The Neverending Story: Optics

Optics, for those still unfamiliar with this term, means how the public perceives you by your words and actions. Optics play a huge part of our daily lives, whether we know it or not. As Southern Nationalists, optics should always be a top priority. We need to stand out from the rest of the country by being upstanding citizens, dressing well, carrying ourselves with dignity and always speaking with truth, honesty and courage.

These days, the Alt-Right has lost touch with this concept. To the modern Alt-Right, optics are nothing more then a piece of equipment you put on your budget-built AR. You’re not going to win over the masses by playing GI Joe in the woods, trying to prepare for the upcoming one-man, John Rambo boogaloo. You’re not going to sway public opinion by handing out controversial literature or burning religious books and giving the Roman salute.

This does nothing but attract antisocial spergs, individuals that cause more animosity towards the South and our people. When your cause actually has a meaningful purpose, you don’t need to resort to these types of actions to gain attention. If you carry yourself like a proper Southern gentleman, you will stand out. This has been a topic, the importance of optics, that some of our readers have lamented that we’ve obsessed over, that we’ve beaten a dead horse. To that charge, I’d say you’re wrong. Optics will always matter and always be critical to any dissident movement.

In a society where people wear their pajamas in public and walk around partially naked, a well dressed man or woman is a positive example. Being well read and well spoken is another advantage. It’s hard for the Left to twist a story to fit their agenda when you don’t give them a reason to write a story. We are not Hollywood Nazis or toothless Klan members, in both appearance or ideology, but we are something else – we are Southern gentlemen. We should all strive to stand out from the degraded elements of the public. Not just for the sake of the movement, but for your own personal growth and standing.

Whether you’re at a job interview or bidding on contracts, being well dressed and spoken are both huge advantages. Just for an example, I’m in the construction buisness and I regularly give estimates. I always try to put on a clean suit (or sportscoat) and look professional, which is difficult to do when you’re usually covered in sweat and grime. However, by doing this, I’ve gotten jobs that other contractors estimated at cheaper rates. Think about it. What looks better to a potential customer? A well dressed person, who has a clean truck and well maintained equipment, or a guy wearing wrinkled jeans, pulling a run-down trailer with run-down equipment on it?

Now, imagine if every Southern Nationalist adopted this ideology? All over the South, we would have multitudes of people who dress well, speak intelligently, take pride in their work and help their fellow Southerner out. The movement would gain a lot of attention and better optics associated with it. At that point, the public opinion would sway in our favor. It’s hard to denigrate a movement that promotes family, tradition and Christianity.

If you’re on the fence about what is good or bad optics, ask yourself these questions: What will be the outcome of my actions? What type of attention will it bring? What is the goal? And, who or what will benefit, or be hurt, from my actions?

These are things that should absolutely be considered before you do anything.

In closing, it’s important we think outside the box with our strategy to win this struggle. We have to be smarter than our enemy, which means we can’t play their game. We already know anything we do will be twisted by the media, so it’s important we stay out of the media’s eyes.

If we’re going to win this, it’s going to require swaying the public opinion in our direction. That will always require good optics.

-By Dixie Anon


  1. 1 dress nicely
    3 Southern Nationalism

    Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

    I’m not in disagreement, but the details are lacking.

  2. My original comment is still in moderation, but I wanted to add that I went to the splc “hate” watch site looking for other sites to read and ended up reading about ID. Maybe you do have details.

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