Civilization is dependent upon class and cannot exist without it. I mean this quite literally; as to have a functioning

Southern Nationalism
Civilization is dependent upon class and cannot exist without it. I mean this quite literally; as to have a functioning
Reconcile: verb – 1st definition: restore friendly relations between; cause to coexist in harmony. Reconciliation: noun –1st definition: the restoration of friendly relations. For years, many
Southern Nationalism is heavily tied with Christianity, which should be a surprise to no one. Dixie is the home of
Originally published February 11, 2023, at Dissident Mama. Marshall L. DeRosa is a retired Professor of Political Science, Florida Atlantic
“In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.” Desiderius Erasmus After beating Covid-19, attention is shifting toward
For years, the political Left and Right have been constrained within the framework of democratic labels. Even within functional constitutional
I’m not a Beltway creature, but I recently found myself chatting with some associates over lunch right in the heart
If you have ever had a conversation with a non-braindead Mississippian about Mississippi politics or paid any attention to the
The rapid and total promotion of degeneracy and anti-White/anti-Christian values in children’s entertainment has become something of a unifying force
The Relationship Between Bureaucracy and Collapse