American. I go out of my way to buy local or American as a matter of fact. Why? Because not only is it a patriotic duty to my people, it is an incentive to keep production and business here. That’s real jobs with someone you could have a beer with down at the corner bar. That’s a real person and a real family you have positively impacted by investing in their business by buying their services or goods.

This just a small way that you can support our people. Will things potentially be more expensive if they have that, “Made in the USA” tag on them? Probably, but you know your money is going to help someone either locally or in your country versus some faceless overseas corporation.

While an impending economic collapse sounds scary or tinfoil, we can lessen its consequences by taking action now. All is not lost and never has been. Society as we know it will change drastically, but it will not end and it will take time for things to stabilize. It most certainly isn’t the “end times,” but simply will be the start of a new era and it’s not one where you will be running around Mad Max style. It will be one where you will deal with initial violence and once the violence is gone, society will do what it always has done, build.

God bless you and God bless Dixie.


  1. What are your thoughts on the possibility of the dollar losing it’s reserve currency status if (or as) investors get worried about these things? I’m not an economist, but that seems like a game changer.

    1. Frankly I don’t think it’s going to happen for a good long while simply because the U.S. has its hands in too many pots that it would hurt everyone. Secondly the U.S. can simply push tariffs or embargo’s on nations not willing to comply which will obviously hurt them greatly in many cases. If that doesn’t work a simple false flag attack later and the Wiemerica war machine is kicking down your door.

      That being said if it does happen it’s going to tank the dollars value even further than it already is. If it wasn’t for inflation the dollars worth would make your eyes water. In fact if it was to lose its status as a reserve currency it would probably be the stroke that drops the floor out from underneath it. Obviously this will create a chain even as the economy collapses as the prices of raw resources skyrocket in relative value to the dollar.

      There’s too much uncertainty for me to say but these are the most likely scenarios that come to mind off the top of my head. They may be right or completely wrong as they are only simply assessments. What isn’t wrong though is all the other stuff I wrote as that is all based of raw data and not conjecture.

  2. I don’t really think there is any such thing as the acquisition of “physical goods that can’t be taken from you should the system collapse,” but I agree with most of what you’ve said in the article in any case. You won’t be able to survive the collapse if you don’t have those things, whether they are eventually taken from you or not. It is important (and vital) to our survival to have the tools and skills necessary to grow our own vegetables, shoot and dress our own meat, etc., and to teach these skills to your children and grandchildren.

    I think the definition of “inflation” hasn’t really anything much to do with the price of goods and services, but rather refers to the amount of currency in circulation vs real assets (or the lack thereof as it were) to back it up. If there is an over-abundance of printed money in circulation, that is inflation as I understand it, and it stands to reason that the purchasing power of a buck would then decrease in proportion to the existing disparity between assets of real value and the amount of money in circulation. Deflation is of course its opposite.

    I’ll tell you a quick anecdote that I lived through related to the income tax (which is the most unjust forms of taxation out there to my mind, but that’s a different subject for a different time). I’m sure you know all too well that IRS and state tax agencies or commissions work together and share information to deprive the commoners of their wealth and their assets. In 2010 I was a victim of these scheming liars at IRS and received a letter from the Oklahoma Tax Commission informing me that they were beginning proceedings to take my house and property (thereby putting my family in destitution). The issue was that in 2007 I filed my taxes with IRS and Oklahoma Tax Commission, and IRS in turn made and accounting error duplicating one of the 1099s I turned in that was in the amount of just under $80,000.00 ($79, 867. 13 or whatever it was). The exact amount is important to understanding this because (as I noted right away when I saw the spread sheet) they had obviously duplicated that particular 1099, and were trying to tax me on that additional income that I never claimed because it never existed. And since I hadn’t claimed it there were a bunch of penalties assessed and blah blah. At the end of the day the tax assessed was essentially half that amount or just a little over. Oklahoma Tax Commission got wind of this and wanted its cut. They too assessed a bunch of penalties and whatnot and said I owed them around $10, 000. 00. In the midst of my trying to explain their error to them at IRS Oklahoma Tax Commission slapped the tax lean on my house and property and gave me 90 days or something to “pay up.”

    Long story short, I borrowed the money to pay Oklahoma Tax Commission and sent it to them along with a letter explaining all of this in fine detail. Several weeks later they removed the tax lean and promised to return my money promptly. I had to jump through a bunch of hoops to get this all straightened out with IRS who didn’t lift a finger to help me (of course) since they don’t think they are capable of making such mistakes or whatever. But do you think I ever saw a penny of that money back? Of course not. C’mon. IRS confiscated it from Oklahoma Tax Commission and said it was for accounting fees and penalties and blah blah.

    These people are vultures and evil. I want nothing to do with them, and in a sane country and a just world believe they would be hanged for their criminality.

    But anyway, now that I got that off my chest. Ha, ha.

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