Retake Everything Begins With You

“Retake Everything” begins as a simple phrase of self-improvement. We should strive to better ourselves, always be honorable and then have a positive influence on our friends, neighbors and even society itself. The following are just a few basic thoughts to help set you onto this path of self-improvement.     

Step one, go to Church regularly. God is the foundation of everything else, so find your own choice of a good conservative congregation. Without Jesus, there will be no changing directions and with Him, we have the moral base to excel, both in our personal lives but also as a people.   

Step two, learn a combat sport of your choice. This is not only crucial for self-defense, but also builds character, work ethic, physical strength and endurance to accompany self-esteem. Boxing clubs give children, teens and young adults a chance for real world competition, while a grappling technique such as Jiu-Jitsu is a logical compliment. Classes are one thing, but remember that you haven’t been tested until you’ve actually fought competitively.  

Step three, learn a trade. Many university degrees are nearing the point of losing their original meaning,  purpose and value. Furthermore, most people incur tens, or perhaps hundreds, of thousands of dollars in loans with decades of debt slavery attached. Conversely, one can complete a trade school of their choice in short order and begin to earn a solid, livable, debt-free wage to support a young family. Know that a community of such skilled professionals would remain strong and vibrant even during the worst of times.

Step four, get married. Find a young lady of solid moral character, ask her father for courtship approval and begin. Be the man you would want your own future daughters to court. A lady should never give away her purity prior to marriage and a young gentleman worthy of being her husband should never take it prematurely. Finally, ask her father for her hand in marriage!

Step five, have a quiver full of children and raise them appropriately. I know what you’re thinking, “We can’t afford (more) children right now!” There are numerous fully subsidized or partially paid for health programs such as Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act, respectively. In a social media discussion of the topic, someone said they are both solely income-based, while not asset based, so ownership of your own home or even some retirement savings won’t necessarily disqualify. If you do qualify, there is absolutely no moral wrong for a taxpayer to utilize a program that he’s already been forced to fund. There are also other choices as well. My wife and I use one of the top three Christian based health sharing programs and also shop for children’s clothes, toys and books at local thrift stores and the Goodwill. Remember, the perfect time may not arrive, while healthy fertility is fleeting, so take advantage of this God-given gift now while you still can.

Step six, get more involved in your own local community. This begins with things such as your children’s recreation, playing on a local football team, baseball league or perhaps a Christian-based version of the Scouts. Although not local, once a year the SCV hosts a wonderful week-long summer camp for children and teens called the Sam Davis Youth Camp. For yourself, involvement in the local community might include Freemasonry or another fraternal order, Church activities or if you can be patient and go with a few like-minded friends perhaps even participation in your county GOP.

Identity Dixie is doing good things and changing lives. I’ve experienced this personally, as I’m now active and involved with a home Church. I’d even go so far as to say that I’ve been impacted enough that this 40-something year old, lifelong bachelor has finally been propelled into marriage. My wife and I now have a beautiful and healthy baby boy and we pray to be blessed with several more children. Numerous young men have found Christ for the first time and are excited about the Lord. I heard someone once described us as, “Christian missionaries to the Dissident Right.

Certainly, Identity Dixie is changing lives for the better, so let this positive change begin with you and “Retake Everything!”

-By Tex Wood


  1. Excellent article. My family finds itself looking for a church. We attended one for 19 years and had to leave due to the jew worship plus we had moved, so the drive didn’t warrant what was being taught. Since then we have tried several, but alas, their message has been corrupted. Would you tell us more about this Home Church?

    1. Retake Everything includes all of our institutions; most if not all of the people at Identity Dixie attend some of the more conservative mainstream Christian denominations.

    1. I visited the youth camp some years ago when a friend’s children attended and was truly impressed- a good friend was also a councilor there as well. If you get to know the folks at your local SCV they’ll likely sponsor your children’s attendance so there won’t be a huge financial cost.

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