Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me

Whether or not our national implosion is a real thing is often a matter of perspective. Depending upon where you are, perhaps there’s nothing to notice with your own two eyes. Thus, the broader picture might elude you entirely. I try to stay cognizant of this, rather than resorting to despair, since Clownworld tends to intersect with my life rather frequently.

Earlier in the summer, I vacationed down in Hilton Head, South Carolina, my beach destination of preference. While I was dining at a restaurant one night, Tyrus (the former professional wrestler and sexual harassment guy at Fox) walked in. After making sure my wallet was secure, I muttered “there goes the neighborhood” under my breath. I resolved to go much further afield for my next vacation.

A month later, I headed up to New England. The destination was a quaint beach town where we spent a week. It’s the sort of place where a seafood dinner for a family of four ran me a couple hundred bucks. It gets rather chilly a night, but I must admit it was a pleasant venture into Yankeeland.

I can’t recall seeing more than two POCs the entire time and obesity was mighty scarce. Apparently, the Obamas had just purchased a place over on Martha’s Vineyard (a wise 15-million-dollar investment since he truly believes in Global Warming). It was a really nice town, and I couldn’t help but think that if you dwelt there full time and didn’t watch the news, it might be impossible to convince you that this country is dying.

Moreover, it’s so expensive that nobody there has to worry about getting bombed with Kurds or Somalis, unlike other pleasant areas with more affordable real estate. If that’s is the sort of place where you reside, check out Rebel Yell 150 to get some depressing info about your future neighbors.

My Southern hometown has a per capita murder rate on par with Chicago, but it’s got some nice areas such as my neighborhood. However, it’s the sort of municipality where things can go from fine to far worse in well under a mile. 

The Morlocks also come for the Eloi on occasion. My elderly neighbor could attest to that, but they got him in a deadly invasion of his waterfront home. Has your toddler ever stumbled upon a loaded pistol and bag of weed left behind by a startled burglar? I’ve got another who could fill you in on that heartwarming experience.

A couple weeks ago, I was chatting with a guy on his way home to Texas while waiting for a flight. Late the night before, he’d been to my local Walmart and was clearly rattled. This dude was a combat veteran, so I suppose he’s got a pretty decent gauge for bad. He was appalled by his harrowing retail experience. From brutal, senseless murder to sexual assault, all flavors of mayhem have transpired in that parking lot.  I imparted the following advice: Don’t ever let the sun go down on you at Walmart.

The point I’m driving at with this disjointed rant is that someone like myself, from a place like where I’m from, requires zero admonitions against irrational optimism. I suspect that’s the case with most consumers of dissident rightwing media. What I wonder about is what it takes to get the average person from someplace decent to notice. Is it only when things finally go bad? I’d like to believe that’s not the case. 

One comment

  1. It is both the strength and weakness of the current cultural paradigm, on what constitutes the right these days, of rugged individualism, that it is difficult to set a fire in these people one way or the other unless you directly effect them personally.

    This continues to be our greatest obstacle to redpilling the normie. Its also why, especially in the South and Appalachia, the remnant Scots Irish population, who are born with this tendency, are not farther gone than they are. Its a defense mechanism, born of many generations of hardship at the hands the elite/aristocratic classes of several continents, many centuries. This mechanism comes with a built in bullshit detector.

    We are good hearted, hard working and can take a lick’n but keep on ticking. But we are frustratingly stubborn, and don’t bend easily.

    There are two ways to personalize these problems.

    1) Negative Accelerationism – tactics used to make the Left overreach, to a point they begin to demonstrate openly their intentions against all of us, by victimizing people who otherwise aren’t paying attention because of the above.

    2) Positive Engagement – We used to have this, and its self explanatory. We need to be active in a positive way in our people’s everyday lives, not just when we want to get them to the polls or need support from them. The Golden Dawn and other groups, do this in worse conditions than we currently face. We don’t anymore, and its because that individualism has been coopted into ambivalence by “Conservatism”.

    Do you want to win the normie? You will need to accomplish one or the other or both of the above goals.

    So far we have tried to brute force this on people with statistics and facts and horrifying stories of black on white crime. But against the most skeptical creatures that have ever walked this blue ball, this is futile. The louder you shout, the more convinced they are you’re nuts.

    This is a Yankee strategy, arrogant and conceited. Its long past time we set those failed tactics aside and engaged our people directly, as equals.

    Forget the people of the North, germans, Anglos and all the other flavors. I don’t understand them. I do understand the Scots Irish. I am, among other things, one of them and this certainly is the dominant aspect of my personality.

    If we aren’t going to do the “white identity” or white blank slate thing anymore, then we need to pick a flavor we are going to cultivate the identity for.

    I vote that it be the Scots Irish. For what thats worth.

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