The recent leaks out of the Medical Examiner’s office about broken bones in Epstein’s neck need to be looked at very carefully. The Medical Examiner found “broken bones in Epstein’s neck” and everyone is crowing about the hyoid bone. Placing significance on the hyoid bone is ill placed. It’s a variable that I hope this post can help explain.
For someone Epstein’s age, 66, the hyoid is just one bone, a bone that’s been fused together since he was middle aged. The leak out of the MEs office said “bones,” meaning multiple broken bones in his neck. Those other bones hold much more information as to what happened inside his cell last Friday night. Conspiracy theorists across the internet are saying that a broken hyoid is proof that Epstein was murdered, while others are saying it’s proof he killed himself. It’s neither.
This is what the hyoid bone actually is:
The Hyoid bone is located between the mandible (jaw/chin) and the larynx (voice box) and it functions as support for the tongue and associated muscles, held up by tiny ligaments and muscles shown in Photo 1.

The three separate bones of the hyoid bone, the body, the smaller horn, and the greater horn begin to fuse together rapidly in middle age. The fusion progression is shown in Photo 2.

Just like the skull of an infant fuses together as the child grows, the hyoid is in three pieces which begin to fuse together typically by the age of 45-50ys. Age is important here; Epstein was 66, the bone density for someone past the age of 30 decreases rapidly year by year and the same is so for the hyoid bone, despite it actively fusing. Age and sex can be determined by the bone density of the hyoid, that’s how reliably uniform the structure of this bone is. At 66 years of age, the risk of a break in the hyoid bone is substantially increased, as shown in the graphs on Photos 3 and 4.

Johnathan Arden, the president of the National Association of Medical Examiners, said a broken hyoid is more commonly associated with homicidal strangulation than suicidal hanging: “.. finding of a broken hyoid requires pathologists to conduct more extensive investigation, including analysis of the location of the noose, how narrow the noose is, and if the body experienced any substantial drop in the course of the hanging.” Spine fractures most often are the result in complete hangings, when the someone is dropped from a height usually greater than or equal to the patient’s height. So, unless Epstein could fly, a facture of the second cervical vertebrae is a messy screw up. Statements like Arden’s need to be considered in relation to the bone density of the hyoid relative to the age of the individual to whom it belongs.
There has also been a false equivalency to the Eric Garner case. Officer Daniel Pantele was on trial for killing Eric Garner, 44, via unlawful chokehold and was cleared of all charges based entirely on Garner’s hyoid bone not being broken. The reason why the condition of the hyoid bone in the Garner case has absolutely nothing in common with the condition of the hyoid bone in this Epstein investigation is because of the age of both men. Garner’s hyoid wasn’t even completely fused and, without getting too far into racial differences, was much more dense than Epstein’s. Any theory about Epstein’s death that includes anything about Eric Garner or Officer Pantele is bullshit.
Each structure in the human body has different weight capacities it can withstand before they collapse. Jugular veins collapse under 4.4 pounds of pressure, carotid arteries collapse under 5.5 to 22 pounds, the vertebral arteries will collapse under 18 to 66 pounds, the trachea will collapse under 33 pounds of pressure, and the cricoid cartilage will fracture under 45 pounds of pressure. The collapse of each of these vital structures can lead to immediate death.
That is why the Hyoid Bone is a distraction. That bone is the least important bone in the whole M.E. report. It’s the most inconclusive thing to leak. It’s so ambiguous that the reporting focusing on it is completely subjective, almost to the point of being purposefully negligent in a vacuum of facts. It’s a slight of hand. The person inside the Medical Examiner’s Office with priviledged access chose to leak information focusing on the Hyoid Bone in place of anything of substance. It’s no longer a conspiracy theory to assume their intention was to obfuscate and stall, not to inform. It’s throwing mud in the eyes of the public while they wait out our dwindling interest.
When information is leaked about the other broken bones found in Epstein’s neck, call me. Until then, try to avoid this hyoid bone distraction. Don’t fall for it. Refrain from entertaining the implications of it.
Hyoid bone fusion and bone density across the lifespan: prediction of age and sex.

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.