Enslavement Through Virtue

It seems, for all observable intents, that “white guilt” has hit an all time high among many of the visible faces in public circles and with no signs of stopping, even as racial tensions continue to increase to all-time highs. I want to be very clear about something, shake off “white guilt.”

I am a GWOT veteran. I’ve seen war. It was my life for four years. While there are certainly others more familiar or exposed to the battlefield consequences of war, what I have experience with is the large range of socioeconomic and geopolitical impacts war has. War is hell. If anyone tells you something different, they’re full of shit.

Alarmingly, there are many on both sides (politically) who desire to see these tensions turn into an all-out conflict. For the Left, this is the natural endgame of “demographics are destiny” or “Diversity + Proximity = War.” For the Far Right (typically, the spergy, shortsighted variant), this is called accelerationism. And, based off my lived experiences, I can tell you that conflict is something no rational person desires. We’ve posted that sentiment many times on this website. The only people who desire war are those who have never been in it.

Anyway, “white guilt” has been used as a tool by forces, who are clearly antagonistic, not only against white people, but the entire Western world. By planting the notion of needing to renounce every single historical atrocity,  however minor or major, policy decision, cultural norm, military engagement, etc., the European people are put into a societal defensive position. The proponents of the “white guilt” mandate are not normal people, they are very angry and they are a very jealous people.

This insatiable anger stems from decades of, for a lack of a better phrase, shit thinking. Multitudes of other races and people have been conquered by Europeans, but the key factor to point out is the hypocrisy in believing Europeans are the only ones who did any form of conquering and enslavement. Only a fool would believe that everyone in this world is innocent of warfare. Arabs, Africans and Asians have done, in excess, more than their fair share of conquering. What do you think the Mongols did? What about Arab pirates who went around kidnapping Europeans and selling them off as slaves (and sex slaves at that)? Not important? How about all the people enslaved under Soviet rule? We can keep going if you like.

The point is: it doesn’t matter who it is, everyone has dirt on their hands. Stop feeling sorry about it. Unless you can somehow figure out quantum physics and go back in time, you have no way to change anything that has happened in history. So, stop feeling sorry for things that are beyond your control. While it’s normal and okay to feel remorse for things in the past, you must understand and recognize when that is being twisted for the benefit of groups of people who are not your friends.

We have created the most advanced civilization ever. We invented the modern world, though there is plenty that needs changing. We built the modern world and we shared our gifts of discovery with others. We are responsible for creating some of the highest standards of living the world has ever seen. Even our poor never really have to worry about starving to death because, generally  speaking, there will be someone, or some institution, there to help them. This is America – our poor live like kings compared to the Third World.

Have you ever thought the reason why other areas of the world have essentially not left the Stone Age is because they are incapable of doing so? I mean, simply incapable. Not some outside force “holding them down,” but they do not have the means to crawl out of primitivism.

Why can we observe, repeatedly, that Africa has the worst living conditions in the entire planet: cannibalism, child soldiers, epidemic HIV rates, civilizational squalor, crop failures, routine civil wars, etc.? It can’t be just a coincidence. Despite uncountable billions of dollars in foreign aid and supplies, that goes right into the pockets of corrupt African politicians (which you can’t swing a stick without hitting one) or warlords, they still remain as they have for thousands of years. You can’t blame that on white guilt.

When do you, as an individual, realize you are not responsible for this? That you are not responsible for their inability to form stable, peaceful and functioning societies. If this wasn’t the case, everything that has been done to “make up for past sins” would have made a vast difference, but it hasn’t and it never will.

What sense does it make to listen or believe in this white guilt nonsense? Stop apologizing for your ancestors.

One comment

  1. I tend to think (although I could definitely be wrong since I freely admit I can’t possibly be right about everything – Ha!) that the biggest part of “white guilt” we see on constant display is actually virtue signaling, and not any real or genuine remorse for past wrongs committed by our ancestors. This is one of the reasons I literally despise social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, and would ban them all if it were up to me. I have said for a long time now that the average IQ on such forums can’t possibly be above about 85, and that’s being generous. I don’t participate in those forums and never will, but now and again some jackass will send me a screenshot from a “discussion” (s)he is engaged in on Facebook, and whenever this happens I immediately ask the offending person nicely to not do that anymore. If they persist in doing so against my wishes, which occasionally happens as well, then the gloves come off and I tell them in no uncertain terms, “Do Not send me that crap!; if I wanted to read it I’d open my own account and read it for myself.” Which of course is a perfectly reasonable demand.

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