As globalist politicians open the floodgates on our once salvageable country, the First World will grow more and more to resemble their new populations. “Empires come home,” so they say, and we’ve been long abroad and in so many places that we’ll have plenty of new cooks in our collective kitchens. Whether it be Botswanan dried caterpillars or Cambodian tarantulas, you may soon need to acquire a taste for some bug. This isn’t hyperbole.
With the global population growing with over 80 million new mouths to feed, we must step back and ask how can we feed them. With Africa’s population set to double by 2050, you can expect our global food network to come under a new and greater strain to meet the new global demand. After the Africans wipe out Africa’s mega fauna, in order to house and feed them, what will become of the newly populated African continent?
Don’t you worry, though. Our globalist politicians see nothing wrong with plucking the runoff from Somali overpopulation right in your backyard. Naturally, think of the greater vibrancy and decline in your community’s social cohesion. And, look forward to an increased demand on your local produce. Of course, those poor economic migrants, I mean refugees, will need some economic stimuli, and as the only taxpayer left in town, you’ll need to foot the bill.
So, now you’re a little more strapped for cash, but you’re meeting out those payments on your second mortgage and your car is only a month behind, so why not treat yourself to a nice juicy hamburger. Ah yes, the delicious crunch of free-range cricket legs, something you always thought was missing, is now a Whole Foods Market reality. Thanks to overburdened food supplies and the infinite wisdom of our plutocracy, bug farms will soon produce the bulk of your dietary protein, if we keep to our present course.
How do we avoid such a bountiful and enriched future?
First and foremost, stop subsidizing the Third World’s population growth. The American Empire provides around $2,000,000,000 in foreign aide food relief to Africa each year. As of 2017, 37 African countries were receiving food aide, with 226.7 million people at risk of starvation. ⅔ of American aide goes to transportation of goods to Africa, meaning taxpayers, like you and me, foot a 3 dollar bill for every 1 dollar that actually shows up. It’s a clumsy system, heavily reliant on petroleum to harvest and transport vast amounts of food each year. If there was any disruption in the global network of food distribution, we could be poised to see millions die, and that’s just based on today’s population figures.
A rational man would ask, “Why not skip the possibilities of impending self-inflicted extermination by starvation and institute humane policies which limit overpopulation?” The short answer is that you are a bigot for simply asking that question. Malthusian Theory is real, despite normie, NGO and safe political perceptions of reality. Africans should have all the children they want, while you should forgo child rearing in favor of purchasing your next iPhone. So what if you can’t afford a steak in 2040? Uber Eats will deliver your bug ration timely and efficiently to your cramped apartment and throw in a free soy latte.
They say that all it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing, and in the face of an impending population explosion, we have done nothing. Hell awaits those of us who are not ready to pushback against the tide and delicious bug burger consumption is how you will atone.

We are witnessing, not the natural end of a great human civilization, but the birth of an inhuman civilization that could never have come into being without a vast, an immense, a universal sterilization of life’s highest values