Seeing the Spiral

It’s always been my public contention that terms like ACCELERATIONISM should be avoided. First of all, it can create a false implication that dissident activists want the situation to deteriorate, when in reality we’d like our peers to reembrace sanity so that life can improve and become sustainable for everyone.

Second, it can give people the mistaken impression that you’re a nutjob who’s trying to foment some sort of violent civil conflict. That can be used disingenuously by our powerful persecutors to further erode the 1st Amendment. A teenager who doesn’t appreciate the risks could employ such vocabulary in his juvenile online humor and find the FBI at his door.

However, I’ve got to concede that Western society is indeed accelerating towards something. What that is depends upon how I feel when I wake up in the morning. Usually, it’s calamity. Things feel positively insane compared to just 15 years ago when everything I was concerned about wore a skirt or could be chugged from an aluminum can.

Here’s a selection of jarring photos from this past week to demonstrate my point:

This is an actual altar piece for St. Paul’s Church in Malmo, Sweden. It features a transgender serpent and interracial gay couples. This is part of the official Church of Sweden.


This is a 5-year-old boy being tortured and scarred for life in Scotland. His parents have begun transitioning him into a tranny, which they insist is his choice. His “father” is actually a woman. Misgendering either one will land you in jail, as opposed to shoplifting, for which you cannot be arrested.

Totally normal.

Here we have a courageous Polish guy armed with a narwhal tusk sustain multiple slash wounds to fight off a bloodthirsty Pakistani who’d been released from prison despite trying to blow up the London Stock Exchange. The Jihadi has more countrymen in the city than the Brits he murdered. 

Wonder if the Brits will attempt to de-radicalize the Pole.

Homosexual pornography? No, this is our presidential election. The dignity of the USA in two photographs. If this is the cover of the DVD, how much worse does it get once you start watching? We’re all gonna find out. 

Our previous presidential candidates killed the British and Indians.

In 2001, the words “Somali” and “vacuum cleaner” would never have even appeared in the same publication. The movie Black Hawk Down came out about a military misadventure in a God-forsaken desert far away. Now, they’ve been imported en masse. Your local Walmart has become that desert. They’re battling for an item to be paid for with your tax dollars. 

This is what the Founders wanted for us.

Speaking of vacuums, nothing transpires in one. Everything and all of us are part of a seamless chain of events. So, my question is: can you not take one look around and get the sensation there’s something truly unpleasant just a bit further down our timeline?


  1. There are no brakes on this train. I know full well much worse is to come. I truly fear for the future of not just the South but the entire western world at this point. If the west goes the world will be plunged into a dark ages never before seen. Truly glum times are ahead.

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