References to Weimerica, likening present day America’s descent to that of Weimar Germany, are common on the Alt-Right. In Weimerica, it is all about personal gratification, embracing all, and decadence for all. On a trip to Bloomington last month, I saw a glimpse of Weimerica…
There is only one Wal-Mart in my rural county -and no Kmart, no Target, no Sam’s Club, no Costco, no city type mall with department stores, and not even a strip mall with three or four little chain stores in it. (Personally, I like the rural nature of my home county, but it does make shopping a bit difficult). When I periodically need some items from a Sam’s Club, I can either drive north to Bloomington or southeast to Clarksville (directly across the Ohio River from Louisville, Kentucky). This time I went north to Bloomington, the home campus of Indiana University. Mistake.
Bloomington, because of the college, is always rather “vibrant”. It is very common to see East Asians, Indians (Calcutta, not Comanche), and women in Muslim attire. Traditionally there have not been too many Negroes in Bloomington.
As I walked through Sam’s Club, I began to form this post in my mind. Sam’s Club was the only stop I made before heading back south. Before I had gotten 75 feet past the front door, I saw a young Muslim woman in a hijab, of Middle Eastern ethnicity, but otherwise clad in fashionable western attire. She was with another girl, a young white woman in shorts and a t-shirt. No women in burkahs this time, but I have seen that in Bloomington before. Only in Weimerica…
As I was shopping for paper goods, I walked down an aisle with a Hispanic man speaking Spanish. This was the only foreign language that I heard there, though one can hear Asians speaking their languages at the College Mall sometimes. I walked past a sluttly dressed Asian woman in the food section, though there were not as many Asians there as there often are. Only in Weimerica…
I did walk past one white guy wearing a yellow cap with the Gadsden snake on it; he also had an American Indian themed tattoo on his arm. I smell a civic nationalist. (Recall my 26 June post here Reclaim the Gadsden Flag). How does one logically embrace multiculturalism and a symbol of the white separatist society of Revolution era America? Only in Weimerica…
Then I went to the checkout. Five lanes open: one white girl, one weak looking white dude, one tattooed black girl, one cornrow weave black girl, and one butched afro hair black girl. Hmm. I chose the freckled white girl, who was clean and neat and quite friendly. There were a lot more Negroes than usual working there that day. Only in Weimerica…
The wooded terrain between Bedford and Bloomington is quite pretty, but there is a darkness in the college town. Primarily because of IU, the vibrancy, queer presence, and Culturalism Marxism meter is tuned to max in Bloomington. Yes indeed, Only in Weimerica…