Author’s Preface: I purposely write little of theology. I see myself as unqualified to do so and generally wish to
Tag: Christianity
Dual Covenant Heresy: Modern Israel is not Israel
A major problem in American Christianity today is the notion of “Judeo-Christian” values and “dual-covenant” theology. These notions are contributing
War is Here: A Response to Peter Wehner
Author’s Note: The following is a response to Peter Wehner’s recent article, “The Evangelical Church is Breaking Apart,” that appeared
The Silver Lining of Secularization
Something I have detailed before, in fact it was my very first Identity Dixie article, is finally getting more and
It Will Never Be Enough
Recently, Lars Gardfeldt, an openly homosexual priest in the Church of Sweden, has announced that he will not be conducting
I Will Make Known My Lineage
Regarding Afghanistan. There is nothing to say that has not been said by those, both believers and heretics, better versed
What’s in a Flag: The American Flag over God
I’ve been driving around through many rural areas recently and one thing I’ve noticed is that many churches have flagpoles
Dixie: The Christ of the Americas
During the 18th and 19th centuries, Poland was divided and ruled by three foreign powers – Russia, Prussia, and Austria.
Paganism Revisited
I recently grabbed lunch with a friend of mine who I hadn’t seen in a while. We caught up, talked
New Cult Just Dropped
I recently saw an image depicting men in crowns wielding rifles in a church which piqued my interest. The image