By 1867, the Klan became the primary means through which Southerners resisted Reconstruction but also used it to settle scores and commit atrocious crimes.

Southern Nationalism
By 1867, the Klan became the primary means through which Southerners resisted Reconstruction but also used it to settle scores and commit atrocious crimes.
This third wave of Reconstruction generally remains shrouded in silence. Despite the lack of recognition, this particular period inflicted much more damage than even Southern identiarians care to admit.
“Of one thing we may be certain at the outset. The durability of Origins of the New South is not a result
The Presidential Election of 1948 bewildered the American Empire and solidified itself in American politics as one of the greatest
Besieged in Richmond by the manlet Yankee horde, under the control of the Gains Goblin General Ulysses S. Grant, food
Before the War of Northern Aggression, Benjamin Dyer Merchant was working in his father’s mercantile business in Dumfries, Virginia. He
Dixie has gone through three distinct periods of Reconstruction. The first and most famous began in 1865 with Appomattox and
Foreword: This essay was originally featured on the old website before said site’s deletion from WordPress. This is a revised
Surprisingly little has been written of the dark period of American history known as the Reconstruction Era. Though, through the
Foreword: This post is a bit on the short side but important with all these controversial elections as of late.